

  1 --暂未考虑精度问题,例子默认两位精度,如果是其他精度需要修改对应类型转换的精度,要不然会导致和现存量不一致,也可以从设置表取出精度设置信息,作为参数传入,更加通用
  2 DECLARE @dsdate DATE,@dbdate DATE,@dedate DATE,@iyear INT,@iperiod INT
  3 SET @dsdate=2014-01-01--模块启用日期,如果有帐套卸出还是以最初的启用日期
  4 SET @dbdate=2015-01-01--查询开始日期
  5 SET @dedate=2015-01-31--查询结束日期
  6 SET @iyear=2014--帐套启用年度
  7 SET @iperiod=12--帐套启用月份
  8 IF OBJECT_ID(tempdb..#a) IS NOT NULL
  9 BEGIN    
 10 DROP TABLE    #a
 11 END
 12 IF OBJECT_ID(tempdb..#b) IS NOT NULL
 13 BEGIN    
 14 DROP TABLE    #b
 15 END
 16 IF OBJECT_ID(tempdb..#c) IS NOT NULL
 17 BEGIN    
 18 DROP TABLE    #c
 19 END
 20 IF OBJECT_ID(tempdb..#d) IS NOT NULL
 21 BEGIN    
 22 DROP TABLE    #d
 23 END
 24 IF OBJECT_ID(tempdb..#rdrecord01) IS NOT NULL
 25 BEGIN    
 26 DROP TABLE    #rdrecord01
 27 END
 28 IF OBJECT_ID(tempdb..#rdrecord08) IS NOT NULL
 29 BEGIN    
 30 DROP TABLE    #rdrecord08
 31 END
 32 IF OBJECT_ID(tempdb..#rdrecord09) IS NOT NULL
 33 BEGIN    
 34 DROP TABLE    #rdrecord09
 35 END
 36 IF OBJECT_ID(tempdb..#rdrecord10) IS NOT NULL
 37 BEGIN    
 38 DROP TABLE    #rdrecord10
 39 END
 40 IF OBJECT_ID(tempdb..#rdrecord32) IS NOT NULL
 41 BEGIN    
 42 DROP TABLE    #rdrecord32
 43 END
 44 IF OBJECT_ID(tempdb..#rdrecord34) IS NOT NULL
 45 BEGIN    
 46 DROP TABLE    #rdrecord34
 47 END
 48 IF OBJECT_ID(tempdb..#rdrecord11) IS NOT NULL
 49 BEGIN    
 50 DROP TABLE    #rdrecord11
 51 END
 52  select id into #rdrecord01 from rdrecord01 RdRecord where 1=1 and  
 53  ((RdRecord.dDate < @dsdate And IsNull(RdRecord.bIsSTQc,0) = 1)
 54  Or (RdRecord.dDate >= @dsdate
 55  And IsNull(RdRecord.bPUFirst,0) = 0
 56  And IsNull(RdRecord.bIAFirst,0) = 0
 57  And IsNull(RdRecord.bOMFirst,0) = 0
 58  And (not (RdRecord.cBusType = N假退料and RdRecord.cVouchType = 11))
 59 )
 60 ) AND  dDate <= @dedate AND  dDate >= @dbdate
 62  select id into #rdrecord08 from rdrecord08 RdRecord where 1=1 and  ((RdRecord.dDate < @dsdate And IsNull(RdRecord.bIsSTQc,0) = 1)
 63  Or (RdRecord.dDate >= @dsdate
 64  And IsNull(RdRecord.bPUFirst,0) = 0
 65  And IsNull(RdRecord.bIAFirst,0) = 0
 66  And IsNull(RdRecord.bOMFirst,0) = 0
 67  And (not (RdRecord.cBusType = N假退料and RdRecord.cVouchType = 11))
 68 )
 69 ) AND  dDate <= @dedate AND  dDate >= @dbdate
 71  select id into #rdrecord09 from rdrecord09 RdRecord where 1=1 and  ((RdRecord.dDate < @dsdate And IsNull(RdRecord.bIsSTQc,0) = 1)
 72  Or (RdRecord.dDate >= @dsdate
 73  And IsNull(RdRecord.bPUFirst,0) = 0
 74  And IsNull(RdRecord.bIAFirst,0) = 0
 75  And IsNull(RdRecord.bOMFirst,0) = 0
 76  And (not (RdRecord.cBusType = N假退料and RdRecord.cVouchType = 11))
 77 )
 78 ) AND  dDate <= @dedate AND  dDate >= @dbdate
 80 select id into #rdrecord10 from rdrecord10 RdRecord where 1=1 and  ((RdRecord.dDate < @dsdate And IsNull(RdRecord.bIsSTQc,0) = 1)
 81  Or (RdRecord.dDate >= @dsdate
 82  And IsNull(RdRecord.bPUFirst,0) = 0
 83  And IsNull(RdRecord.bIAFirst,0) = 0
 84  And IsNull(RdRecord.bOMFirst,0) = 0
 85  And (not (RdRecord.cBusType = N假退料and RdRecord.cVouchType = 11))
 86 )
 87 ) AND  dDate <= @dedate AND  dDate >= @dbdate
 89  select id into #rdrecord11 from rdrecord11 RdRecord where 1=1 and  ((RdRecord.dDate < @dsdate And IsNull(RdRecord.bIsSTQc,0) = 1)
 90  Or (RdRecord.dDate >= @dsdate
 91  And IsNull(RdRecord.bPUFirst,0) = 0
 92  And IsNull(RdRecord.bIAFirst,0) = 0
 93  And IsNull(RdRecord.bOMFirst,0) = 0
 94  And (not (RdRecord.cBusType = N假退料and RdRecord.cVouchType = 11))
 95 )
 96 ) AND  dDate <= @dedate AND  dDate >= @dbdate
 98  select id into #rdrecord32 from rdrecord32 RdRecord where 1=1 and  ((RdRecord.dDate < @dsdate And IsNull(RdRecord.bIsSTQc,0) = 1)
 99  Or (RdRecord.dDate >= @dsdate
100  And IsNull(RdRecord.bPUFirst,0) = 0
101  And IsNull(RdRecord.bIAFirst,0) = 0
102  And IsNull(RdRecord.bOMFirst,0) = 0
103  And (not (RdRecord.cBusType = N假退料and RdRecord.cVouchType = 11))
104 )
105 ) AND  dDate <= @dedate AND  dDate >= @dbdate
107  select id into #rdrecord34 from rdrecord34 RdRecord where 1=1 and  ((RdRecord.dDate < @dsdate And IsNull(RdRecord.bIsSTQc,0) = 1)
108  Or (RdRecord.dDate >= @dsdate
109  And IsNull(RdRecord.bPUFirst,0) = 0
110  And IsNull(RdRecord.bIAFirst,0) = 0
111  And IsNull(RdRecord.bOMFirst,0) = 0
112  And (not (RdRecord.cBusType = N假退料and RdRecord.cVouchType = 11))
113 )
114 ) AND  dDate <= @dedate AND  dDate >= @dbdate
116 Select rdrecord.cwhcode,warehouse.cWhName,inventory.cInvCCode ,cInvCName ,rdrecords.cinvcode,IsNull(cItem_class,N‘‘) AS cItem_class ,
117 IsNull(cItemCName,N‘‘) AS cItemCName  ,IsNull(cItemCode,N‘‘) AS cItemCode ,IsNull(cName,N‘‘)  As cName,RdRecord.bRdFlag,
118 isnull(RdRecord.cDefine3,N‘‘) as cDefine3,isnull(RdRecord.cDefine1,N‘‘) as cDefine1,isnull(RdRecord.cDefine11,N‘‘) as cDefine11,isnull(cFree9,N‘‘) as cFree9,isnull(cFree10,N‘‘) as cFree10,
119 Left(RdRecord.cRdCode,3) As cRdCode, 
120 (case when  ( dDate>=@dbdate and isnull(bisstqc,0)=0) then 
121       CASE WHEN RdRecord.bRdFlag <>0 THEN 1 ELSE -1 END ELSE 0 END) * convert(decimal(38,8),iquantity)  as iquantity, 
122 (case when  ( dDate>=@dbdate and isnull(bisstqc,0)=0) then 
