1.1 创建嵌套事务
了很多其他配置选项,如新隔离事务(new isolated
public class Account { final private Ref<Integer> balance = new Ref<Integer>(); public Account(int initialBalance) { balance.swap(initialBalance); } public int getBalance() { return balance.get(); }
在构造函数中,我们用Ref的swap()函数将给定的数量设置成balance的初始值。由于swap()函数运行在自己独立的事务中,所以我们 就无需再创建额外的事务了(同时我们假设调用者也不会为这个操作创建额外的事务)。getBalance()函数的情况与之类似,就不再赘述了。
public void deposit(final int amount) { new Atomic<Boolean>() { public Boolean atomically() { System.out.println("Deposit " + amount); if (amount > 0) { balance.swap(balance.get() + amount); return true; } throw new AccountOperationFailedException(); } }.
public void withdraw(final int amount) { new Atomic<Boolean>() { public Boolean atomically() { int currentBalance = balance.get(); 112 • Chapter 6. Introduction to Software Transactional Memory if (amount > 0 && currentBalance >= amount) { balance.swap(currentBalance - amount); return true; } throw new AccountOperationFailedException(); } }.execute(); } }
public class AccountService { public void transfer( final Account from, final Account to, final int amount) { new Atomic<Boolean>() { public Boolean atomically() { System.out.println("Attempting transfer..."); to.deposit(amount); System.out.println("Simulating a delay in transfer..."); try { Thread.sleep(5000); } catch(Exception ex) {} System.out.println("Uncommitted balance after deposit $" + to.getBalance()); from.withdraw(amount); return true; } }.execute(); }
在这个示例中,我们会将多个事务置于相互冲突的环境中,以此来演示嵌套事务的行为并帮助你加深对嵌套事务的理解。Transfer()函数中的所有 操作都是在同一个事务中完成的。作为转账过程的一部分,我们首先将钱存到目标账户中。紧接着,在经过一个为引入事务冲突而专门设置的延时之后,我们将钱从 源账户中划走。我们希望当且仅当从源帐户划款成功之后,向目标账户存款的操作才能够成功,这也是我们这个事务所要完成的目标。
public static void transferAndPrintBalance( final Account from, final Account to, final int amount) { boolean result = true; try { new AccountService().transfer(from, to, amount); } catch(AccountOperationFailedException ex) { result = false; } System.out.println("Result of transfer is " + (result ? "Pass" : "Fail")); System.out.println("From account has $" + from.getBalance()); System.out.println("To account has $" + to.getBalance()); }
public static void main(final String[] args) throws Exception { final Account account1 = new Account(2000); final Account account2 = new Account(100); final ExecutorService service = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor(); service.submit(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { Thread.sleep(1000); } catch(Exception ex) {} account2.deposit(20); } }); service.shutdown(); transferAndPrintBalance(account1, account2, 500); System.out.println("Making large transfer..."); transferAndPrintBalance(account1, account2, 5000); } }
在main函数中,我们创建了两个账户,并在一个单独的线程中从第二个账户里取走$20。与此同时,我们还启动了一个在账户之间转账的事务。由于这 些操作都会影响到公共实例(即两个账户——译者注),所以这种做法将导致两个事务(存$20的事务和转账$500的事务——译者注)产生冲突。于是只有一 个事务能够顺利完成,而另一个将会重做。最后,我们会启动一个超出源账户余额的转账操作,以此来演示存款和取款这两个相互关联的事务通过嵌套事务的方式在 转账过程中实现了原子性的操作。下面让我们通过输出结果来观察事务的行为:
Attempting transfer... Deposit 500 Attempting transfer... Deposit 500 Simulating a delay in transfer... Deposit 20 Uncommitted balance after deposit $600 Attempting transfer... Deposit 500 Simulating a delay in transfer... Uncommitted balance after deposit $620 Result of transfer is Pass From account has $1500 To account has $620 Making large transfer... Attempting transfer... Deposit 5000 Simulating a delay in transfer... Uncommitted balance after deposit $5620 Result of transfer is Fail From account has $1500 To account has $620
输出结果起始处的重试操作让人看起来有些摸不着头脑。这个非预期的重试是由Multiverse对于单个对象上的只读事务的默认优化造成的。虽然有 两种方法可以重新配置这一行为,但修改了之后可能会对性能造成影响。请参阅Akka/Multiverse文档来进一步了解变更这一配置所造成的影响。
在本例中,向帐户2存$20的操作会先完成。而与此同时,从账户1向账户2的转账事务则处于模拟的延迟当中。当转账事务重新恢复运行并察觉到其涉及 的对象发生了变化时,该事务将悄悄地回滚并重做。如果事务在运行过程中一直出现内部数据有变化的情况,则该事务会不断重做直至成功或超时退出为止。本例中 的转账事务是最终成功了的,帐户余额的变化充分地反映了这一结果——账户1转出了$500,而账户2则从并发的存款和转账操作中总共获取了$520。
