3、固定RFC Server
Group如system = ‘parallel_generators‘,无法保证程序在不同服务器中通用性。
2、分析:在LOOP循环中采用异步调用函数的模式,通过SY-SUBRC = 0来判断任务启动成功,
解决:牺牲部分性能保证数据的完整。通过RZ12获取服务器的Max. requests in queue
循环的时候统计启动的启动的进程数是否 = Max. requests
返回的值,然后再重新启动进程,重复此操作。系统分配给每个程序的最大进程数> Max. requests
queue,但是把启动的进程数限制在Max.requests in
一般系统直接指定<RFC Serve Group>
=‘ parallel_generators ‘,如上图的“服务器组”对应的内容,为了保持一般性通过如下逻辑段获取:
g_classname Type rzlli_apcl, "Server Group Name
g_applserver Type rzllitab-applserver."RFC Serve Group
ID ‘NAME‘ FIELD ‘rdisp/myname‘
ID ‘VALUE‘ FIELD g_applserver.
ID ‘NAME‘ FIELD ‘rdisp/myname‘
ID ‘VALUE‘ FIELD g_applserver.
FROM rzllitab
g_classname "Server Group Name
WHERE applserver = g_applserver
AND grouptype = ‘S‘. "S:服务器组,空:登陆组
1 *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* 2 *& Report ZPPR0056 3 *&----------------------------------------------------------------------* 4 *& Program Name : ZPPR0056 5 *& Author‘s Name : QLB 6 *& Written Date : 2014.01.08 7 *& Request Number: DEVK940516 8 *& Program Description: 共用料区分建议报表--并行处理 9 *&----------------------------------------------------------------------* 10 * Changer Changed Date Request NO. Dec. 11 *&----------------------------------------------------------------------* 12 13 report zppr0056 message-id zppmess. 14 15 tables: mara,marc. 16 17 types: begin of gs_out, 18 werks type marc-werks,"工厂 19 dispo type marc-dispo,"MRP控制员 20 matnr type marc-matnr,"物料 21 maktx type makt-maktx,"物料描述 22 meins type mara-meins,"单位 23 matkl type mara-matkl,"物料组 24 labst type mard-labst,"NO-X非限制库存 25 zsupl type mard-labst,"NO-X过期供给 26 zreqd type mard-labst,"NO-X过期需求 27 ztype type c, "期间类型 28 ztext type c length 20,"期间类型文本 29 dat01 type mard-labst, "期间-one 30 dat02 type mard-labst, "期间-two 31 dat03 type mard-labst, "期间-three 32 dat04 type mard-labst, "期间-four 33 dat05 type mard-labst, "期间-five 34 dat06 type mard-labst, "期间-six 35 dat07 type mard-labst, "期间-seven 36 dat08 type mard-labst, "期间-eight 37 dat09 type mard-labst, "期间-nine 38 dat10 type mard-labst, "期间-ten 39 dat11 type mard-labst, "期间-evelen 40 dat12 type mard-labst, "期间-twelve 41 end of gs_out, 42 43 begin of gs_dtl, 44 werks type marc-werks,"工厂 45 matnr type marc-matnr,"物料 46 zdate type sy-datum, "需求日期 47 delb0 type t457t-delb0,"MRP元素 48 extra type mdez-extra,"MRP元素数据 49 mng01 type mdez-mng01,"收货数量或需求数量 50 end of gs_dtl, 51 52 begin of gs_marc, 53 matnr type marc-matnr,"物料ID 54 werks type marc-werks,"工厂 55 dispo type marc-dispo,"MRP控制员 56 matkl type mara-matkl,"物料组 57 meins type mara-meins,"基本单位 58 end of gs_marc, 59 60 begin of gs_mard, 61 matnr type mard-matnr,"物料 62 werks type mard-werks,"工厂 63 lgort type mard-lgort,"库存地点 64 labst type mard-labst,"库存数 65 end of gs_mard, 66 67 begin of gs_makt, 68 matnr type makt-matnr,"物料 69 maktx type makt-maktx,"物料描述 70 end of gs_makt, 71 72 begin of gs_task, 73 matnr type marc-matnr,"物料 74 werks type marc-werks,"工厂 75 dispo type marc-dispo,"MRP控制员 76 matkl type mara-matkl,"物料组 77 meins type mara-meins,"单位 78 maktx type makt-maktx,"物料描述 79 labst type mard-labst,"库存 80 taskname type c length 12, 81 end of gs_task. 82 83 data: gw_task type gs_task, 84 gt_task type standard table of gs_task. 85 86 data: gw_out type gs_out, 87 gw_dtl type gs_dtl, 88 gw_mard type gs_mard. 89 90 data: gt_out type standard table of gs_out, 91 gt_dtl type standard table of gs_dtl,"明细alv 92 gt_marc type standard table of gs_marc, 93 gt_marc_d type standard table of gs_marc, 94 gt_makt type standard table of gs_makt, 95 gt_mard type standard table of gs_mard, 96 gt_mard_s type standard table of gs_mard. 97 data: gt_noxlog type standard table of znoxlog with header line. 98 99 field-symbols:<fs_out> type gs_out, 100 <fs_mard> type gs_mard, 101 <fs_marc> type gs_marc, 102 <fs_makt> type gs_makt, 103 <fs_mrp> type bapi_mrp_items, 104 <fs>, 105 <fs1>, 106 <fs2>, 107 <fs3>. 108 109 data: gt_mrp_items type standard table of bapi_mrp_items."MRP_ITEMs数据 110 111 112 data: g_txt type c length 20, 113 g_num type n length 2. 114 data: g_mondy type d, 115 g_sundy type d. 116 data: g_post type i. 117 data: g_mark type c. 118 119 *****-------GRID_ALV定义 120 class lcl_alv definition deferred. 121 data: g_alv type ref to lcl_alv. 122 data: gt_fcat type lvc_t_fcat, 123 gw_fcat type lvc_s_fcat, 124 is_layo type lvc_s_layo, 125 is_vart type disvariant. 126 data: g_grid1 type ref to cl_gui_alv_grid, 127 g_custom_container1 type ref to cl_gui_custom_container, 128 g_container1 type scrfname value ‘GRID_01‘. 129 data: ok_code type sy-ucomm, 130 save_ok type sy-ucomm. 131 132 *-----------------------------------------------------------------------* 133 *DESC:异步取数变量定义 134 *-----------------------------------------------------------------------* 135 data: g_taskname(12) type c, "task name(同时运行的任务名称必须保持唯一) 136 g_classname type rzlli_apcl, "Server Group Name 137 g_applserver type rzllitab-applserver."RFC Serve Group 138 139 data: snd_jobs type i, 140 rcv_jobs type i, 141 functioncall1(1) type c. 142 143 constants: done(1) type c value ‘X‘, 144 pnum type i value 5."进程数 145 146 *----------------------------------------------------------------------* 147 * CLASS LCL_ALV DEFINITION 148 *----------------------------------------------------------------------* 149 * 150 *----------------------------------------------------------------------* 151 class lcl_alv definition. 152 public section. 153 methods: 154 create_object, 155 fcat_setting, 156 layo_setting, 157 disp, 158 main. 159 160 private section. 