
# 查询今天的数据

select * from `user` where to_days(birthday) = to_days(CURDATE());

# 查询昨天的数据

select * from `user` where to_days(CURDATE()) - to_days(birthday)<=1;

# 查询最近7天的数据

select * from `user` where birthday > DATE_SUB(CURDATE(),INTERVAL 7 DAY);

# 查询最近一个季度的数据

select * from `user` where birthday > DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), INTERVAL 3 MONTH)

# 最近一年的数据

select * from `user` where birthday > DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), INTERVAL 1 YEAR);

# 本季度的数据

select * from `user` where quarter(birthday) = quarter(CURDATE());

# 上季度的数据

select * from `user` where quarter(birthday) = quarter(DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), INTERVAL 1 QUARTER));

# 查询今年的数据

select * from `user` where year(CURDATE()) - year(birthday) = 28 ;

# 查询第几月的数据

select * from `user` where month(birthday) = 8 ;

# 查询某年某月某日的数据

select * from `user` where date_format(birthday,'%Y-%m-%d')='2017-07-07';

# 查询制定时间段内的数据(只写到月,会出错)

select * from `user` where birthday between '1888-5-1 00:00:00' and '2017-9-3 00:00:00';

# 查询制定时间段内的数据(只写到月,会出错)

select * from `user` where birthday > '1989-5-1' and birthday < '2017-5-1';


上一篇:获取一个月有多少天 ---- 获取一个月的第一天和最后一天 yyyy-mm-dd

下一篇:Mysql的 DATE_SUB()函数与CURDATE() 函数返回当前的日期。