123       CASE WHEN RdRecord.bRdFlag <>0 THEN 1 ELSE -1 END ELSE 0 END ) * (case  Inventory.iGroupType when  0 then Null when 1 then iquantity/Cu_f.iChangRate else rdrecords.iNum end  )  as iNum, 
124 (case when  ( dDate>=@dbdate and isnull(bisstqc,0)=0) then 0 else 
125       CASE WHEN RdRecord.bRdFlag <>0 THEN 1 ELSE -1 END  END) * convert(decimal(38,8),iquantity)  as iQCJCSL, 
126 (case when  ( dDate>=@dbdate and isnull(bisstqc,0)=0) then 0 else 
127       CASE WHEN RdRecord.bRdFlag <>0 THEN 1 ELSE -1 END  END ) * (case  Inventory.iGroupType when  0 then Null when 1 then iquantity/Cu_f.iChangRate else rdrecords.iNum end  )  as iQCJCJS, 
128 (case when  ( dDate>=@dbdate and isnull(bisstqc,0)=0) then 
129       CASE WHEN RdRecord.bRdFlag <>0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ELSE 0 END) * convert(decimal(38,8),iquantity)  as iInQuantity, 
130  (case when  ( dDate>=@dbdate and isnull(bisstqc,0)=0) then 
131       CASE WHEN RdRecord.bRdFlag <>0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ELSE 0 END ) * (case  Inventory.iGroupType when  0 then Null when 1 then iquantity/Cu_f.iChangRate else rdrecords.iNum end  )  as iinNum, 
132 (case when  ( dDate>=@dbdate and isnull(bisstqc,0)=0) then 
133       CASE WHEN RdRecord.bRdFlag <>0 THEN 0 ELSE 1 END ELSE 0 END) * convert(decimal(38,8),iquantity)  as ioutQuantity, 
134  (case when  ( dDate>=@dbdate and isnull(bisstqc,0)=0) then 
135       CASE WHEN RdRecord.bRdFlag <>0 THEN 0 ELSE 1 END ELSE 0 END ) * (case  Inventory.iGroupType when  0 then Null when 1 then iquantity/Cu_f.iChangRate else rdrecords.iNum end  )  as ioutNum, 
136  ( CASE WHEN RdRecord.bRdFlag <>0 THEN 1 ELSE -1 END ) * convert(decimal(38,8),iquantity)  as iQMJCSL, 
137  ( CASE WHEN RdRecord.bRdFlag <>0 THEN 1 ELSE -1 END ) *  (case  Inventory.iGroupType when  0 then Null when 1 then iquantity/Cu_f.iChangRate else rdrecords.iNum end  )  as iQMJCJS, 
138  convert(decimal (38,6),IsNull(Inventory.iInvSPrice,0)) as iUnitCost,  CU_F.cComUnitName as cInvA_Unit ,  (case when  ( dDate>=@dbdate and isnull(bisstqc,0)=0) then 1 else 0 end) as bBQFS , 
139  (case when  ( dDate>=@dbdate and isnull(bisstqc,0)=0) then case when brdflag=0 then 1 else 0 end  else 0 end) as bBQCK , 
140  (case when  ( dDate>=@dbdate and isnull(bisstqc,0)=0) then case when brdflag=1 then 1 else 0 end else 0 end) as bBQRK , 
141  isnull(Left(RdRecord.cRdCode,3) ,N‘‘)+ convert(nvarchar(1),brdflag)  as newrdflag 
142  INTO #a
143  from 
144  rdrecord01 rdrecord left join rdrecords01 rdrecords on rdrecord.id=rdrecords.id 
145  left join inventory on rdrecords.cinvcode=inventory.cinvcode 
146  left join warehouse on RdRecord.cWhCode = Warehouse.cWhCode
147  left JOIN InventoryClass On Inventory.cInvCCode = InventoryClass.cInvCCode
148  left join department on rdrecord.cdepcode =department.cdepcode 
149  left join ComputationUnit CU_F on Inventory.cSTComUnitCode = CU_F.cComUnitCode
150  where 1=0 
152  insert into #a  Select rdrecord.cwhcode,warehouse.cWhName,inventory.cInvCCode ,cInvCName ,rdrecords.cinvcode,IsNull(cItem_class,N‘‘) AS cItem_class ,
153 IsNull(cItemCName,N‘‘) AS cItemCName  ,IsNull(cItemCode,N‘‘) AS cItemCode ,IsNull(cName,N‘‘)  As cName,RdRecord.bRdFlag,
154 isnull(RdRecord.cDefine3,N‘‘) as cDefine3,isnull(RdRecord.cDefine1,N‘‘) as cDefine1,isnull(RdRecord.cDefine11,N‘‘) as cDefine11,isnull(cFree9,N‘‘) as cFree9,isnull(cFree10,N‘‘) as cFree10,
155 Left(RdRecord.cRdCode,3) As cRdCode, 
156 (case when  ( dDate>=@dbdate and isnull(bisstqc,0)=0) then 
157       CASE WHEN RdRecord.bRdFlag <>0 THEN 1 ELSE -1 END ELSE 0 END) * convert(decimal(38,8),iquantity)  as iquantity, 
158 (case when  ( dDate>=@dbdate and isnull(bisstqc,0)=0) then 
159       CASE WHEN RdRecord.bRdFlag <>0 THEN 1 ELSE -1 END ELSE 0 END ) * (case  Inventory.iGroupType when  0 then Null when 1 then iquantity/Cu_f.iChangRate else rdrecords.iNum end  )  as iNum, 
160 (case when  ( dDate>=@dbdate and isnull(bisstqc,0)=0) then 0 else 
161       CASE WHEN RdRecord.bRdFlag <>0 THEN 1 ELSE -1 END  END) * convert(decimal(38,8),iquantity)  as iQCJCSL, 
162 (case when  ( dDate>=@dbdate and isnull(bisstqc,0)=0) then 0 else 
163       CASE WHEN RdRecord.bRdFlag <>0 THEN 1 ELSE -1 END  END ) * (case  Inventory.iGroupType when  0 then Null when 1 then iquantity/Cu_f.iChangRate else rdrecords.iNum end  )  as iQCJCJS, 
164 (case when  ( dDate>=@dbdate and isnull(bisstqc,0)=0) then 
165       CASE WHEN RdRecord.bRdFlag <>0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ELSE 0 END) * convert(decimal(38,8),iquantity)  as iInQuantity, 
166  (case when  ( dDate>=@dbdate and isnull(bisstqc,0)=0) then 
167       CASE WHEN RdRecord.bRdFlag <>0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ELSE 0 END ) * (case  Inventory.iGroupType when  0 then Null when 1 then iquantity/Cu_f.iChangRate else rdrecords.iNum end  )  as iinNum, 
168 (case when  ( dDate>=@dbdate and isnull(bisstqc,0)=0) then 
169       CASE WHEN RdRecord.bRdFlag <>0 THEN 0 ELSE 1 END ELSE 0 END) * convert(decimal(38,8),iquantity)  as ioutQuantity, 
170  (case when  ( dDate>=@dbdate and isnull(bisstqc,0)=0) then 