161 162 endclass. "LCL_ALV DEFINITION 163 164 *----------------------------------------------------------------------* 165 * CLASS LCL_ALV IMPLEMENTATION 166 *----------------------------------------------------------------------* 167 * 168 *----------------------------------------------------------------------* 169 class lcl_alv implementation. 170 method create_object. 171 if g_custom_container1 is initial. 172 "创建容器 173 create object g_custom_container1 174 exporting 175 container_name = g_container1 176 exceptions 177 cntl_error = 1 178 cntl_system_error = 2 179 create_error = 3 180 lifetime_error = 4 181 lifetime_dynpro_dynpro_link = 5 182 others = 6. 183 if sy-subrc ne 0. 184 message ‘error1‘ type ‘E‘. 185 endif. 186 187 "创建ALV 188 create object g_grid1 189 exporting 190 i_parent = g_custom_container1 191 exceptions 192 error_cntl_create = 1 193 error_cntl_init = 2 194 error_cntl_link = 3 195 error_dp_create = 4 196 others = 5. 197 if sy-subrc ne 0. 198 message ‘error2‘ type ‘E‘. 199 endif. 200 201 else. 202 g_grid1->refresh_table_display( ). 203 endif. 204 205 endmethod. "CREATE_OBJECT 206 207 method fcat_setting. 208 perform frm_set_fcat. 209 210 endmethod. "FCAT_SETTING 211 212 method layo_setting. 213 is_layo-zebra = ‘X‘."隔行颜色 214 is_layo-sel_mode = ‘A‘."可选 215 is_layo-cwidth_opt = ‘X‘."输出列显示最优化 216 217 is_vart-report = sy-repid. 218 endmethod. "LAYO_SETTING 219 220 method disp. 221 "输出ALV 222 call method g_grid1->set_table_for_first_display 223 exporting 224 i_structure_name = ‘GS_DTL‘ 225 is_variant = is_vart 226 i_save = ‘A‘ 227 i_default = ‘X‘ 228 is_layout = is_layo 229 changing 230 it_outtab = gt_dtl[] 231 it_fieldcatalog = gt_fcat[] 232 "it_sort = gt_sort[] 233 exceptions 234 invalid_parameter_combination = 1 235 program_error = 2 236 too_many_lines = 3 237 others = 4. 238 if sy-subrc ne 0. 239 message ‘error3‘ type ‘E‘. 240 endif. 241 242 call method cl_gui_control=>set_focus 243 exporting 244 control = g_grid1. 245 endmethod. "DISP 246 247 method main. 248 me->create_object( ). 249 me->fcat_setting( ). 250 me->layo_setting( ). 251 me->disp( ). 252 endmethod. "MAIN 253 254 endclass. "LCL_ALV IMPLEMENTATION 255 256 *---------------------------------------------------------------------* 257 * DESC:ALV 变量定义 258 *---------------------------------------------------------------------* 259 type-pools: slis. 260 data: gt_fieldcat type slis_t_fieldcat_alv with header line, "定义存放输出字段的内表 261 gt_sort type slis_t_sortinfo_alv, 262 gw_layout type slis_layout_alv, "定义ALV布局设置的工作区 263 g_repid like sy-repid. "定义系统当前程序名变量 264 data: gw_stru_disvar type disvariant, "ALV 显示格式 265 gt_events type slis_t_event. "ALV 事件 266 267 *-----------------------------------------------------------------------* 268 *DESC:选择屏幕定义 269 *-----------------------------------------------------------------------* 270 selection-screen begin of block blk with frame title text-001. 271 select-options:s_werks for marc-werks obligatory,"工厂 272 s_matnr for marc-matnr,"物料 273 s_dispo for marc-dispo obligatory,"MRP控制员 274 s_matkl for mara-matkl."物料组 275 select-options:s_lgort for marc-lgpro no-display."NO-X库存 276 parameters: p_date type mara-ersda default sy-datum obligatory."开始日期 277 selection-screen end of block blk. 278 279 *-----------------------------------------------------------------------* 280 *INITIALIZATION 281 *-----------------------------------------------------------------------* 282 initialization. 283 perform frm_init. 284 285 *-----------------------------------------------------------------------* 286 *START-OF-SELECTION 287 *-----------------------------------------------------------------------* 288 start-of-selection. 289 perform frm_status(zpercent) using 10 ‘正在读取其他关联数据...‘. 290 perform frm_get_date."获取计算期间的起始值 291 perform frm_get_data."获取基本数据 292 if g_mark eq ‘X‘. 293 stop. 294 else. 295 perform frm_set_lock."设置锁 296 perform frm_fill_alv. 297 perform frm_set_unlock."解锁 298 perform frm_get_event. 299 perform frm_init_layout. 300 perform frm_sort_build changing gt_sort. 301 perform frm_fcat_setting. 302 perform frm_output tables gt_out. 303 endif. 304 305 306 *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* 307 *& Form frm_init 308 *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* 309 * 初始化 310 *----------------------------------------------------------------------* 311 form frm_init. 312 clear: gt_noxlog,g_mondy,g_sundy. 313 314 "初始化NO-X库存位置 315 select * 316 into table gt_noxlog 317 from znoxlog. 318 319 loop at gt_noxlog. 320 s_lgort-low = gt_noxlog-lgort. 321 s_lgort-option = ‘EQ‘. 322 s_lgort-sign = ‘I‘. 323 append s_lgort. 324 endloop. 325 326 endform. "frm_init 327 328 *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* 329 *& Form frm_get_date 330 *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* 331 * 获取日期 332 *----------------------------------------------------------------------* 333 form frm_get_date. 334 "获取开始日期所在周及时间 335 call function ‘GET_WEEK_INFO_BASED_ON_DATE‘ 336 exporting 337 date = p_date 338 importing 339 monday = g_mondy 340 sunday = g_sundy. 341 342 g_mondy = p_date. 343 endform. "frm_init 344 345 *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* 346 *& Form FRM_get_data 347 *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* 348 * 获取基本数据 349 *----------------------------------------------------------------------* 350 form frm_get_data. 351 "根据输入条件到表MARC及MARA中获取基本数据 352 select a~matnr "物料 353 a~werks "工厂 354 a~dispo "MRP控制员 355 b~matkl "物料组 356 b~meins "单位 357 into table gt_marc 358 from marc as a join mara as b on a~matnr = b~matnr 359 where a~matnr in s_matnr 360 and a~werks in s_werks 361 and a~dispo in s_dispo 362 and a~lvorm ne ‘X‘ 363 and a~mmsta ne ‘99‘ 364 and b~matkl in s_matkl. 