L0 范数图像平滑(L0 Smooth) 代码及详细注释 【OpenCV】

原理可以参考原作者的论文 以及 这位大神写的博客

OpenCV 实现


cv::Mat L0Smoothing(cv::Mat &im8uc3, double lambda = 2e-2, double kappa = 2.0) {
    // convert the image to double format
    int row = im8uc3.rows, col = im8uc3.cols;
    cv::Mat S;
    im8uc3.convertTo(S, CV_64FC3, 1. / 255.);   
        // 2*2 的卷积核
    cv::Mat fx(1, 2, CV_64FC1);
    cv::Mat fy(2, 1, CV_64FC1);
    fx.at<double>(0) = 1; fx.at<double>(1) = -1;
    fy.at<double>(0) = 1; fy.at<double>(1) = -1;
    // 把一个空间点扩散函数转换为频谱面的光学传递函数
    cv::Size sizeI2D = im8uc3.size();
    cv::Mat otfFx = psf2otf(fx, sizeI2D);
    cv::Mat otfFy = psf2otf(fy, sizeI2D);
    // FNormin1 = fft2(S);
    cv::Mat FNormin1[3];    // 注意:DFT以后,FNormal为两个通道
    cv::Mat single_channel[3];
    cv::split(S, single_channel);   // 分裂为三个通道
    for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++) {
        // 离散傅里叶变换,指定输出复数格式(默认是CCS格式)
        cv::dft(single_channel[k], FNormin1[k], cv::DFT_COMPLEX_OUTPUT);
    // F(∂x)∗F(∂x)+F(∂y)∗F(∂y);
    cv::Mat Denormin2(row, col, CV_64FC1);
    for (int i = 0; i < row; i++) {
        for (int j = 0; j < col; j++) {
            cv::Vec2d &c1 = otfFx.at<cv::Vec2d>(i, j);
            cv::Vec2d &c2 = otfFy.at<cv::Vec2d>(i, j);
            // 0: Real, 1: Image
            Denormin2.at<double>(i, j) = sqr(c1[0]) + sqr(c1[1]) + sqr(c2[0]) + sqr(c2[1]);
    double beta = 2.0*lambda;
    double betamax = 1e5;
    while (beta < betamax) {
        // F(1)+β(F(∂x)∗F(∂x)+F(∂y)∗F(∂y))
        cv::Mat Denormin = 1.0 + beta*Denormin2;
        // h-v subproblem
        // 三个通道的 ∂S/∂x ∂S/∂y
        cv::Mat dx[3], dy[3];
        for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++) {
            cv::Mat shifted_x = single_channel[k].clone();
            circshift(shifted_x, 0, -1);
            dx[k] = shifted_x - single_channel[k];
            cv::Mat shifted_y = single_channel[k].clone();
            circshift(shifted_y, -1, 0);
            dy[k] = shifted_y - single_channel[k];
        for (int i = 0; i < row; i++) {
            for (int j = 0; j < col; j++) {
                // (∂S/∂x)^2 + (∂S/∂y)^2
                double val =
                    sqr(dx[0].at<double>(i, j)) + sqr(dy[0].at<double>(i, j)) +
                    sqr(dx[1].at<double>(i, j)) + sqr(dy[1].at<double>(i, j)) +
                    sqr(dx[2].at<double>(i, j)) + sqr(dy[2].at<double>(i, j));
                // (∂S/∂x)^2 + (∂S/∂y)^2  < λ/β
                if (val < lambda / beta) {
                    dx[0].at<double>(i, j) = dx[1].at<double>(i, j) = dx[2].at<double>(i, j) = 0.0;
                    dy[0].at<double>(i, j) = dy[1].at<double>(i, j) = dy[2].at<double>(i, j) = 0.0;
        // S subproblem
        for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++) {
            // 二阶导
            cv::Mat shift_dx = dx[k].clone();
            circshift(shift_dx, 0, 1);
            cv::Mat ddx = shift_dx - dx[k];
            cv::Mat shift_dy = dy[k].clone();
            circshift(shift_dy, 1, 0);
            cv::Mat ddy = shift_dy - dy[k];
            cv::Mat Normin2 = ddx + ddy;
            cv::Mat FNormin2;
            // 离散傅里叶变换,指定输出复数格式(默认是CCS格式)
            cv::dft(Normin2, FNormin2, cv::DFT_COMPLEX_OUTPUT);
            // F(g)+β(F(∂x)∗F(h)+F(∂y)∗F(v))
            cv::Mat FS = FNormin1[k] + beta*FNormin2;
            // 论文的公式(8):F^-1括号中的内容
            for (int i = 0; i < row; i++) {
                for (int j = 0; j < col; j++) {
                    FS.at<cv::Vec2d>(i, j)[0] /= Denormin.at<double>(i, j);
                    FS.at<cv::Vec2d>(i, j)[1] /= Denormin.at<double>(i, j);