171       CASE WHEN RdRecord.bRdFlag <>0 THEN 0 ELSE 1 END ELSE 0 END ) * (case  Inventory.iGroupType when  0 then Null when 1 then iquantity/Cu_f.iChangRate else rdrecords.iNum end  )  as ioutNum, 
172  ( CASE WHEN RdRecord.bRdFlag <>0 THEN 1 ELSE -1 END ) * convert(decimal(38,8),iquantity)  as iQMJCSL, 
173  ( CASE WHEN RdRecord.bRdFlag <>0 THEN 1 ELSE -1 END ) *  (case  Inventory.iGroupType when  0 then Null when 1 then iquantity/Cu_f.iChangRate else rdrecords.iNum end  )  as iQMJCJS, 
174  convert(decimal (38,6),IsNull(Inventory.iInvSPrice,0)) as iUnitCost,  CU_F.cComUnitName as cInvA_Unit ,  (case when  ( dDate>=@dbdate and isnull(bisstqc,0)=0) then 1 else 0 end) as bBQFS , 
175  (case when  ( dDate>=@dbdate and isnull(bisstqc,0)=0) then case when brdflag=0 then 1 else 0 end  else 0 end) as bBQCK , 
176  (case when  ( dDate>=@dbdate and isnull(bisstqc,0)=0) then case when brdflag=1 then 1 else 0 end else 0 end) as bBQRK , 
177  isnull(Left(RdRecord.cRdCode,3) ,N‘‘)+ convert(nvarchar(1),brdflag)  as newrdflag 
178  from 
179  rdrecord01 rdrecord left join rdrecords01 rdrecords on rdrecord.id=rdrecords.id 
180  left join inventory on rdrecords.cinvcode=inventory.cinvcode 
181  left join warehouse on RdRecord.cWhCode = Warehouse.cWhCode
182  left JOIN InventoryClass On Inventory.cInvCCode = InventoryClass.cInvCCode
183  left join department on rdrecord.cdepcode =department.cdepcode 
184  left join ComputationUnit CU_F on Inventory.cSTComUnitCode = CU_F.cComUnitCode
185  where 
186  rdrecord.id in (select id from  #rdrecord01 )
188  insert into #a  Select rdrecord.cwhcode,warehouse.cWhName,inventory.cInvCCode ,cInvCName ,rdrecords.cinvcode,IsNull(cItem_class,N‘‘) AS cItem_class ,
189 IsNull(cItemCName,N‘‘) AS cItemCName  ,IsNull(cItemCode,N‘‘) AS cItemCode ,IsNull(cName,N‘‘)  As cName,RdRecord.bRdFlag,
190 isnull(RdRecord.cDefine3,N‘‘) as cDefine3,isnull(RdRecord.cDefine1,N‘‘) as cDefine1,isnull(RdRecord.cDefine11,N‘‘) as cDefine11,isnull(cFree9,N‘‘) as cFree9,isnull(cFree10,N‘‘) as cFree10,
191 Left(RdRecord.cRdCode,3) As cRdCode, 
192 (case when  ( dDate>=@dbdate and isnull(bisstqc,0)=0) then 
193       CASE WHEN RdRecord.bRdFlag <>0 THEN 1 ELSE -1 END ELSE 0 END) * convert(decimal(38,8),iquantity)  as iquantity, 
194 (case when  ( dDate>=@dbdate and isnull(bisstqc,0)=0) then 
195       CASE WHEN RdRecord.bRdFlag <>0 THEN 1 ELSE -1 END ELSE 0 END ) * (case  Inventory.iGroupType when  0 then Null when 1 then iquantity/Cu_f.iChangRate else rdrecords.iNum end  )  as iNum, 
196 (case when  ( dDate>=@dbdate and isnull(bisstqc,0)=0) then 0 else 
197       CASE WHEN RdRecord.bRdFlag <>0 THEN 1 ELSE -1 END  END) * convert(decimal(38,8),iquantity)  as iQCJCSL, 
198 (case when  ( dDate>=@dbdate and isnull(bisstqc,0)=0) then 0 else 
199       CASE WHEN RdRecord.bRdFlag <>0 THEN 1 ELSE -1 END  END ) * (case  Inventory.iGroupType when  0 then Null when 1 then iquantity/Cu_f.iChangRate else rdrecords.iNum end  )  as iQCJCJS, 
200 (case when  ( dDate>=@dbdate and isnull(bisstqc,0)=0) then 
201       CASE WHEN RdRecord.bRdFlag <>0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ELSE 0 END) * convert(decimal(38,8),iquantity)  as iInQuantity, 
202  (case when  ( dDate>=@dbdate and isnull(bisstqc,0)=0) then 
203       CASE WHEN RdRecord.bRdFlag <>0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ELSE 0 END ) * (case  Inventory.iGroupType when  0 then Null when 1 then iquantity/Cu_f.iChangRate else rdrecords.iNum end  )  as iinNum, 
204 (case when  ( dDate>=@dbdate and isnull(bisstqc,0)=0) then 
205       CASE WHEN RdRecord.bRdFlag <>0 THEN 0 ELSE 1 END ELSE 0 END) * convert(decimal(38,8),iquantity)  as ioutQuantity, 
206  (case when  ( dDate>=@dbdate and isnull(bisstqc,0)=0) then 
207       CASE WHEN RdRecord.bRdFlag <>0 THEN 0 ELSE 1 END ELSE 0 END ) * (case  Inventory.iGroupType when  0 then Null when 1 then iquantity/Cu_f.iChangRate else rdrecords.iNum end  )  as ioutNum, 
208  ( CASE WHEN RdRecord.bRdFlag <>0 THEN 1 ELSE -1 END ) * convert(decimal(38,8),iquantity)  as iQMJCSL, 
209  ( CASE WHEN RdRecord.bRdFlag <>0 THEN 1 ELSE -1 END ) *  (case  Inventory.iGroupType when  0 then Null when 1 then iquantity/Cu_f.iChangRate else rdrecords.iNum end  )  as iQMJCJS, 
210  convert(decimal (38,6),IsNull(Inventory.iInvSPrice,0)) as iUnitCost,  CU_F.cComUnitName as cInvA_Unit ,  (case when  ( dDate>=@dbdate and isnull(bisstqc,0)=0) then 1 else 0 end) as bBQFS , 
211  (case when  ( dDate>=@dbdate and isnull(bisstqc,0)=0) then case when brdflag=0 then 1 else 0 end  else 0 end) as bBQCK , 
212  (case when  ( dDate>=@dbdate and isnull(bisstqc,0)=0) then case when brdflag=1 then 1 else 0 end else 0 end) as bBQRK , 
213  isnull(Left(RdRecord.cRdCode,3) ,N‘‘)+ convert(nvarchar(1),brdflag)  as newrdflag 
214  from 
215  rdrecord08 rdrecord left join rdrecords08 rdrecords on rdrecord.id=rdrecords.id 
216  left join inventory on rdrecords.cinvcode=inventory.cinvcode 
217  left join warehouse on RdRecord.cWhCode = Warehouse.cWhCode
218  left JOIN InventoryClass On Inventory.cInvCCode = InventoryClass.cInvCCode
219  left join department on rdrecord.cdepcode =department.cdepcode 
220  left join ComputationUnit CU_F on Inventory.cSTComUnitCode = CU_F.cComUnitCode