365 366 if gt_marc is not initial. 367 368 "获取物料描述 369 gt_marc_d = gt_marc. 370 sort: gt_marc_d by matnr. 371 delete adjacent duplicates from gt_marc_d comparing matnr. 372 373 select matnr "物料 374 maktx "物料描述 375 into table gt_makt 376 from makt 377 for all entries in gt_marc_d 378 where matnr = gt_marc_d-matnr 379 and spras = ‘1‘. 380 381 "根据内表gt_marc到表MARD中获取库存数 382 select matnr "物料 383 werks "工厂 384 lgort "库存地 385 labst "库存 386 into table gt_mard 387 from mard 388 for all entries in gt_marc 389 where matnr = gt_marc-matnr 390 and werks = gt_marc-werks 391 and lgort in s_lgort 392 and diskz ne ‘1‘. 393 394 "汇总 395 loop at gt_mard assigning <fs_mard>. 396 clear:gw_mard. 397 move <fs_mard>-matnr to gw_mard-matnr."物料 398 move <fs_mard>-werks to gw_mard-werks."工厂 399 move <fs_mard>-labst to gw_mard-labst."库存 400 collect gw_mard into gt_mard_s. 401 endloop. 402 else. 403 g_mark = ‘X‘. 404 message s006(zppmess) display like ‘E‘. 405 endif. 406 407 endform. "FRM_get_data 408 409 *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* 410 *& Form frm_fill_alv 411 *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* 412 * 填充ALV输出 413 *----------------------------------------------------------------------* 414 form frm_fill_alv. 415 data: l_lgort type mard-lgort,"库存点变量 416 l_count type i,"列 417 l_mondy type d,"周一 418 l_sundy type d,"周末 419 l_num(2) type n, 420 l_txt(20) type c. 421 data: l_labst type mard-labst,"库存 422 l_zsupl type mard-labst,"供给 423 l_zreqd type mard-labst."需求 424 data: lt_mrp_01 type standard table of bapi_mrp_items,"计算-NO-X过期供给 425 lt_mrp_02 type standard table of bapi_mrp_items,"计算-NO-X过期需求 426 lt_mrp_03 type standard table of bapi_mrp_items,"计算-列所对应的NO-X供给 427 lt_mrp_04 type standard table of bapi_mrp_items."计算-列所对应的NO-X需求 428 429 sort: gt_makt by matnr, 430 gt_mard_s by matnr werks, 431 gt_marc by matnr werks. 432 433 "临时变量 434 data:mess(40) type c, "并发执行出错信息 435 open_task_num type i. "启动任务数量 436 data:l_tabix type sy-tabix, "索引变量 437 l_lines type i, "总行数 438 l_counts type p. 439 440 441 "获取 RFC Serve Group name Start--* 442 "一般系统默认g_classname = ‘parallel_generators‘,但为了通用性按照如下方法获取 443 call ‘C_SAPGPARAM‘ "#EC CI_CCALL 444 id ‘NAME‘ field ‘rdisp/myname‘ 445 id ‘VALUE‘ field g_applserver. 446 447 select single classname 448 from rzllitab 449 into g_classname "Server Group Name 450 where applserver = g_applserver 451 and grouptype = ‘S‘. "S:服务器组,空:登陆组 452 "获取 RFC Serve Group name End--* 453 454 clear: open_task_num,l_lines. 455 456 describe table gt_marc lines l_lines. 457 l_counts = l_lines. 458 459 loop at gt_marc assigning <fs_marc>. 460 clear: gw_out,lt_mrp_01,lt_mrp_02,lt_mrp_03,lt_mrp_04, 461 l_labst,l_zsupl,l_zreqd. 462 l_tabix = sy-tabix. 463 464 perform frm_percent(zpercent) using sy-tabix l_counts ‘‘. 465 move <fs_marc>-matnr to gw_out-matnr."物料 466 move <fs_marc>-werks to gw_out-werks."工厂 467 move <fs_marc>-dispo to gw_out-dispo."MRP控制员 468 move <fs_marc>-matkl to gw_out-matkl."物料组 469 470 "单位转换 471 call function ‘CONVERSION_EXIT_CUNIT_OUTPUT‘ 472 exporting 473 input = <fs_marc>-meins 474 importing 475 output = gw_out-meins. 476 477 "获取物料描述 478 read table gt_makt assigning <fs_makt> with key matnr = <fs_marc>-matnr binary search. 479 if sy-subrc eq 0. 480 move <fs_makt>-maktx to gw_out-maktx. 481 endif. 482 483 "获取NO-X非限制库存 484 read table gt_mard_s assigning <fs_mard> with key matnr = <fs_marc>-matnr binary search. 485 if sy-subrc eq 0. 486 move <fs_mard>-labst to gw_out-labst. 487 endif. 488 489 *--优化,异步调用获取数据、 490 "生成任务名称 = ‘Task‘ + sy-tabix Start--* 491 move l_tabix to g_taskname. 492 condense g_taskname. 493 concatenate ‘Task‘ g_taskname into g_taskname. 494 "生成任务名称 = ‘Task‘ + sy-tabix End--* 495 496 clear: gw_task. 497 gw_task-matnr = <fs_marc>-matnr. 498 gw_task-werks = <fs_marc>-werks. 499 gw_task-dispo = <fs_marc>-dispo. 500 gw_task-matkl = <fs_marc>-matkl. 501 gw_task-meins = gw_out-meins. 502 gw_task-maktx = gw_out-maktx. 503 gw_task-labst = gw_out-labst. 504 gw_task-taskname = g_taskname. 505 append gw_task to gt_task. 506 507 * 异步调用函数 Start--* 508 call function ‘BAPI_MATERIAL_STOCK_REQ_LIST‘ starting new task g_taskname 509 destination in group g_classname 510 performing frm_subroutine_done on end of task "子程序 511 * 只要将函数的EXPORTING参数放在此处,其他参数放到子程序中 512 exporting 513 material = <fs_marc>-matnr 514 plant = <fs_marc>-werks 515 get_item_details = ‘X‘ 516 get_ind_lines = ‘X‘ 517 * 系统标准报错信息 518 exceptions 519 communication_failure = 1 message mess 520 system_failure = 2 message mess 521 resource_failure = 3. 522 523 if sy-subrc = 0. 524 snd_jobs = snd_jobs + 1. 525 endif. 526 * 异步调用函数 End--* 527 528 open_task_num = open_task_num + 1. "记录启动的进程数量 529 530 if open_task_num = pnum. 531 * 获取并发进程返回的结果 532 wait until rcv_jobs >= snd_jobs. 533 534 clear:open_task_num,rcv_jobs,snd_jobs. 535 free:gt_task. 536 else. 537 if l_tabix = l_lines. 538 * 获取并发进程返回的结果 539 wait until rcv_jobs >= snd_jobs. 540 541 clear:open_task_num,rcv_jobs,snd_jobs. 542 free:gt_task. 543 endif. 544 endif. 545 546 endloop. 