                    //std::cout<< FS.at<cv::Vec2d>(i, j)[0] / Denormin.at<double>(i, j) <<std::endl;
            // 论文的公式(8):傅里叶逆变换
            cv::Mat ifft;
            cv::idft(FS, ifft, cv::DFT_SCALE | cv::DFT_COMPLEX_OUTPUT);
            for (int i = 0; i < row; i++) {
                for (int j = 0; j < col; j++) {
                    single_channel[k].at<double>(i, j) = ifft.at<cv::Vec2d>(i, j)[0];
                    //std::cout<< ifft.at<cv::Vec2d>(i, j)[0] <<std::endl;
        beta *= kappa;
        std::cout << '.';
    cv::merge(single_channel, 3, S);
    return S;
// 矩阵的循环平移
void circshift(cv::Mat &A, int shift_row, int shift_col)
    int row = A.rows, col = A.cols;
    // 考虑负数和超出边界值的情况
    shift_row = (row + (shift_row % row)) % row;
    shift_col = (col + (shift_col % col)) % col;
    printf("shift_row = %d, shift_col = %d\n", shift_row, shift_col);
    cv::Mat temp = A.clone();
    if (shift_row)
        // temp[row - shift_row, row][*] -> A[0, shift_row][*]
        temp.rowRange(row - shift_row, row).copyTo(A.rowRange(0, shift_row));   // 上移 row - shift_row 个像素距离(移动 shift_row 个像素)
        // temp[0, row - shift_row][*] -> A[shift_row, row][*]
        temp.rowRange(0, row - shift_row).copyTo(A.rowRange(shift_row, row));   // 将原来的上部(row - shift_row 个像素)下移 shift_row 个像素距离
    if (shift_col)
        temp.colRange(col - shift_col, col).copyTo(A.colRange(0, shift_col));   // 左移
        temp.colRange(0, col - shift_col).copyTo(A.colRange(shift_col, col));   // 将原来的左部右移
%   PSF2OTF Convert point-spread function to optical transfer function.
%   OTF = PSF2OTF(PSF) computes the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) of the
%   point-spread function (PSF) array and creates the optical transfer
%   function (OTF) array that is not influenced by the PSF off-centering. By
%   default, the OTF array is the same size as the PSF array.
%   PSF2OTF 将点扩展函数转换为光传输函数。OTF = PSF2OTF(PSF) 计算点扩展函数 (PSF) 数组的快速傅里叶变换 (FFT),
%   创建不受 PSF 偏离中心影响的光传输函数(OTF)阵列。默认情况下,OTF 数组的大小与 PSF 数组相同。
%   OTF = PSF2OTF(PSF,OUTSIZE) converts the PSF array into an OTF array of
%   specified size OUTSIZE. The OUTSIZE cannot be smaller than the PSF
%   array size in any dimension.
%   OTF = PSF2OTF(PSF,OUTSIZE )将 PSF 数组转换为指定 OUTSIZE 大小的 OTF 数组。在任何维度上, OUTSIZE 都不能小于 PSF 数组的大小。  
%   To ensure that the OTF is not altered due to PSF off-centering, PSF2OTF
%   post-pads the PSF array (down or to the right) with zeros to match
%   dimensions specified in OUTSIZE, then circularly shifts the values of
%   the PSF array up (or to the left) until the central pixel reaches (1,1)
%   position.
%   确保 OTF 不会因为 PSF 的偏离中心所改变,PSF2OTF 会向 PSF 数组后向填充 0 (向下或向右)来匹配指定的 OUTSIZE 的大小。
%   然后循环移位 PSF 数组的值(向左或向上)直到*像素达到 (1,1) 的位置。
%   Note that this function is used in image convolution/deconvolution
%   when the operations involve the FFT.
%   注意,当涉及 FFT 操作时,此函数用于图像卷积/去卷积。
cv::Mat psf2otf(const cv::Mat &psf, const cv::Size &outSize)
    cv::Size psfSize = psf.size();
    cv::Mat new_psf = cv::Mat(outSize, CV_64FC2);// outSize 指定的大小,而且是两个通道, psf 只有一个通道
    // 只赋值到第一个通道
    for (int i = 0; i < psfSize.height; i++)
        for (int j = 0; j < psfSize.width; j++)
            new_psf.at<cv::Vec2d>(i, j)[0] = psf.at<double>(i, j);  // (0, 0) (0, 1)/(1, 0)
  //  std::cout  << 
        //-1*int(floor(psfSize.height*0.5)) <<
        //", " <<
        //-1*int(floor(psfSize.width*0.5)) << 
    // 循环平移矩阵(将矩阵中心移动到左上角)
    circshift(new_psf, -1 * int(floor(psfSize.height * .5f)), -1 * int(floor(psfSize.width * .5f)));    // (0, -1) (-1, 0)
    cv::Mat otf;
    // 离散傅里叶变换,指定输出复数格式(默认是CCS格式)
    cv::dft(new_psf, otf, cv::DFT_COMPLEX_OUTPUT);
    return otf;