221  where 
222  rdrecord.id in (select id from  #rdrecord08 )
224 insert into #a  Select rdrecord.cwhcode,warehouse.cWhName,inventory.cInvCCode ,cInvCName ,rdrecords.cinvcode,IsNull(cItem_class,N‘‘) AS cItem_class ,
225 IsNull(cItemCName,N‘‘) AS cItemCName  ,IsNull(cItemCode,N‘‘) AS cItemCode ,IsNull(cName,N‘‘)  As cName,RdRecord.bRdFlag,
226 isnull(RdRecord.cDefine3,N‘‘) as cDefine3,isnull(RdRecord.cDefine1,N‘‘) as cDefine1,isnull(RdRecord.cDefine11,N‘‘) as cDefine11,isnull(cFree9,N‘‘) as cFree9,isnull(cFree10,N‘‘) as cFree10,
227 Left(RdRecord.cRdCode,3) As cRdCode, 
228 (case when  ( dDate>=@dbdate and isnull(bisstqc,0)=0) then 
229       CASE WHEN RdRecord.bRdFlag <>0 THEN 1 ELSE -1 END ELSE 0 END) * convert(decimal(38,8),iquantity)  as iquantity, 
230 (case when  ( dDate>=@dbdate and isnull(bisstqc,0)=0) then 
231       CASE WHEN RdRecord.bRdFlag <>0 THEN 1 ELSE -1 END ELSE 0 END ) * (case  Inventory.iGroupType when  0 then Null when 1 then iquantity/Cu_f.iChangRate else rdrecords.iNum end  )  as iNum, 
232 (case when  ( dDate>=@dbdate and isnull(bisstqc,0)=0) then 0 else 
233       CASE WHEN RdRecord.bRdFlag <>0 THEN 1 ELSE -1 END  END) * convert(decimal(38,8),iquantity)  as iQCJCSL, 
234 (case when  ( dDate>=@dbdate and isnull(bisstqc,0)=0) then 0 else 
235       CASE WHEN RdRecord.bRdFlag <>0 THEN 1 ELSE -1 END  END ) * (case  Inventory.iGroupType when  0 then Null when 1 then iquantity/Cu_f.iChangRate else rdrecords.iNum end  )  as iQCJCJS, 
236 (case when  ( dDate>=@dbdate and isnull(bisstqc,0)=0) then 
237       CASE WHEN RdRecord.bRdFlag <>0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ELSE 0 END) * convert(decimal(38,8),iquantity)  as iInQuantity, 
238  (case when  ( dDate>=@dbdate and isnull(bisstqc,0)=0) then 
239       CASE WHEN RdRecord.bRdFlag <>0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ELSE 0 END ) * (case  Inventory.iGroupType when  0 then Null when 1 then iquantity/Cu_f.iChangRate else rdrecords.iNum end  )  as iinNum, 
240 (case when  ( dDate>=@dbdate and isnull(bisstqc,0)=0) then 
241       CASE WHEN RdRecord.bRdFlag <>0 THEN 0 ELSE 1 END ELSE 0 END) * convert(decimal(38,8),iquantity)  as ioutQuantity, 
242  (case when  ( dDate>=@dbdate and isnull(bisstqc,0)=0) then 
243       CASE WHEN RdRecord.bRdFlag <>0 THEN 0 ELSE 1 END ELSE 0 END ) * (case  Inventory.iGroupType when  0 then Null when 1 then iquantity/Cu_f.iChangRate else rdrecords.iNum end  )  as ioutNum, 
244  ( CASE WHEN RdRecord.bRdFlag <>0 THEN 1 ELSE -1 END ) * convert(decimal(38,8),iquantity)  as iQMJCSL, 
245  ( CASE WHEN RdRecord.bRdFlag <>0 THEN 1 ELSE -1 END ) *  (case  Inventory.iGroupType when  0 then Null when 1 then iquantity/Cu_f.iChangRate else rdrecords.iNum end  )  as iQMJCJS, 
246  convert(decimal (38,6),IsNull(Inventory.iInvSPrice,0)) as iUnitCost,  CU_F.cComUnitName as cInvA_Unit ,  (case when  ( dDate>=@dbdate and isnull(bisstqc,0)=0) then 1 else 0 end) as bBQFS , 
247  (case when  ( dDate>=@dbdate and isnull(bisstqc,0)=0) then case when brdflag=0 then 1 else 0 end  else 0 end) as bBQCK , 
248  (case when  ( dDate>=@dbdate and isnull(bisstqc,0)=0) then case when brdflag=1 then 1 else 0 end else 0 end) as bBQRK , 
249  isnull(Left(RdRecord.cRdCode,3) ,N‘‘)+ convert(nvarchar(1),brdflag)  as newrdflag 
250  from 
251  rdrecord09 rdrecord left join rdrecords09 rdrecords on rdrecord.id=rdrecords.id 
252  left join inventory on rdrecords.cinvcode=inventory.cinvcode 
253  left join warehouse on RdRecord.cWhCode = Warehouse.cWhCode
255  left JOIN InventoryClass On Inventory.cInvCCode = InventoryClass.cInvCCode
256  left join department on rdrecord.cdepcode =department.cdepcode 
257  left join ComputationUnit CU_F on Inventory.cSTComUnitCode = CU_F.cComUnitCode
258  where 
259  rdrecord.id in (select id from  #rdrecord09 )
261 insert into #a  Select rdrecord.cwhcode,warehouse.cWhName,inventory.cInvCCode ,cInvCName ,rdrecords.cinvcode,IsNull(cItem_class,N‘‘) AS cItem_class ,
262 IsNull(cItemCName,N‘‘) AS cItemCName  ,IsNull(cItemCode,N‘‘) AS cItemCode ,IsNull(cName,N‘‘)  As cName,RdRecord.bRdFlag,
263 isnull(RdRecord.cDefine3,N‘‘) as cDefine3,isnull(RdRecord.cDefine1,N‘‘) as cDefine1,isnull(RdRecord.cDefine11,N‘‘) as cDefine11,isnull(cFree9,N‘‘) as cFree9,isnull(cFree10,N‘‘) as cFree10,
264 Left(RdRecord.cRdCode,3) As cRdCode, 
265 (case when  ( dDate>=@dbdate and isnull(bisstqc,0)=0) then 
266       CASE WHEN RdRecord.bRdFlag <>0 THEN 1 ELSE -1 END ELSE 0 END) * convert(decimal(38,8),iquantity)  as iquantity, 
267 (case when  ( dDate>=@dbdate and isnull(bisstqc,0)=0) then 
268       CASE WHEN RdRecord.bRdFlag <>0 THEN 1 ELSE -1 END ELSE 0 END ) * (case  Inventory.iGroupType when  0 then Null when 1 then iquantity/Cu_f.iChangRate else rdrecords.iNum end  )  as iNum, 
269 (case when  ( dDate>=@dbdate and isnull(bisstqc,0)=0) then 0 else 
270       CASE WHEN RdRecord.bRdFlag <>0 THEN 1 ELSE -1 END  END) * convert(decimal(38,8),iquantity)  as iQCJCSL, 
271 (case when  ( dDate>=@dbdate and isnull(bisstqc,0)=0) then 0 else 
272       CASE WHEN RdRecord.bRdFlag <>0 THEN 1 ELSE -1 END  END ) * (case  Inventory.iGroupType when  0 then Null when 1 then iquantity/Cu_f.iChangRate else rdrecords.iNum end  )  as iQCJCJS, 