547 548 endform. "frm_fill_alv 549 550 *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* 551 *& Form frm_subroutine_done 552 *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* 553 * 异步处理子例程 554 *----------------------------------------------------------------------* 555 * -->G_TASKNAME text 556 *----------------------------------------------------------------------* 557 form frm_subroutine_done using g_taskname. 558 data: l_lgort type mard-lgort,"库存点变量 559 l_auffx type plaf-auffx,"固定标识 560 l_count type i,"列 561 l_mondy type d,"周一 562 l_sundy type d,"周末 563 l_num(2) type n, 564 l_txt(20) type c. 565 data: l_labst type mard-labst,"库存 566 l_zsupl type mard-labst,"供给 567 l_zreqd type mard-labst."需求 568 data: l_mark1 type c, 569 l_mark2 type c, 570 l_mark3 type c, 571 l_mark4 type c, 572 l_lines type i. 573 data: lt_mrp_01 type standard table of bapi_mrp_items,"计算-NO-X过期供给 574 lt_mrp_02 type standard table of bapi_mrp_items,"计算-NO-X过期需求 575 lt_mrp_03 type standard table of bapi_mrp_items,"计算-列所对应的NO-X供给 576 lt_mrp_04 type standard table of bapi_mrp_items."计算-列所对应的NO-X需求 577 578 rcv_jobs = rcv_jobs + 1. ""Receiving data 579 580 receive results from function ‘BAPI_MATERIAL_STOCK_REQ_LIST‘ 581 tables 582 mrp_items = gt_mrp_items. 583 584 read table gt_task into gw_task with key taskname = g_taskname binary search. 585 if sy-subrc eq 0. 586 clear:l_mark1,l_mark2,l_mark3,l_mark4. 587 588 gw_out-matnr = gw_task-matnr."物料 589 gw_out-werks = gw_task-werks."工厂 590 gw_out-dispo = gw_task-dispo. 591 gw_out-meins = gw_task-meins. 592 gw_out-maktx = gw_task-maktx. 593 gw_out-labst = gw_task-labst. 594 595 delete gt_mrp_items where ( mrp_element_ind = ‘WB‘ and rec_reqd_qty is initial ). 596 597 if gt_mrp_items is initial and gw_out-labst is initial. "如果MD04为空 598 "CONTINUE. 599 else. 600 601 lt_mrp_01 = lt_mrp_02 = gt_mrp_items. 602 603 "计算-NO-X过期供给 604 delete lt_mrp_01 where ( avail_date is initial ) or ( avail_date ge p_date ). 605 delete lt_mrp_01 where plngsegno is not initial or plus_minus ne ‘+‘ or rec_reqd_qty is initial. 606 607 loop at lt_mrp_01 assigning <fs_mrp>. 608 if <fs_mrp>-storage_loc in s_lgort. 609 if <fs_mrp>-mrp_element_ind = ‘PA‘ and <fs_mrp>-firmed ne ‘X‘. 610 continue. 611 else. 612 gw_out-zsupl = gw_out-zsupl + <fs_mrp>-rec_reqd_qty. 613 endif. 614 endif. 615 endloop. 616 617 "计算-NO-X过期需求 618 delete lt_mrp_02 where ( avail_date is initial ) or ( avail_date ge p_date ). 619 delete lt_mrp_02 where plngsegno is not initial or plus_minus ne ‘-‘ or rec_reqd_qty is initial. 620 621 loop at lt_mrp_02 assigning <fs_mrp>. 622 clear:l_lgort,l_auffx. 623 624 case <fs_mrp>-order_type. 625 when ‘BB‘."外协采购 626 "到表EKPO中获取满足NO-X库存的 627 select single lgort 628 into l_lgort 629 from ekpo 630 where ebeln = <fs_mrp>-source_no 631 and ebelp = <fs_mrp>-source_item 632 and lgort in s_lgort. 633 634 if sy-subrc eq 0. 635 gw_out-zreqd = gw_out-zreqd + <fs_mrp>-rec_reqd_qty. 636 endif. 637 638 when ‘SB‘."计划订单-下阶 639 "到表PLAF中获取满足NO-X库存的 640 select single lgort auffx 641 into (l_lgort,l_auffx) 642 from plaf 643 where plnum = <fs_mrp>-source_no 644 and lgort in s_lgort. 645 646 if sy-subrc eq 0. 647 if l_auffx eq ‘X‘."固定 648 gw_out-zreqd = gw_out-zreqd + <fs_mrp>-rec_reqd_qty. 649 endif. 650 endif. 651 652 when ‘AR‘."生产订单预留 653 "到表AFPO中获取满足NO-X库存的 654 select single lgort 655 into l_lgort 656 from afpo 657 where aufnr = <fs_mrp>-mrp_no12 658 and lgort in s_lgort. 659 660 if sy-subrc eq 0. 661 gw_out-zreqd = gw_out-zreqd + <fs_mrp>-rec_reqd_qty. 662 endif. 663 664 when others. 665 endcase. 666 endloop. 667 668 "标识one 669 if gw_out-labst is initial and gw_out-zsupl is initial and gw_out-zreqd is initial. 670 l_mark1 = ‘X‘. 671 endif. 672 673 "计算-列 674 clear:l_count. 675 do 3 times. 676 l_count = l_count + 1. 677 case l_count. 678 when 1."计算-列所对应的NO-X供给 679 clear:g_num. 680 l_mondy = g_mondy. 681 l_sundy = g_sundy. 682 gw_out-ztype = ‘A‘. 683 gw_out-ztext = ‘NO-X供给‘. 684 do 12 times. 685 clear:g_txt. 686 g_num = g_num + 1. 687 g_txt = |GW_OUT-DAT{ g_num }|. 688 assign (g_txt) to <fs>. 689 690 lt_mrp_03 = gt_mrp_items. 691 delete lt_mrp_03 where ( avail_date gt l_sundy ) or ( avail_date lt l_mondy ). 692 delete lt_mrp_03 where plngsegno is not initial or plus_minus ne ‘+‘ or rec_reqd_qty is initial. 693 694 loop at lt_mrp_03 assigning <fs_mrp>. 695 if <fs_mrp>-storage_loc in s_lgort. 696 if <fs_mrp>-mrp_element_ind = ‘PA‘ and <fs_mrp>-firmed ne ‘X‘. 697 continue. 698 else. 699 <fs> = <fs> + <fs_mrp>-rec_reqd_qty. 700 endif. 701 endif. 702 endloop. 703 l_mondy = l_sundy + 1. 704 l_sundy = l_sundy + 7. 705 706 "标识two,只要其中一列不为空 707 if <fs> is not initial. 708 l_mark2 = ‘X‘. 709 endif. 710 enddo. 711 append gw_out to gt_out. 712 clear:gw_out-labst,gw_out-zsupl,gw_out-zreqd. 713 714 when 2."计算-列所对应的NO-X需求 715 clear:g_num,gw_out-dat01,gw_out-dat02,gw_out-dat03,gw_out-dat04,gw_out-dat05,gw_out-dat06, 716 gw_out-dat07,gw_out-dat08,gw_out-dat09,gw_out-dat10,gw_out-dat11,gw_out-dat12. 717 l_mondy = g_mondy. 718 l_sundy = g_sundy. 719 gw_out-ztype = ‘B‘. 720 gw_out-ztext = ‘NO-X需求‘. 721 do 12 times. 722 clear:g_txt. 723 g_num = g_num + 1. 724 g_txt = |GW_OUT-DAT{ g_num }|. 725 assign (g_txt) to <fs>. 726 727 lt_mrp_04 = gt_mrp_items. 728 delete lt_mrp_04 where ( avail_date gt l_sundy ) or ( avail_date lt l_mondy ). 729 delete lt_mrp_04 where plngsegno is not initial or plus_minus ne ‘-‘ or rec_reqd_qty is initial. 730 731 loop at lt_mrp_04 assigning <fs_mrp>. 732 clear:l_lgort,l_auffx. 733 734 case <fs_mrp>-order_type. 735 when ‘BB‘."