


  1 取子串sub=str(f,f+n)

  2 如果(遍历dic,有匹配sub)  f++;

  3 否则  n--;

  4 注意:边界判定、没有找到词的情况






  跳过几步,假如现在指针指向了“容”字,第一次取到“容忍傻”,第二次取到“容忍”,“容忍”在词典能找到,这个时候,指针需要移动两位指向“傻”字,同理,若你取到三个字的词而且这个词能在词典中找到时,指针也要移三位,即 f+n



  1 package fc;
  3 import java.io.BufferedReader;
  4 import java.io.FileInputStream;
  5 import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
  6 import java.io.IOException;
  7 import java.io.InputStreamReader;
  8 import java.util.Stack;
 10 /**
 11  *
 12  * @author 小振xzh 20140317
 13  */
 14 public final class Fc {
 15     public String m_sResult;
 16     private int m_nPosIndex;
 17     private int m_MaxLen;
 18     private final int pre_m_MaxLen;
 19     private int i = 0;  // 默认正向最大匹配,i=-1时为反向最大匹配
 21     // 正向最大匹配,构造函数1/2
 22     public Fc(int maxLen, String str) throws IOException{
 23         m_MaxLen = maxLen/2;  // Change in half of it
 24         pre_m_MaxLen = m_MaxLen;
 25         m_nPosIndex = 0;
 26         m_sResult = "";  // Without initialization, the begining of result would have one null value
 27         MM(str, pre_m_MaxLen, 0);
 28     }
 30     // 反向最大匹配,构造函数2/2,i为标识符
 31     public Fc(int maxLen, String str, int i) throws IOException{
 32         this.i = -1;  // 无论传什么数过来都是i=-1,即变成反向最大匹配
 33         m_MaxLen = maxLen/2;
 34         pre_m_MaxLen = m_MaxLen;
 35         m_nPosIndex = 0;
 36         m_sResult = "";
 37         MM(reverse(str), pre_m_MaxLen, 0);
 38     }
 40     /** 
 41      * Description: -Reverse/Forward- Maximum matching algorithm
 42      * @param source Source string
 43      * @param frompos Start position of source
 44      * @param len The substring‘s length if no accident
 45      * @throws java.io.IOException
 46      */ 
 47     public void MM(String source,int len,int frompos) throws IOException{
 48         if(i==-1){  // 反向
 49             // <editor-fold desc="反向最大匹配时"> 
 50             String tmp = subString(source, frompos, len);
 51             if(m_nPosIndex>source.length()-1){
 52                 return;
 53             }
 54             tmp = reverse(tmp);  // A_1/5 for Reverse Directional Maximum Matching method
 55             Stack<String> sk = new Stack<>();  // A_2/5 --‘A‘ marks the changes I have done for ‘Reverse‘
 56             if(match(tmp)){
 57                 //m_sResult += tmp+"/  ";
 58                 sk.push(tmp+"/ ");  // A_3/5
 59                 m_nPosIndex += m_MaxLen;
 60                 m_MaxLen = pre_m_MaxLen;  // Resume the m_MaxLen
 61                 MM(source, m_MaxLen, m_nPosIndex);
 62             }else{
 63                 if(m_MaxLen>1){
 64                     m_MaxLen -= 1;
 65                     MM(source, m_MaxLen, m_nPosIndex);
 66                 }else{
 67                     //m_sResult += "字典中没有‘"+tmp+"‘字";
 68                     sk.push("字典中没有’"+tmp+"‘字");  // A_4/5
 69                     m_nPosIndex += 1;
 70                     m_MaxLen = pre_m_MaxLen;  // Resume the m_MaxLen
 71                     MM(source, m_MaxLen, m_nPosIndex);
 72                 }
 73             }
 74             while(!sk.isEmpty()){  // A_5/5
 75                 m_sResult += sk.pop();
 76             }
 77         // </editor-fold>
 78         }else{  // 正向
 79             // <editor-fold desc="正向最大匹配时"> 
 80             String tmp = subString(source, frompos, len);
 81             if(m_nPosIndex>source.length()-1){  // Warning: Different from Li‘s c++ example, it should be ‘>‘ here
 82                 return;
 83             }
 84             if(match(tmp)){
 85                 m_sResult += tmp+"/ ";
 86                 m_nPosIndex += m_MaxLen;
 87                 m_MaxLen = pre_m_MaxLen;  // Resume the m_MaxLen
 88                 MM(source, m_MaxLen, m_nPosIndex);
 89             }else{
 90                 if(m_MaxLen>1){
 91                     m_MaxLen -= 1;
 92                     MM(source, m_MaxLen, m_nPosIndex);
 93                 }else{
 94                     m_sResult += "字典中没有‘"+tmp+"‘字";
 95                     m_nPosIndex += 1;
 96                     m_MaxLen = pre_m_MaxLen;  // Resume the m_MaxLen
 97                     MM(source, m_MaxLen, m_nPosIndex);
 98                 }
 99             }
100             // </editor-fold>
101         }
102     }
104     /** 
105      * Description: Get the substring
106      * @param source Source string
107      * @param frompos Start position of source
108      * @param len The substring‘s length if no accident
109      * @return String
110      */ 
111     private static String subString(String source, int frompos, int len){
112         char sChar;
113         String result = "";
115         if(source.length()-frompos<len){
116             len = source.length()-frompos;
117         }
118         len += frompos;
119         while(frompos<len){
120             sChar = source.charAt(frompos);  // Get a char. A char contains two bytes.
121             frompos += 1;
122             result += sChar;
123         }
124         return result;
125     }
127     /** 
128      * Description: Match with the dic
129      * @param str The word you want to find in dic
130      * @return boolean
131      */ 
132     private static boolean match(String str) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException{
133         InputStreamReader insr;
134         BufferedReader bufr;
135         try (FileInputStream fins = new FileInputStream("chineseDic.txt")) {  // In project root file
136             insr = new InputStreamReader(fins,"gb2312");
137             bufr = new BufferedReader(insr);
138             int len = str.length();
139             String tmp;
140             while((tmp=bufr.readLine())!=null){
141                 tmp = tmp.split(",", 2)[0];  // I dont know how that example get the substring split with ‘,‘
142                 if(tmp.equals(str)){
143                     fins.close(); insr.close(); bufr.close();
144                     return true;
145                 }
146             }
147         }
148         return false;
149     }
151     /** 
152      * Description: Reverse the string
153      * @param str The string you want to reverse
154      * @return String
155      */ 
156     private static String reverse(String str){
157         StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(str);
158         str = sb.reverse().toString();
159         return str;
160     }
161 }


 1 package fc;
 3 import java.io.IOException;
 5 /**
 6  *
 7  * @author xzh
 8  */
 9 public class main {
10   public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException{
11       //String str = "中国家;"  
12       String str = "在这一年中,中国的改革开放和现代化建设继续向前迈进。
国民经济保持了“高增长、低通胀”的良好发展态势。农业生产再次获得好的收成,企业改革继续深化,人民生活进一步改善。对外经济技术合作与交流不断扩大。"; 13 Fc fc = new Fc(6, str); 14 //System.out.println(fc.m_sResult+"\n"); 15 Fc fcs = new Fc(6, str, -1); 16 //System.out.println(fcs.m_sResult); 17 } 18 }