273 (case when  ( dDate>=@dbdate and isnull(bisstqc,0)=0) then 
274       CASE WHEN RdRecord.bRdFlag <>0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ELSE 0 END) * convert(decimal(38,8),iquantity)  as iInQuantity, 
275  (case when  ( dDate>=@dbdate and isnull(bisstqc,0)=0) then 
276       CASE WHEN RdRecord.bRdFlag <>0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ELSE 0 END ) * (case  Inventory.iGroupType when  0 then Null when 1 then iquantity/Cu_f.iChangRate else rdrecords.iNum end  )  as iinNum, 
277 (case when  ( dDate>=@dbdate and isnull(bisstqc,0)=0) then 
278       CASE WHEN RdRecord.bRdFlag <>0 THEN 0 ELSE 1 END ELSE 0 END) * convert(decimal(38,8),iquantity)  as ioutQuantity, 
279  (case when  ( dDate>=@dbdate and isnull(bisstqc,0)=0) then 
280       CASE WHEN RdRecord.bRdFlag <>0 THEN 0 ELSE 1 END ELSE 0 END ) * (case  Inventory.iGroupType when  0 then Null when 1 then iquantity/Cu_f.iChangRate else rdrecords.iNum end  )  as ioutNum, 
281  ( CASE WHEN RdRecord.bRdFlag <>0 THEN 1 ELSE -1 END ) * convert(decimal(38,8),iquantity)  as iQMJCSL, 
282  ( CASE WHEN RdRecord.bRdFlag <>0 THEN 1 ELSE -1 END ) *  (case  Inventory.iGroupType when  0 then Null when 1 then iquantity/Cu_f.iChangRate else rdrecords.iNum end  )  as iQMJCJS, 
283  convert(decimal (38,6),IsNull(Inventory.iInvSPrice,0)) as iUnitCost,  CU_F.cComUnitName as cInvA_Unit ,  (case when  ( dDate>=@dbdate and isnull(bisstqc,0)=0) then 1 else 0 end) as bBQFS , 
284  (case when  ( dDate>=@dbdate and isnull(bisstqc,0)=0) then case when brdflag=0 then 1 else 0 end  else 0 end) as bBQCK , 
285  (case when  ( dDate>=@dbdate and isnull(bisstqc,0)=0) then case when brdflag=1 then 1 else 0 end else 0 end) as bBQRK , 
286  isnull(Left(RdRecord.cRdCode,3) ,N‘‘)+ convert(nvarchar(1),brdflag)  as newrdflag 
287  from 
288  rdrecord10 rdrecord left join rdrecords10 rdrecords on rdrecord.id=rdrecords.id 
289  left join inventory on rdrecords.cinvcode=inventory.cinvcode 
290  left join warehouse on RdRecord.cWhCode = Warehouse.cWhCode
292  left JOIN InventoryClass On Inventory.cInvCCode = InventoryClass.cInvCCode
293  left join department on rdrecord.cdepcode =department.cdepcode 
294  left join ComputationUnit CU_F on Inventory.cSTComUnitCode = CU_F.cComUnitCode
295  where 
296  rdrecord.id in (select id from  #rdrecord10 )
298 insert into #a  Select rdrecord.cwhcode,warehouse.cWhName,inventory.cInvCCode ,cInvCName ,rdrecords.cinvcode,IsNull(cItem_class,N‘‘) AS cItem_class ,
299 IsNull(cItemCName,N‘‘) AS cItemCName  ,IsNull(cItemCode,N‘‘) AS cItemCode ,IsNull(cName,N‘‘)  As cName,RdRecord.bRdFlag,
300 isnull(RdRecord.cDefine3,N‘‘) as cDefine3,isnull(RdRecord.cDefine1,N‘‘) as cDefine1,isnull(RdRecord.cDefine11,N‘‘) as cDefine11,isnull(cFree9,N‘‘) as cFree9,isnull(cFree10,N‘‘) as cFree10,
301 Left(RdRecord.cRdCode,3) As cRdCode, 
302 (case when  ( dDate>=@dbdate and isnull(bisstqc,0)=0) then 
303       CASE WHEN RdRecord.bRdFlag <>0 THEN 1 ELSE -1 END ELSE 0 END) * convert(decimal(38,8),iquantity)  as iquantity, 
304 (case when  ( dDate>=@dbdate and isnull(bisstqc,0)=0) then 
305       CASE WHEN RdRecord.bRdFlag <>0 THEN 1 ELSE -1 END ELSE 0 END ) * (case  Inventory.iGroupType when  0 then Null when 1 then iquantity/Cu_f.iChangRate else rdrecords.iNum end  )  as iNum, 
306 (case when  ( dDate>=@dbdate and isnull(bisstqc,0)=0) then 0 else 
307       CASE WHEN RdRecord.bRdFlag <>0 THEN 1 ELSE -1 END  END) * convert(decimal(38,8),iquantity)  as iQCJCSL, 
308 (case when  ( dDate>=@dbdate and isnull(bisstqc,0)=0) then 0 else 
309       CASE WHEN RdRecord.bRdFlag <>0 THEN 1 ELSE -1 END  END ) * (case  Inventory.iGroupType when  0 then Null when 1 then iquantity/Cu_f.iChangRate else rdrecords.iNum end  )  as iQCJCJS, 
310 (case when  ( dDate>=@dbdate and isnull(bisstqc,0)=0) then 
311       CASE WHEN RdRecord.bRdFlag <>0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ELSE 0 END) * convert(decimal(38,8),iquantity)  as iInQuantity, 
312  (case when  ( dDate>=@dbdate and isnull(bisstqc,0)=0) then 
313       CASE WHEN RdRecord.bRdFlag <>0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ELSE 0 END ) * (case  Inventory.iGroupType when  0 then Null when 1 then iquantity/Cu_f.iChangRate else rdrecords.iNum end  )  as iinNum, 
314 (case when  ( dDate>=@dbdate and isnull(bisstqc,0)=0) then 
315       CASE WHEN RdRecord.bRdFlag <>0 THEN 0 ELSE 1 END ELSE 0 END) * convert(decimal(38,8),iquantity)  as ioutQuantity, 
316  (case when  ( dDate>=@dbdate and isnull(bisstqc,0)=0) then 
317       CASE WHEN RdRecord.bRdFlag <>0 THEN 0 ELSE 1 END ELSE 0 END ) * (case  Inventory.iGroupType when  0 then Null when 1 then iquantity/Cu_f.iChangRate else rdrecords.iNum end  )  as ioutNum, 
318  ( CASE WHEN RdRecord.bRdFlag <>0 THEN 1 ELSE -1 END ) * convert(decimal(38,8),iquantity)  as iQMJCSL, 
319  ( CASE WHEN RdRecord.bRdFlag <>0 THEN 1 ELSE -1 END ) *  (case  Inventory.iGroupType when  0 then Null when 1 then iquantity/Cu_f.iChangRate else rdrecords.iNum end  )  as iQMJCJS, 