外协采购 736 "到表EKPO中获取满足NO-X库存的 737 select single lgort 738 into l_lgort 739 from ekpo 740 where ebeln = <fs_mrp>-source_no 741 and ebelp = <fs_mrp>-source_item 742 and lgort in s_lgort. 743 744 if sy-subrc eq 0. 745 <fs> = <fs> + <fs_mrp>-rec_reqd_qty. 746 endif. 747 748 when ‘SB‘."计划订单-下阶 749 "到表PLAF中获取满足NO-X库存的 750 select single lgort auffx 751 into (l_lgort,l_auffx) 752 from plaf 753 where plnum = <fs_mrp>-source_no 754 and lgort in s_lgort. 755 756 if sy-subrc eq 0. 757 if l_auffx = ‘X‘. 758 <fs> = <fs> + <fs_mrp>-rec_reqd_qty. 759 endif. 760 endif. 761 762 when ‘AR‘."生产订单预留 763 "到表AFPO中获取满足NO-X库存的 764 select single lgort 765 into l_lgort 766 from afpo 767 where aufnr = <fs_mrp>-mrp_no12 768 and lgort in s_lgort. 769 770 if sy-subrc eq 0. 771 <fs> = <fs> + <fs_mrp>-rec_reqd_qty. 772 endif. 773 774 when others. 775 endcase. 776 endloop. 777 l_mondy = l_sundy + 1. 778 l_sundy = l_sundy + 7. 779 780 "标识three,只要其中一列不为空 781 if <fs> is not initial. 782 l_mark3 = ‘X‘. 783 endif. 784 enddo. 785 append gw_out to gt_out. 786 787 when 3."计算-NO-X建议供给数量 788 clear:g_num,gw_out-dat01,gw_out-dat02,gw_out-dat03,gw_out-dat04,gw_out-dat05,gw_out-dat06, 789 gw_out-dat07,gw_out-dat08,gw_out-dat09,gw_out-dat10,gw_out-dat11,gw_out-dat12. 790 gw_out-ztype = ‘C‘. 791 gw_out-ztext = ‘NO-X建议供给数量‘. 792 793 do 12 times. 794 clear:g_txt,l_num,l_txt. 795 g_num = g_num + 1. 796 g_txt = |GW_OUT-DAT{ g_num }|. 797 assign (g_txt) to <fs>. 798 799 if g_num = 01."第一列 800 l_num = g_num. 801 "NO-X供给 802 read table gt_out assigning <fs_out> with key matnr = gw_out-matnr 803 werks = gw_out-werks 804 ztype = ‘A‘. 805 if sy-subrc eq 0. 806 l_txt = |<FS_OUT>-DAT{ l_num }|. 807 assign (l_txt) to <fs1>. 808 l_labst = <fs_out>-labst."库存 809 l_zsupl = <fs_out>-zsupl."供给 810 l_zreqd = <fs_out>-zreqd."需求 811 endif. 812 "NO-X需求 813 read table gt_out assigning <fs_out> with key matnr = gw_out-matnr 814 werks = gw_out-werks 815 ztype = ‘B‘. 816 if sy-subrc eq 0. 817 l_txt = |<FS_OUT>-DAT{ l_num }|. 818 assign (l_txt) to <fs2>. 819 endif. 820 821 "第一列建议供给数量 = 非限制库存 + 过期供给 - 过期需求 + 第一列供给 - 第一列的需求 822 <fs> = l_labst + l_zsupl - l_zreqd + <fs1> - <fs2>. 823 else. 824 l_num = g_num - 1. 825 "NO-X供给 826 read table gt_out assigning <fs_out> with key matnr = gw_out-matnr 827 werks = gw_out-werks 828 ztype = ‘A‘. 829 if sy-subrc eq 0. 830 l_txt = |<FS_OUT>-DAT{ g_num }|. 831 assign (l_txt) to <fs1>. 832 endif. 833 "NO-X需求 834 read table gt_out assigning <fs_out> with key matnr = gw_out-matnr 835 werks = gw_out-werks 836 ztype = ‘B‘. 837 if sy-subrc eq 0. 838 l_txt = |<FS_OUT>-DAT{ g_num }|. 839 assign (l_txt) to <fs2>. 840 endif. 841 842 "前一列的NO-X建议供给数量 843 l_txt = |GW_OUT-DAT{ l_num }|. 844 assign (l_txt) to <fs3>. 845 846 "当前NO-X建议供给数量 = 前一列建议供给数 + 当前列供给 - 当前列需求 847 if <fs3> ge 0. 848 <fs> = abs( <fs3> ) + <fs1> - <fs2>. 849 else. 850 <fs> = <fs1> - <fs2>. 851 endif. 852 853 "判断建议数是否大于0,若大于0,清空;否则,取绝对值 854 if g_num = 12."最后一次循环,要判断最后两列 855 if <fs> gt 0. 856 clear <fs>. 857 else. 858 <fs> = abs( <fs> ). 859 endif. 860 861 if <fs3> gt 0. 862 clear <fs3>. 863 else. 864 <fs3> = abs( <fs3> ). 865 endif. 866 else."否则只要判断前一列 867 if <fs3> ge 0. 868 clear <fs3>. 869 else. 870 <fs3> = abs( <fs3> ). 871 endif. 872 endif. 873 874 endif. 875 876 "标识four,只要其中一列不为空 877 if <fs> is not initial. 878 l_mark4 = ‘X‘. 879 endif. 880 enddo. 881 append gw_out to gt_out. 882 endcase. 883 enddo. 884 885 "删除为空记录 886 if l_mark1 = ‘X‘ and l_mark2 is initial and l_mark3 is initial and l_mark4 is initial. 887 describe table gt_out lines l_lines. 888 delete gt_out index l_lines. 889 delete gt_out index l_lines - 1. 890 delete gt_out index l_lines - 2. 891 endif. 892 endif. 893 endif. 894 895 endform. "frm_subroutine_done 896 897 898 899 *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* 900 *& Form frm_get_detail 901 *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* 902 * text 903 *----------------------------------------------------------------------* 904 * -->ALV text 905 * -->MATNR text 906 * -->WERKS text 907 * -->FNAME text 908 *----------------------------------------------------------------------* 909 form frm_get_detail tables alv structure gw_dtl 910 using matnr type marc-matnr 911 werks type marc-werks 912 fname type slis_fieldname 913 type type c. 914 915 data: lt_mrp type standard table of bapi_mrp_items."计算-NO-X过期供给 916 data: l_lgort type mard-lgort, 917 l_auffx type plaf-auffx, 918 l_mondy type d, 919 l_sundy type d, 920 l_times type i. 921 922 "获取MD04 923 call function ‘BAPI_MATERIAL_STOCK_REQ_LIST‘ 924 exporting 925 material = matnr 926 plant = werks 927 get_item_details = ‘X‘ 928 get_ind_lines = ‘X‘ 929 tables 930 mrp_items = lt_mrp. 931 932 case fname+0(2). 933 when ‘ZS‘."供给 934 delete lt_mrp where ( avail_date is initial ) or ( avail_date ge p_date ). 935 delete lt_mrp where plngsegno is not initial or plus_minus ne ‘+‘ or rec_reqd_qty is initial. 936 937 loop at lt_mrp assigning <fs_mrp>. 938 clear:gw_dtl. 939 if <fs_mrp>-storage_loc in s_lgort. 940 if <fs_mrp>-mrp_element_ind = ‘PA‘ and <fs_mrp>-firmed ne ‘X‘. 941 continue. 942 else. 943 gw_dtl-werks = werks. 944 gw_dtl-matnr = matnr. 945 gw_dtl-zdate = <fs_mrp>-avail_date."日期 946 "MRP元素 947 select single delb0 948 into gw_dtl-delb0 949 from t457t 950 where delkz = <fs_mrp>-mrp_element_ind 951 and spras = ‘1‘. 952 953 "MRP元素数据 954 if <fs_mrp>-peggedrqmt is initial. 955 gw_dtl-extra = |{ <fs_mrp>-mrp_no }/{ <fs_mrp>-mrp_pos }|. 956 else. 957 gw_dtl-extra = <fs_mrp>-peggedrqmt. 958 endif. 959 960 "数量 961 gw_dtl-mng01 = <fs_mrp>-rec_reqd_qty. 962 append gw_dtl to alv. 963 endif. 