再次声明,在事务中打印信息和插入延时都不是好习惯,我在本例中这样用是为了使你能够更好地观察事务的运行顺序和重做行为,在实际工作中请最好不要 在事务代码里打印消息或打日志。请记住,事务是不应该有任何副作用的。如果事务中确实需要包含有副作用的操作,我们可以将这些代码放到后面将会提到的后置 提交(post-commit)handler里面去。
public boolean transfer( final Account from, final Account to, final int amount) throws LockException, InterruptedException { final Account[] accounts = new Account[] {from, to}; Arrays.sort(accounts); if(accounts[0].monitor.tryLock(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS)) { try { if (accounts[1].monitor.tryLock(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS)) { try { if(from.withdraw(amount)) { to.deposit(amount); return true; } else { return false; } } finally { accounts[1].monitor.unlock(); } } } finally { accounts[0].monitor.unlock(); } } throw new LockException("Unable to acquire locks on the accounts"); }
public void transfer( final Account from, final Account to, final int amount) { new Atomic<Boolean>() { public Boolean atomically() { to.deposit(amount); from.withdraw(amount); return true; } }.execute(); }
旧版本的代码既要考虑加锁的问题又要顾及加锁的顺序,所以很容易出错。代码越多越容易出问题,这是显而易见的道理。在新版本中,我们显著地降低了代 码量和复杂度。这让我想起了C.A.R.Hoare的名言:“这世界上有两种构建软件设计的方法。一种方法是使其足够简单以至于不存在明显的缺陷。而另一 种方法是使其足够复杂以至于无法看出有什么毛病” 。只有让代码更少、结构更简单,我们才能将更多的时间投入到程序逻辑的设计开发中去。
从上例中我们可以看到,使用了嵌套事务的Java版转账函数是非常简洁的。然而,虽然事务的使用让我们得以去除Java中那些用于同步的冗余代码, 但还是会有一些由于Java语法需要而存在的一些额外代码。正如我们下面所看到的那样,Scala的优雅和强大的表达能力使其在代码清晰简洁方面更胜一 筹。下面就是Scala版的Account类:
class Account(val initialBalance : Int) { val balance = Ref(initialBalance) def getBalance() = balance.get() def deposit(amount : Int) = { atomic { println("Deposit " + amount) if(amount > 0) balance.swap(balance.get() + amount) else throw new AccountOperationFailedException() } } def withdraw(amount : Int) = { atomic { val currentBalance = balance.get() if(amount > 0 && currentBalance >= amount) balance.swap(currentBalance - amount) else throw new AccountOperationFailedException() } } }
object AccountService { def transfer(from : Account, to : Account, amount : Int) = { atomic { println("Attempting transfer...") to.deposit(amount) println("Simulating a delay in transfer...") Thread.sleep(5000) println("Uncommitted balance after deposit $" + to.getBalance()) from.withdraw(amount) } } def transferAndPrintBalance( from : Account, to : Account, amount : Int) = { var result = "Pass" try { AccountService.transfer(from, to, amount) } catch { case ex => result = "Fail" } println("Result of transfer is " + result) println("From account has $" + from.getBalance()) println("To account has $" + to.getBalance()) } def main(args : Array[String]) = { val account1 = new Account(2000) val account2 = new Account(100) actor { Thread.sleep(1000) account2.deposit(20) } transferAndPrintBalance(account1, account2, 500) println("Making large transfer...") transferAndPrintBalance(account1, account2, 5000) } }
Attempting transfer... Deposit 500 Attempting transfer... Deposit 500 Simulating a delay in transfer... 118 • Chapter 6. Introduction to Software Transactional Memory Deposit 20 Uncommitted balance after deposit $600 Attempting transfer... Deposit 500 Simulating a delay in transfer... Uncommitted balance after deposit $620 Result of transfer is Pass From account has $1500 To account has $620 Making large transfer... Attempting transfer... Deposit 5000 Simulating a delay in transfer... Uncommitted balance after deposit $5620 Result of transfer is Fail From account has $1500 To account has $620
public void transfer( final Account from, final Account to, final int amount) { new Atomic<Boolean>() { public Boolean atomically() { to.deposit(amount); from.withdraw(amount); return true; } }.execute(); }
def transfer(from : Account, to : Account, amount : Int) = { atomic { to.deposit(amount) from.withdraw(amount) } }
从上面的对比中我们可以清晰地看到,Scala版本的代码除了核心逻辑之外没有任何冗余。这又让我想起了Alan Perlis的名言:“如果用某种编程语言写代码时还需要注意一些与核心逻辑无关的东西,那么这个语言就是低级语言。”
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