320  convert(decimal (38,6),IsNull(Inventory.iInvSPrice,0)) as iUnitCost,  CU_F.cComUnitName as cInvA_Unit ,  (case when  ( dDate>=@dbdate and isnull(bisstqc,0)=0) then 1 else 0 end) as bBQFS , 
321  (case when  ( dDate>=@dbdate and isnull(bisstqc,0)=0) then case when brdflag=0 then 1 else 0 end  else 0 end) as bBQCK , 
322  (case when  ( dDate>=@dbdate and isnull(bisstqc,0)=0) then case when brdflag=1 then 1 else 0 end else 0 end) as bBQRK , 
323  isnull(Left(RdRecord.cRdCode,3) ,N‘‘)+ convert(nvarchar(1),brdflag)  as newrdflag 
324  from 
325  rdrecord11 rdrecord left join rdrecords11 rdrecords on rdrecord.id=rdrecords.id 
326  left join inventory on rdrecords.cinvcode=inventory.cinvcode 
327  left join warehouse on RdRecord.cWhCode = Warehouse.cWhCode
329  left JOIN InventoryClass On Inventory.cInvCCode = InventoryClass.cInvCCode
330  left join department on rdrecord.cdepcode =department.cdepcode 
331  left join ComputationUnit CU_F on Inventory.cSTComUnitCode = CU_F.cComUnitCode
332  where 
333  rdrecord.id in (select id from  #rdrecord11 )
335 insert into #a  Select rdrecord.cwhcode,warehouse.cWhName,inventory.cInvCCode ,cInvCName ,rdrecords.cinvcode,IsNull(cItem_class,N‘‘) AS cItem_class ,
336 IsNull(cItemCName,N‘‘) AS cItemCName  ,IsNull(cItemCode,N‘‘) AS cItemCode ,IsNull(cName,N‘‘)  As cName,RdRecord.bRdFlag,
337 isnull(RdRecord.cDefine3,N‘‘) as cDefine3,isnull(RdRecord.cDefine1,N‘‘) as cDefine1,isnull(RdRecord.cDefine11,N‘‘) as cDefine11,isnull(cFree9,N‘‘) as cFree9,isnull(cFree10,N‘‘) as cFree10,
338 Left(RdRecord.cRdCode,3) As cRdCode, 
339 (case when  ( dDate>=@dbdate and isnull(bisstqc,0)=0) then 
340       CASE WHEN RdRecord.bRdFlag <>0 THEN 1 ELSE -1 END ELSE 0 END) * convert(decimal(38,8),iquantity)  as iquantity, 
341 (case when  ( dDate>=@dbdate and isnull(bisstqc,0)=0) then 
342       CASE WHEN RdRecord.bRdFlag <>0 THEN 1 ELSE -1 END ELSE 0 END ) * (case  Inventory.iGroupType when  0 then Null when 1 then iquantity/Cu_f.iChangRate else rdrecords.iNum end  )  as iNum, 
343 (case when  ( dDate>=@dbdate and isnull(bisstqc,0)=0) then 0 else 
344       CASE WHEN RdRecord.bRdFlag <>0 THEN 1 ELSE -1 END  END) * convert(decimal(38,8),iquantity)  as iQCJCSL, 
345 (case when  ( dDate>=@dbdate and isnull(bisstqc,0)=0) then 0 else 
346       CASE WHEN RdRecord.bRdFlag <>0 THEN 1 ELSE -1 END  END ) * (case  Inventory.iGroupType when  0 then Null when 1 then iquantity/Cu_f.iChangRate else rdrecords.iNum end  )  as iQCJCJS, 
347 (case when  ( dDate>=@dbdate and isnull(bisstqc,0)=0) then 
348       CASE WHEN RdRecord.bRdFlag <>0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ELSE 0 END) * convert(decimal(38,8),iquantity)  as iInQuantity, 
349  (case when  ( dDate>=@dbdate and isnull(bisstqc,0)=0) then 
350       CASE WHEN RdRecord.bRdFlag <>0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ELSE 0 END ) * (case  Inventory.iGroupType when  0 then Null when 1 then iquantity/Cu_f.iChangRate else rdrecords.iNum end  )  as iinNum, 
351 (case when  ( dDate>=@dbdate and isnull(bisstqc,0)=0) then 
352       CASE WHEN RdRecord.bRdFlag <>0 THEN 0 ELSE 1 END ELSE 0 END) * convert(decimal(38,8),iquantity)  as ioutQuantity, 
353  (case when  ( dDate>=@dbdate and isnull(bisstqc,0)=0) then 
354       CASE WHEN RdRecord.bRdFlag <>0 THEN 0 ELSE 1 END ELSE 0 END ) * (case  Inventory.iGroupType when  0 then Null when 1 then iquantity/Cu_f.iChangRate else rdrecords.iNum end  )  as ioutNum, 
355  ( CASE WHEN RdRecord.bRdFlag <>0 THEN 1 ELSE -1 END ) * convert(decimal(38,8),iquantity)  as iQMJCSL, 
356  ( CASE WHEN RdRecord.bRdFlag <>0 THEN 1 ELSE -1 END ) *  (case  Inventory.iGroupType when  0 then Null when 1 then iquantity/Cu_f.iChangRate else rdrecords.iNum end  )  as iQMJCJS, 
357  convert(decimal (38,6),IsNull(Inventory.iInvSPrice,0)) as iUnitCost,  CU_F.cComUnitName as cInvA_Unit ,  (case when  ( dDate>=@dbdate and isnull(bisstqc,0)=0) then 1 else 0 end) as bBQFS , 
358  (case when  ( dDate>=@dbdate and isnull(bisstqc,0)=0) then case when brdflag=0 then 1 else 0 end  else 0 end) as bBQCK , 
359  (case when  ( dDate>=@dbdate and isnull(bisstqc,0)=0) then case when brdflag=1 then 1 else 0 end else 0 end) as bBQRK , 
360  isnull(Left(RdRecord.cRdCode,3) ,N‘‘)+ convert(nvarchar(1),brdflag)  as newrdflag 
361  from 
362  rdrecord32 rdrecord left join rdrecords32 rdrecords on rdrecord.id=rdrecords.id 
363  left join inventory on rdrecords.cinvcode=inventory.cinvcode 
364  left join warehouse on RdRecord.cWhCode = Warehouse.cWhCode
366  left JOIN InventoryClass On Inventory.cInvCCode = InventoryClass.cInvCCode
367  left join department on rdrecord.cdepcode =department.cdepcode 
368  left join ComputationUnit CU_F on Inventory.cSTComUnitCode = CU_F.cComUnitCode
369  where 
370  rdrecord.id in (select id from  #rdrecord32 )
372 insert into #a  Select rdrecord.cwhcode,warehouse.cWhName,inventory.cInvCCode ,cInvCName ,rdrecords.cinvcode,IsNull(cItem_class,N‘‘) AS cItem_class ,
373 IsNull(cItemCName,N‘‘) AS cItemCName  ,IsNull(cItemCode,N‘‘) AS cItemCode ,IsNull(cName,N‘‘)  As cName,RdRecord.bRdFlag,
374 isnull(RdRecord.cDefine3,N‘‘) as cDefine3,isnull(RdRecord.cDefine1,N‘‘) as cDefine1,isnull(RdRecord.cDefine11,N‘‘) as cDefine11,isnull(cFree9,N‘‘) as cFree9,isnull(cFree10,N‘‘) as cFree10,