964 endif. 965 endloop. 966 967 when ‘ZR‘."需求 968 delete lt_mrp where ( avail_date is initial ) or ( avail_date ge p_date ). 969 delete lt_mrp where plngsegno is not initial or plus_minus ne ‘-‘ or rec_reqd_qty is initial. 970 971 loop at lt_mrp assigning <fs_mrp>. 972 clear:gw_dtl,l_lgort,l_auffx. 973 case <fs_mrp>-order_type. 974 when ‘BB‘."外协采购 975 "到表EKPO中获取满足NO-X库存的 976 select single lgort 977 into l_lgort 978 from ekpo 979 where ebeln = <fs_mrp>-source_no 980 and ebelp = <fs_mrp>-source_item 981 and lgort in s_lgort. 982 983 if sy-subrc eq 0. 984 gw_dtl-werks = werks. 985 gw_dtl-matnr = matnr. 986 gw_dtl-zdate = <fs_mrp>-avail_date."日期 987 "MRP元素 988 select single delb0 989 into gw_dtl-delb0 990 from t457t 991 where delkz = <fs_mrp>-mrp_element_ind 992 and spras = ‘1‘. 993 994 "MRP元素数据 995 if <fs_mrp>-peggedrqmt is initial. 996 gw_dtl-extra = |{ <fs_mrp>-mrp_no }/{ <fs_mrp>-mrp_pos }|. 997 else. 998 gw_dtl-extra = <fs_mrp>-peggedrqmt. 999 endif. 1000 1001 "数量 1002 gw_dtl-mng01 = <fs_mrp>-rec_reqd_qty. 1003 append gw_dtl to alv. 1004 endif. 1005 1006 when ‘SB‘."计划订单-下阶 1007 "到表PLAF中获取满足NO-X库存的 1008 select single lgort auffx 1009 into (l_lgort,l_auffx) 1010 from plaf 1011 where plnum = <fs_mrp>-source_no 1012 and lgort in s_lgort. 1013 1014 if sy-subrc eq 0. 1015 if l_auffx eq ‘X‘. 1016 gw_dtl-werks = werks. 1017 gw_dtl-matnr = matnr. 1018 gw_dtl-zdate = <fs_mrp>-avail_date."日期 1019 "MRP元素 1020 select single delb0 1021 into gw_dtl-delb0 1022 from t457t 1023 where delkz = <fs_mrp>-mrp_element_ind 1024 and spras = ‘1‘. 1025 1026 "MRP元素数据 1027 if <fs_mrp>-peggedrqmt is initial. 1028 gw_dtl-extra = |{ <fs_mrp>-mrp_no }/{ <fs_mrp>-mrp_pos }|. 1029 else. 1030 gw_dtl-extra = <fs_mrp>-peggedrqmt. 1031 endif. 1032 1033 "数量 1034 gw_dtl-mng01 = <fs_mrp>-rec_reqd_qty. 1035 append gw_dtl to alv. 1036 endif. 1037 endif. 1038 1039 when ‘AR‘."生产订单预留 1040 "到表AFPO中获取满足NO-X库存的 1041 select single lgort 1042 into l_lgort 1043 from afpo 1044 where aufnr = <fs_mrp>-mrp_no12 1045 and lgort in s_lgort. 1046 1047 if sy-subrc eq 0. 1048 gw_dtl-werks = werks. 1049 gw_dtl-matnr = matnr. 1050 gw_dtl-zdate = <fs_mrp>-avail_date."日期 1051 "MRP元素 1052 select single delb0 1053 into gw_dtl-delb0 1054 from t457t 1055 where delkz = <fs_mrp>-mrp_element_ind 1056 and spras = ‘1‘. 1057 1058 "MRP元素数据 1059 if <fs_mrp>-peggedrqmt is initial. 1060 gw_dtl-extra = |{ <fs_mrp>-mrp_no }/{ <fs_mrp>-mrp_pos }|. 1061 else. 1062 gw_dtl-extra = <fs_mrp>-peggedrqmt. 1063 endif. 1064 1065 "数量 1066 gw_dtl-mng01 = <fs_mrp>-rec_reqd_qty. 1067 append gw_dtl to alv. 1068 endif. 1069 1070 when others. 1071 endcase. 1072 endloop. 1073 1074 when ‘DA‘."期间 1075 l_sundy = g_sundy. 1076 l_times = fname+3(2) - 1. 1077 do l_times times. 1078 l_mondy = l_sundy + 1. 1079 l_sundy = l_sundy + 7. 1080 enddo. 1081 1082 if type = ‘A‘."供给 1083 1084 delete lt_mrp where ( avail_date gt l_sundy ) or ( avail_date lt l_mondy ). 1085 delete lt_mrp where plngsegno is not initial or plus_minus ne ‘+‘ or rec_reqd_qty is initial. 1086 1087 loop at lt_mrp assigning <fs_mrp>. 1088 clear:gw_dtl. 1089 if <fs_mrp>-storage_loc in s_lgort. 1090 if <fs_mrp>-mrp_element_ind = ‘PA‘ and <fs_mrp>-firmed ne ‘X‘. 1091 continue. 1092 else. 1093 gw_dtl-werks = werks. 1094 gw_dtl-matnr = matnr. 1095 gw_dtl-zdate = <fs_mrp>-avail_date."日期 1096 "MRP元素 1097 select single delb0 1098 into gw_dtl-delb0 1099 from t457t 1100 where delkz = <fs_mrp>-mrp_element_ind 1101 and spras = ‘1‘. 1102 1103 "MRP元素数据 1104 if <fs_mrp>-peggedrqmt is initial. 1105 gw_dtl-extra = |{ <fs_mrp>-mrp_no }/{ <fs_mrp>-mrp_pos }|. 1106 else. 1107 gw_dtl-extra = <fs_mrp>-peggedrqmt. 1108 endif. 1109 1110 "数量 1111 gw_dtl-mng01 = <fs_mrp>-rec_reqd_qty. 1112 append gw_dtl to alv. 1113 endif. 1114 endif. 1115 endloop. 1116 elseif type = ‘B‘."需求 1117 delete lt_mrp where ( avail_date gt l_sundy ) or ( avail_date lt l_mondy ). 1118 delete lt_mrp where plngsegno is not initial or plus_minus ne ‘-‘ or rec_reqd_qty is initial. 1119 1120 loop at lt_mrp assigning <fs_mrp>. 1121 clear:gw_dtl,l_lgort,l_auffx. 1122 case <fs_mrp>-order_type. 1123 when ‘BB‘."外协采购 1124 "到表EKPO中获取满足NO-X库存的 1125 select single lgort 1126 into l_lgort 1127 from ekpo 1128 where ebeln = <fs_mrp>-source_no 1129 and ebelp = <fs_mrp>-source_item 1130 and lgort in s_lgort. 1131 1132 if sy-subrc eq 0. 1133 gw_dtl-werks = werks. 1134 gw_dtl-matnr = matnr. 1135 gw_dtl-zdate = <fs_mrp>-avail_date."日期 1136 "MRP元素 1137 select single delb0 1138 into gw_dtl-delb0 1139 from t457t 1140 where delkz = <fs_mrp>-mrp_element_ind 1141 and spras = ‘1‘. 1142 1143 "MRP元素数据 1144 if <fs_mrp>-peggedrqmt is initial. 1145 gw_dtl-extra = |{ <fs_mrp>-mrp_no }/{ <fs_mrp>-mrp_pos }|. 1146 else. 1147 gw_dtl-extra = <fs_mrp>-peggedrqmt. 1148 endif. 1149 1150 "数量 1151 gw_dtl-mng01 = <fs_mrp>-rec_reqd_qty. 1152 append gw_dtl to alv. 1153 endif. 1154 1155 when ‘SB‘."计划订单-下阶 1156 "到表PLAF中获取满足NO-X库存的 1157 select single lgort auffx 1158 into (l_lgort,l_auffx) 1159 from plaf 1160 where plnum = <fs_mrp>-source_no 1161 and lgort in s_lgort. 1162 1163 if sy-subrc eq 0. 1164 if l_auffx eq ‘X‘. 1165 gw_dtl-werks = werks. 1166 gw_dtl-matnr = matnr. 1167 gw_dtl-zdate = <fs_mrp>-avail_date."日期 1168 "MRP元素 1169 select single delb0 1170 into gw_dtl-delb0 1171 from t457t 1172 where delkz = <fs_mrp>-mrp_element_ind 1173 and spras = ‘1‘. 1174 1175 "MRP元素数据 1176 if <fs_mrp>-peggedrqmt is initial. 1177 gw_dtl-extra = |{ <fs_mrp>-mrp_no }/{ <fs_mrp>-mrp_pos }|. 