注意:1 static只对缺省链接属性为extern的声明才有改变链接属性的效果,如下列f。
2 为一个变量指定extern属性,就可以访问在任何位置定义的这个实体,如下列k。
3 当extern关键字用于源文件中一个标识符的第1次声明时,它指定该标识符具有extern属性,如下列b。
int a; static int b; int c(int d) { int e; static int f;//f为none连接属性 extern int k;//k本来是none链接属性,现在指定了extern属性,就有extern链接属性 extern int b;//b第二次声明为extern,不修改b的链接属性,b仍为intern链接属性 }
/* ** Declarations for the address list module. */ /* ** Data characteristics ** ** Maximum lengths of the various data (includes space for the ** terminating NUL byte), and maximum number of addresses. */ #define NAME_LENGTH 30 /* longest name allowed */ #define ADDR_LENGTH 100 /* longest address allowed */ #define PHONE_LENGTH 11 /* longest phone # allowed */ #define MAX_ADDRESSES 1000 /* # of addresses allowed */ /* ** Interface functions ** ** Given a name, find the corresponding address. */ char const * lookup_address( char const *name ); /* ** Given a name, find the corresponding phone number. */ char const * lookup_phone( char const *name );
/* ** Abstract data type to maintain an address list. */ #include "addrlist.h" #include <stdio.h> /* ** The three parts to each address are kept in corresponding ** elements of these three arrays. */ static char name[MAX_ADDRESSES][NAME_LENGTH]; static char address[MAX_ADDRESSES][ADDR_LENGTH]; static char phone[MAX_ADDRESSES][PHONE_LENGTH]; /* ** This routine locates a name in the array and returns the ** subscript of the location found. If the name does not exist, ** -1 is returned. */ static int find_entry( char const *name_to_find ) { int entry; for( entry = 0; entry < MAX_ADDRESSES; entry += 1 ) if( strcmp( name_to_find, name[ entry ] ) == 0 ) return entry; return -1; } /* ** Given a name, look up and return the corresponding address. ** If the name was not found, return a NULL pointer instead. */ char const * lookup_address( char const *name ) { int entry; entry = find_entry( name ); if( entry == -1 ) return NULL; else return address[ entry ]; } /* ** Given a name, look up and return the corresponding phone ** number. If the name was not found, return a NULL pointer ** instead. */ char const * lookup_phone( char const *name ) { int entry; entry = find_entry( name ); if( entry == -1 ) return NULL; else return phone[ entry ]; }