375 Left(RdRecord.cRdCode,3) As cRdCode, 
376 (case when  ( dDate>=@dbdate and isnull(bisstqc,0)=0) then 
377       CASE WHEN RdRecord.bRdFlag <>0 THEN 1 ELSE -1 END ELSE 0 END) * convert(decimal(38,8),iquantity)  as iquantity, 
378 (case when  ( dDate>=@dbdate and isnull(bisstqc,0)=0) then 
379       CASE WHEN RdRecord.bRdFlag <>0 THEN 1 ELSE -1 END ELSE 0 END ) * (case  Inventory.iGroupType when  0 then Null when 1 then iquantity/Cu_f.iChangRate else rdrecords.iNum end  )  as iNum, 
380 (case when  ( dDate>=@dbdate and isnull(bisstqc,0)=0) then 0 else 
381       CASE WHEN RdRecord.bRdFlag <>0 THEN 1 ELSE -1 END  END) * convert(decimal(38,8),iquantity)  as iQCJCSL, 
382 (case when  ( dDate>=@dbdate and isnull(bisstqc,0)=0) then 0 else 
383       CASE WHEN RdRecord.bRdFlag <>0 THEN 1 ELSE -1 END  END ) * (case  Inventory.iGroupType when  0 then Null when 1 then iquantity/Cu_f.iChangRate else rdrecords.iNum end  )  as iQCJCJS, 
384 (case when  ( dDate>=@dbdate and isnull(bisstqc,0)=0) then 
385       CASE WHEN RdRecord.bRdFlag <>0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ELSE 0 END) * convert(decimal(38,8),iquantity)  as iInQuantity, 
386  (case when  ( dDate>=@dbdate and isnull(bisstqc,0)=0) then 
387       CASE WHEN RdRecord.bRdFlag <>0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ELSE 0 END ) * (case  Inventory.iGroupType when  0 then Null when 1 then iquantity/Cu_f.iChangRate else rdrecords.iNum end  )  as iinNum, 
388 (case when  ( dDate>=@dbdate and isnull(bisstqc,0)=0) then 
389       CASE WHEN RdRecord.bRdFlag <>0 THEN 0 ELSE 1 END ELSE 0 END) * convert(decimal(38,8),iquantity)  as ioutQuantity, 
390  (case when  ( dDate>=@dbdate and isnull(bisstqc,0)=0) then 
391       CASE WHEN RdRecord.bRdFlag <>0 THEN 0 ELSE 1 END ELSE 0 END ) * (case  Inventory.iGroupType when  0 then Null when 1 then iquantity/Cu_f.iChangRate else rdrecords.iNum end  )  as ioutNum, 
392  ( CASE WHEN RdRecord.bRdFlag <>0 THEN 1 ELSE -1 END ) * convert(decimal(38,8),iquantity)  as iQMJCSL, 
393  ( CASE WHEN RdRecord.bRdFlag <>0 THEN 1 ELSE -1 END ) *  (case  Inventory.iGroupType when  0 then Null when 1 then iquantity/Cu_f.iChangRate else rdrecords.iNum end  )  as iQMJCJS, 
394  convert(decimal (38,6),IsNull(Inventory.iInvSPrice,0)) as iUnitCost,  CU_F.cComUnitName as cInvA_Unit ,  (case when  ( dDate>=@dbdate and isnull(bisstqc,0)=0) then 1 else 0 end) as bBQFS , 
395  (case when  ( dDate>=@dbdate and isnull(bisstqc,0)=0) then case when brdflag=0 then 1 else 0 end  else 0 end) as bBQCK , 
396  (case when  ( dDate>=@dbdate and isnull(bisstqc,0)=0) then case when brdflag=1 then 1 else 0 end else 0 end) as bBQRK , 
397  isnull(Left(RdRecord.cRdCode,3) ,N‘‘)+ convert(nvarchar(1),brdflag)  as newrdflag 
398  from 
399  rdrecord34 rdrecord left join rdrecords34 rdrecords on rdrecord.id=rdrecords.id 
400  left join inventory on rdrecords.cinvcode=inventory.cinvcode 
401  left join warehouse on RdRecord.cWhCode = Warehouse.cWhCode
403  left JOIN InventoryClass On Inventory.cInvCCode = InventoryClass.cInvCCode
404  left join department on rdrecord.cdepcode =department.cdepcode 
405  left join ComputationUnit CU_F on Inventory.cSTComUnitCode = CU_F.cComUnitCode
406  where 
407  rdrecord.id in (select id from  #rdrecord34 )
409 insert into #a   Select warehouse.cwhcode,warehouse.cWhName,inventory.cInvCCode ,cInvCName ,a.cinvcode,IsNull(cItem_class,N‘‘) AS cItem_class ,
410 IsNull(cItemCName,N‘‘) AS cItemCName  ,IsNull(cItemCode,N‘‘) AS cItemCode ,IsNull(cName,N‘‘)  As cName,1 as bRdFlag,
411 isnull(a.cdefine3,N‘‘) as cdefine3,isnull(a.cdefine1,N‘‘) as cdefine1,isnull(a.cdefine11,N‘‘) as cdefine11,isnull(cFree9,N‘‘) as cFree9,isnull(cFree10,N‘‘) as cFree10,
412 Left(a.cRdCode,3) As cRdCode, 
413  0  as iquantity, 
414  0  as iNum, 
415  convert(decimal(38,8),iquantity)  as iQCJCSL, 
416  (case  Inventory.iGroupType when  0 then Null when 1 then iquantity/Cu_f.iChangRate else a.iNum end  )  as iQCJCJS, 
417  0  as iInQuantity, 
418  0  as iinNum, 
419  0  as ioutQuantity, 
420  0  as ioutNum, 
421  convert(decimal(38,8),iquantity)  as iQMJCSL, 
422  (case  Inventory.iGroupType when  0 then Null when 1 then iquantity/Cu_f.iChangRate else a.iNum end  )  as iQMJCJS, 
423  convert(decimal (38,6),IsNull(Inventory.iInvSPrice,0)) as iUnitCost,  CU_F.cComUnitName as cInvA_Unit ,  0 as bBQFS , 
424  0 as bBQCK , 
425  0 as bBQRK , 
426  isnull(Left(cRdCode,3) ,N‘‘)+ convert(nvarchar(1),1)  as newrdflag 
427  from 
428  ST_MonthAccounts  a  left join inventory on a.cinvcode=inventory.cinvcode 
429  left join warehouse on a.cWhCode = Warehouse.cWhCode
431  left JOIN InventoryClass On Inventory.cInvCCode = InventoryClass.cInvCCode
432  left join department on a.cdepcode =department.cdepcode left join ComputationUnit CU_F on Inventory.cSTComUnitCode = CU_F.cComUnitCode
433    where iYear = @iyear and iMonth = @iperiod
435 Select cWhCode as 仓库编码, cWhName as 仓库名称, a.cInvCode as 存货编码, cInvName as 存货名称,cInvAddCode AS 存货代码,  cInvStd as 规格型号, cAddress AS 产地, ComputationUnit.CComUnitName  AS 计量单位,cInvA_Unit AS 库存单位, a.cInvCCode   ,cInvCName AS 存货分类名称 , cItem_class AS 项目大类编码,cItemCName AS 项目大类名称 ,cItemCode AS 项目编码 ,cName AS 项目名称 ,