1178 else. 1179 gw_dtl-extra = <fs_mrp>-peggedrqmt. 1180 endif. 1181 1182 "数量 1183 gw_dtl-mng01 = <fs_mrp>-rec_reqd_qty. 1184 append gw_dtl to alv. 1185 endif. 1186 endif. 1187 1188 when ‘AR‘."生产订单预留 1189 "到表AFPO中获取满足NO-X库存的 1190 select single lgort 1191 into l_lgort 1192 from afpo 1193 where aufnr = <fs_mrp>-mrp_no12 1194 and lgort in s_lgort. 1195 1196 if sy-subrc eq 0. 1197 gw_dtl-werks = werks. 1198 gw_dtl-matnr = matnr. 1199 gw_dtl-zdate = <fs_mrp>-avail_date."日期 1200 "MRP元素 1201 select single delb0 1202 into gw_dtl-delb0 1203 from t457t 1204 where delkz = <fs_mrp>-mrp_element_ind 1205 and spras = ‘1‘. 1206 1207 "MRP元素数据 1208 if <fs_mrp>-peggedrqmt is initial. 1209 gw_dtl-extra = |{ <fs_mrp>-mrp_no }/{ <fs_mrp>-mrp_pos }|. 1210 else. 1211 gw_dtl-extra = <fs_mrp>-peggedrqmt. 1212 endif. 1213 1214 "数量 1215 gw_dtl-mng01 = <fs_mrp>-rec_reqd_qty. 1216 append gw_dtl to alv. 1217 endif. 1218 1219 when others. 1220 endcase. 1221 endloop. 1222 endif. 1223 1224 when others. 1225 1226 endcase. 1227 1228 endform. "frm_get_detail 1229 1230 *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* 1231 *& Form frm_get_text 1232 *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* 1233 * 获取提示文本 1234 *----------------------------------------------------------------------* 1235 * -->PERCENT text 1236 * -->TEXT text 1237 *----------------------------------------------------------------------* 1238 form frm_get_text using percent type i 1239 text type string. 1240 1241 call function ‘SAPGUI_PROGRESS_INDICATOR‘ 1242 exporting 1243 percentage = percent 1244 text = text. 1245 1246 endform. "frm_get_text 1247 1248 *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* 1249 *& Form frm_get_event 1250 *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* 1251 * text 1252 *----------------------------------------------------------------------* 1253 form frm_get_event . 1254 data l_events type slis_alv_event."slis_alv_event是一个包含name和form字段的结构,均为字符型 1255 1256 call function ‘REUSE_ALV_EVENTS_GET‘ 1257 exporting 1258 i_list_type = 0 1259 importing 1260 et_events = gt_events 1261 exceptions 1262 list_type_wrong = 1 1263 others = 2. 1264 if sy-subrc <> 0. 1265 message id sy-msgid type sy-msgty number sy-msgno 1266 with sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4. 1267 endif. 1268 1269 endform. "frm_get_event 1270 1271 *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* 1272 *& Form frm_sort_build 1273 *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* 1274 * 输出排序设置 1275 *----------------------------------------------------------------------* 1276 * -->LT_SORT text 1277 *----------------------------------------------------------------------* 1278 form frm_sort_build changing lt_sort type slis_t_sortinfo_alv. 1279 data: ls_sort type slis_sortinfo_alv. 1280 refresh lt_sort. 1281 1282 clear ls_sort. 1283 ls_sort-spos = 1. 1284 ls_sort-fieldname = ‘WERKS‘. 1285 ls_sort-up = ‘X‘. 1286 append ls_sort to lt_sort. 1287 1288 clear ls_sort. 1289 ls_sort-spos = 2. 1290 ls_sort-fieldname = ‘DISPO‘. 1291 ls_sort-up = ‘X‘. 1292 append ls_sort to lt_sort. 1293 1294 clear ls_sort. 1295 ls_sort-spos = 3. 1296 ls_sort-fieldname = ‘MATNR‘. 1297 ls_sort-up = ‘X‘. 1298 append ls_sort to lt_sort. 1299 1300 clear ls_sort. 1301 ls_sort-spos = 4. 1302 ls_sort-fieldname = ‘MEINS‘. 1303 ls_sort-up = ‘X‘. 1304 append ls_sort to lt_sort. 1305 1306 clear ls_sort. 1307 ls_sort-spos = 5. 1308 ls_sort-fieldname = ‘MAKTX‘. 1309 ls_sort-up = ‘X‘. 1310 append ls_sort to lt_sort. 1311 1312 endform. "frm_sort_build 1313 1314 *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* 1315 *& Form frm_init_layout 1316 *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* 1317 * 布局设置 1318 *----------------------------------------------------------------------* 1319 form frm_init_layout. 1320 gw_layout-zebra = ‘X‘."间隔行颜色变换 1321 gw_layout-detail_popup = ‘X‘. 1322 gw_layout-colwidth_optimize = ‘X‘."自动调整列宽 1323 1324 endform. " FRM_INIT_LAYOUT 1325 1326 *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* 1327 *& Form frm_fcat_setting 1328 *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* 1329 * 设置输出字段 1330 *----------------------------------------------------------------------* 1331 form frm_fcat_setting. 1332 data: l_num type n length 2, 1333 l_txt type c length 20,"字段 1334 l_dis type c length 20,"描述 1335 l_mondy type d, 1336 l_sundy type d. 1337 refresh gt_fieldcat. 1338 1339 perform frm_init_fieldcat using ‘WERKS‘ ‘工厂‘ ‘X‘ ‘X‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘. 1340 perform frm_init_fieldcat using ‘DISPO‘ ‘MRP控制员‘ ‘X‘ ‘X‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘. 1341 perform frm_init_fieldcat using ‘MATNR‘ ‘物料号‘ ‘X‘ ‘X‘ ‘ ‘ ‘X‘ ‘ ‘. 1342 perform frm_init_fieldcat using ‘MEINS‘ ‘单位‘ ‘X‘ ‘X‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘. 1343 perform frm_init_fieldcat using ‘MAKTX‘ ‘物料描述‘ ‘X‘ ‘X‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘. 1344 perform frm_init_fieldcat using ‘LABST‘ ‘NO-X非限制库存‘ ‘X‘ ‘X‘ ‘ ‘ ‘X‘ ‘ ‘. 1345 perform frm_init_fieldcat using ‘ZSUPL‘ ‘NO-X过期供给‘ ‘X‘ ‘X‘ ‘X‘ ‘X‘ ‘ ‘. 1346 perform frm_init_fieldcat using ‘ZREQD‘ ‘NO-X过期需求‘ ‘X‘ ‘X‘ ‘X‘ ‘X‘ ‘ ‘. 1347 perform frm_init_fieldcat using ‘ZTEXT‘ ‘期间‘ ‘X‘ ‘X‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘. 1348 "动态输出期间字段 1349 clear:l_num,l_txt,l_dis. 1350 l_mondy = g_mondy. 1351 l_sundy = g_sundy. 1352 do 12 times. 1353 l_num = l_num + 1. 