Spring Boot(二)Customizing the Banner

  1. 在类路径上添加 banner.txt 默认UTF-8编码,可以通过banner.charset设置编码
  2. 也可以指定图片banner.gif,banner.jpg,banner.png
1. ${application.version}

The version number of your application as declared in MANIFEST.MF
. For exampleImplementation-Version: 1.0
 is printed as 1.0

2. ${application.formatted-version}

The version number of your application as declared in MANIFEST.MF
 formatted for display (surrounded with brackets and prefixed with v
). For example (v1.0)

3. ${spring-boot.version}

The Spring Boot version that you are using. For example 1.4.0.RELEASE

4. ${spring-boot.formatted-version}

The Spring Boot version that you are using formatted for display (surrounded with brackets and prefixed with v
). For example (v1.4.0.RELEASE)

5. ${Ansi.NAME} (or ${AnsiColor.NAME} ,${AnsiBackground.NAME} , ${AnsiStyle.NAME})

Where NAME is the name of an ANSI escape code.

See AnsiPropertySource for details.

6. ${application.title}

The title of your application as declared in MANIFEST.MF For exampleImplementation-Title: MyApp
 is printed as MyApp
通过编码设置 SpringApplication.setBanner(…​)
1. console (Print the banner to System.out)
2. log (Print the banner to the log file) --using the configured logger
3. off (Disable printing of the banner)
The printed banner will be registered as a singleton bean under the name springBootBanner
上一篇:Spring Boot(一)启动方式

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