436 cFree9,cFree10,cInvDefine1,cInvDefine2,cDefine3,cDefine1,cDefine11,
437  iQCJCSL AS  期初结存数量  ,iQCJCJS AS 期初结存件数, convert(decimal(36,2), iQCJCSL * iUnitCost) AS 期初结存金额, 
438  iInQuantity as 总计_入库数量,iInNum as  总计_入库件数 ,  convert(decimal(36,2),iInQuantity*iUnitCost)  As 总计_入库金额 ,
439  iOutQuantity as 总计_出库数量,iOutNum as  总计_出库件数 ,  convert(decimal(36,2),iOutQuantity*iUnitCost)  As 总计_出库金额 ,
440  iQMJCSL AS 期末结存数量,iQMJCJS AS 期末结存件数,  convert(decimal(36,2),iQMJCSL*iUnitCost)  AS 期末结存金额 , i.igrouptype, ComputationUnit.ichangrate as iinvexchrate,  bBQFS,bBQRK,bBQCK,Null as cDefine6,Null as cDefine9,Null as cDefine12,Null as cDefine14,Null as cDefine22,Null as cDefine25,Null as cDefine28,Null as cDefine31,Null as cDefine34,Null as cDefine37,Null as cDefine2,Null as cDefine4,Null as cDefine5,Null as cDefine7,Null as cDefine8,Null as cDefine10,Null as cInvDefine3,Null as cFree1,Null as cFree2,Null as cFree3,Null as cDefine23,Null as cDefine24,Null as cDefine26,Null as cDefine27,Null as cFree4,Null as cFree5,Null as cFree6,Null as cFree7,Null as cFree8,Null as cDefine13,Null as cDefine15,Null as cDefine16,Null as cDefine29,Null as cDefine30,Null as cDefine32,Null as cDefine33,Null as cDefine35,Null as cDefine36,Null as cInvDefine4,Null as cInvDefine5,Null as cInvDefine6,Null as cInvDefine7,Null as cInvDefine8,Null as cInvDefine9,Null as cInvDefine10,Null as cInvDefine11,Null as cInvDefine12,Null as cInvDefine13,Null as cInvDefine14,Null as cInvDefine15,Null as cInvDefine16 
441  INTO #b
442  FROM #a A  left join inventory i on a.cinvcode=i.cinvcode left join ComputationUnit ON i.cComUnitCode = ComputationUnit.cComUnitCode  
444 --SELECT * FROM #b WHERE 存货编码=‘01019002063‘
445 update   a set  a.期末结存件数=0.00  from #b a left join inventory i with (nolock) on a.存货编码 = i.cinvcode 
446  where i.igrouptype =1  and convert(decimal(38,2),a.期末结存数量) = 0 
447 update   a set  a.期初结存件数=0.00  from #b a left join inventory i with (nolock) on a.存货编码 = i.cinvcode 
448  where i.igrouptype =1  and convert(decimal(38,2),a.期初结存数量) = 0 
450  SELECT [仓库编码],[仓库名称] as [仓库名称],[存货编码],[存货代码] as [存货代码],[存货名称] as [存货名称],[规格型号] as [规格型号],[计量单位] as [计量单位],[库存单位] as [库存单位],[产地] as [产地],[cInvCCode] as [cInvCCode],[存货分类名称] as [存货分类名称],[项目大类编码] as [项目大类编码],[项目大类名称] as [项目大类名称],[项目编码] as [项目编码],[项目名称] as [项目名称],round([期初结存数量],2) as [期初结存数量],round([期初结存件数],2) as [期初结存件数],round([期初结存金额],2) as [期初结存金额],round([总计_入库数量],2) as [总计_入库数量],round([总计_入库件数],2) as [总计_入库件数],round([总计_入库金额],2) as [总计_入库金额],round([总计_出库数量],2) as [总计_出库数量],round([总计_出库件数],2) as [总计_出库件数],round([总计_出库金额],2) as [总计_出库金额],round([期末结存数量],2) as [期末结存数量],round([期末结存件数],2) as [期末结存件数],round([期末结存金额],2) as [期末结存金额],round([bBQFS],2) as [bBQFS],round([bBQCK],2) as [bBQCK],round([bBQRK],2) as [bBQRK],round([igrouptype],2) as [igrouptype],round([iinvexchrate],2) as [iinvexchrate],[cFree9],[cFree10],[cInvDefine1],[cInvDefine2],[cDefine3],[cDefine1],[cDefine11],[cDefine6],[cDefine9],[cDefine12],[cDefine14],[cDefine22],[cDefine25],[cDefine28],[cDefine31],[cDefine34],[cDefine37],[cDefine2],[cDefine4],[cDefine5],[cDefine7],[cDefine8],[cDefine10],[cInvDefine3],[cFree1],[cFree2],[cFree3],[cDefine23],[cDefine24],[cDefine26],[cDefine27],[cFree4],[cFree5],[cFree6],[cFree7],[cFree8],[cDefine13],[cDefine15],[cDefine16],[cDefine29],[cDefine30],[cDefine32],[cDefine33],[cDefine35],[cDefine36],[cInvDefine4],[cInvDefine5],[cInvDefine6],[cInvDefine7],[cInvDefine8],[cInvDefine9],[cInvDefine10],[cInvDefine11],[cInvDefine12],[cInvDefine13],[cInvDefine14],[cInvDefine15],[cInvDefine16] 
451  INTO #c 
452  FROM #b 
454  SELECT [仓库编码],max([仓库名称]) as [仓库名称],[存货编码],max([存货代码]) as [存货代码],max([存货名称]) as [存货名称],max([规格型号]) as [规格型号],max([计量单位]) as [计量单位],max([库存单位]) as [库存单位],max([产地]) as [产地],max([cInvCCode]) as [cInvCCode],max([存货分类名称]) as [存货分类名称],max([项目大类编码]) as [项目大类编码],max([项目大类名称]) as [项目大类名称],max([项目编码]) as [项目编码],max([项目名称]) as [项目名称],sum(round([期初结存数量],2)) as [期初结存数量],sum(round([期初结存件数],2)) as [期初结存件数],sum(round([期初结存金额],2)) as [期初结存金额],sum(round([总计_入库数量],2)) as [总计_入库数量],sum(round([总计_入库件数],2)) as [总计_入库件数],sum(round([总计_入库金额],2)) as [总计_入库金额],sum(round([总计_出库数量],2)) as [总计_出库数量],sum(round([总计_出库件数],2)) as [总计_出库件数],sum(round([总计_出库金额],2)) as [总计_出库金额],sum(round([期末结存数量],2)) as [期末结存数量],sum(round([期末结存件数],2)) as [期末结存件数],sum(round([期末结存金额],2)) as [期末结存金额],max(round([bBQFS],2)) as [bBQFS],max(round([bBQCK],2)) as [bBQCK],max(round([bBQRK],2)) as [bBQRK],min([igrouptype]) as [igrouptype],min([iinvexchrate]) as [iinvexchrate] 
455  INTO #d
456  FROM #c GROUP BY [仓库编码], [存货编码]
458  SELECT * FROM #d 
459  WHERE (1 = 1) and (convert(decimal(38,6),  IsNull(期初结存数量,0))<>0 or convert(decimal(38,6),  IsNull(期末结存数量,0))<>0 or convert(decimal(38,6),  IsNull(总计_入库数量,0))<>0 or convert(decimal(38,6),  IsNull(总计_出库数量,0))<>0   or convert(decimal(38,6),  IsNull(期初结存件数,0))<>0 or convert(decimal(38,6),  IsNull(期末结存件数,0))<>0 or convert(decimal(38,6),  IsNull(总计_入库件数,0))<>0 or convert(decimal(38,6),  IsNull(总计_出库件数,0))<>0 ) 
460  AND 存货编码=01019002063
461  ORDER BY [仓库编码], [存货编码]