L0 范数图像平滑(L0 Smooth) 代码及详细注释 【OpenCV】


L0 范数图像平滑(L0 Smooth) 代码及详细注释 【OpenCV】

内存是ddr4 2133MHZ


1.circshift, psf2otf 函数

circshift 的作用是循环平移矩阵;

psf2otf 的作用是将卷积核的中心移动到左上角,然后再进行FFT/DFT变换;


2. 二次规划问题:即问题的目标函数是二次函数

延伸阅读: P和NP问题的通俗解释

OpenCV 3.x.x的扩展模块(ximgproc. Extended Image Processing)

该模块也提供了 l0smooth 的API

L0 范数图像平滑(L0 Smooth) 代码及详细注释 【OpenCV】

附:在Windows下编译扩展OpenCV 3.1.0 + opencv_contrib ,值得注意的是,在编译OpenCV310源码时,opencv_aruco 模块的源码有bug,需要将

calibrateCamera(processedObjectPoints, processedImagePoints, imageSize, _cameraMatrix,
                           _distCoeffs, _rvecs, _tvecs, _stdDeviationsIntrinsics, _stdDeviationsExtrinsics,
                           _perViewErrors, flags, criteria);


calibrateCamera(processedObjectPoints, processedImagePoints, imageSize, _cameraMatrix,
                           _distCoeffs, _rvecs, _tvecs, /*_stdDeviationsIntrinsics, _stdDeviationsExtrinsics,
                           _perViewErrors,*/ flags, criteria);


    cv::Mat src = cv::imread("D:/Pictures/beard.jpg", 1);
    cv::Mat dst;
    int64 begin = cvGetTickCount();
    cv::ximgproc::l0Smooth(src, dst, 0.01, 2.);
    int64 end = cvGetTickCount();
    float time = (end - begin) / (cvGetTickFrequency() * 1000.);
    printf("time = %fms\n", time);
    imshow("l0Smooth", dst);


L0 范数图像平滑(L0 Smooth) 代码及详细注释 【OpenCV】



我自己实现了一个基于 CUDA 的版本(Github 上实现的是错误的),处理一张640*640的图片,仅需要 447 ms (迭代相同次数的情况下)

L0 范数图像平滑(L0 Smooth) 代码及详细注释 【OpenCV】

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