1354 l_txt = |DAT{ l_num }|. 1355 l_dis = |{ l_mondy }-{ l_sundy }|. 1356 perform frm_init_fieldcat using l_txt l_dis ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘X‘ ‘X‘ ‘ ‘. 1357 l_mondy = l_sundy + 1. 1358 l_sundy = l_sundy + 7. 1359 enddo. 1360 1361 endform. "frm_fcat_setting 1362 1363 *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* 1364 *& Form frm_init_fieldcat 1365 *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* 1366 * 初始化输出字段 1367 *----------------------------------------------------------------------* 1368 * -->VALU01 text 1369 * -->VALU02 text 1370 * -->VALU03 text 1371 * -->VALU04 text 1372 * -->VALU05 text 1373 * -->VALU06 text 1374 * -->VALU07 text 1375 *----------------------------------------------------------------------* 1376 form frm_init_fieldcat using valu01 1377 valu02 1378 valu03 1379 valu04 1380 valu05 1381 valu06 1382 valu07. 1383 1384 clear:gt_fieldcat. 1385 gt_fieldcat-fieldname = valu01."字段名 1386 gt_fieldcat-seltext_m = valu02."字段描述 1387 gt_fieldcat-key = valu03."主键 1388 gt_fieldcat-fix_column = valu04."固定列 1389 gt_fieldcat-hotspot = valu05."热点 1390 gt_fieldcat-no_zero = valu06."隐藏前导零 1391 gt_fieldcat-no_sign = valu07."符号 1392 append gt_fieldcat. 1393 1394 endform. "frm_set_fcat 1395 1396 1397 *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* 1398 *& Form frm_output 1399 *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* 1400 * text 1401 *----------------------------------------------------------------------* 1402 * -->TAB text 1403 *----------------------------------------------------------------------* 1404 form frm_output tables tab. 1405 *ALV输出 1406 g_repid = sy-repid. 1407 1408 call function ‘REUSE_ALV_GRID_DISPLAY‘ 1409 exporting 1410 i_callback_program = g_repid 1411 is_layout = gw_layout 1412 it_fieldcat = gt_fieldcat[] 1413 i_save = ‘X‘ 1414 is_variant = gw_stru_disvar"变量信息 1415 it_events = gt_events[] 1416 it_sort = gt_sort[] 1417 i_callback_user_command = ‘FRM_USER_COMMAND‘ 1418 tables 1419 t_outtab = tab 1420 exceptions 1421 program_error = 1 1422 others = 2. 1423 if sy-subrc <> 0. 1424 message id sy-msgid type sy-msgty number sy-msgno 1425 with sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4. 1426 endif. 1427 endform. "frm_output 1428 1429 *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* 1430 *& Form FRM_USER_COMMAND 1431 *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* 1432 * 事件处理 1433 *----------------------------------------------------------------------* 1434 * -->R_UCOMM text 1435 * -->RS_SELFIELD text 1436 *----------------------------------------------------------------------* 1437 form frm_user_command using r_ucomm like sy-ucomm 1438 rs_selfield type slis_selfield. 1439 1440 clear:gt_dtl. 1441 case r_ucomm. 1442 when ‘&IC1‘. 1443 read table gt_out assigning <fs_out> index rs_selfield-tabindex. 1444 if rs_selfield-fieldname = ‘ZSUPL‘ or rs_selfield-fieldname = ‘ZREQD‘."供给/需求 1445 perform frm_get_detail tables gt_dtl 1446 using <fs_out>-matnr 1447 <fs_out>-werks 1448 rs_selfield-fieldname 1449 <fs_out>-ztype. 1450 1451 if gt_dtl is not initial. 1452 call screen 0100 starting at 30 5. 1453 endif. 1454 else. 1455 if rs_selfield-fieldname+0(3) = ‘DAT‘. 1456 perform frm_get_detail tables gt_dtl 1457 using <fs_out>-matnr 1458 <fs_out>-werks 1459 rs_selfield-fieldname 1460 <fs_out>-ztype. 1461 1462 if gt_dtl is not initial. 1463 call screen 0100 starting at 30 5. 1464 endif. 1465 endif. 1466 endif. 1467 1468 when others. 1469 endcase. 1470 endform. "FRM_USER_COMMAND 1471 1472 *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* 1473 *& Form frm_set_fcat 1474 *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* 1475 * 输出字段设置 1476 *----------------------------------------------------------------------* 1477 form frm_set_fcat. 1478 if gt_fcat is initial. 1479 clear: gw_fcat. 1480 gw_fcat-col_pos = 1. 1481 gw_fcat-fieldname = ‘WERKS‘. 1482 gw_fcat-tabname = ‘MARC‘. 1483 gw_fcat-scrtext_m = ‘工厂‘. 1484 append gw_fcat to gt_fcat. 1485 1486 clear: gw_fcat. 1487 gw_fcat-col_pos = 2. 1488 gw_fcat-fieldname = ‘MATNR‘. 1489 gw_fcat-tabname = ‘MARC‘. 1490 gw_fcat-scrtext_m = ‘物料‘. 1491 gw_fcat-no_zero = ‘X‘. 1492 append gw_fcat to gt_fcat. 1493 1494 clear: gw_fcat. 1495 gw_fcat-col_pos = 3. 1496 gw_fcat-fieldname = ‘ZDATE‘. 1497 gw_fcat-scrtext_m = ‘日期‘. 1498 append gw_fcat to gt_fcat. 1499 1500 clear: gw_fcat. 1501 gw_fcat-col_pos = 4. 1502 gw_fcat-fieldname = ‘DELB0‘. 1503 gw_fcat-tabname = ‘T457T‘. 1504 gw_fcat-scrtext_m = ‘MRP元素‘. 1505 append gw_fcat to gt_fcat. 1506 1507 clear: gw_fcat. 1508 gw_fcat-col_pos = 5. 1509 gw_fcat-fieldname = ‘EXTRA‘. 1510 gw_fcat-tabname = ‘MDEZ‘. 1511 gw_fcat-scrtext_m = ‘MRP元素数据‘. 1512 gw_fcat-fix_column = ‘X‘. 1513 append gw_fcat to gt_fcat. 1514 1515 clear: gw_fcat. 1516 gw_fcat-col_pos = 6. 1517 gw_fcat-fieldname = ‘MNG01‘. 1518 gw_fcat-tabname = ‘MDEZ‘. 1519 gw_fcat-scrtext_m = ‘收货数量或需求数量‘. 1520 gw_fcat-fix_column = ‘X‘. 1521 gw_fcat-do_sum = ‘X‘. 1522 append gw_fcat to gt_fcat. 1523 endif. 1524 endform. "frm_set_fcat 1525 1526 *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* 1527 *& Form frm_set_lock 1528 *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* 1529 * 上锁 1530 *----------------------------------------------------------------------* 1531 form frm_set_lock. 1532 "锁定程序 1533 call function ‘ENQUEUE_EZZSOPR0032‘ 1534 exporting 1535 mode_trdir = ‘E‘ 1536 name = ‘ZPPR0056‘ 1537 x_name = ‘ ‘ 1538 _scope = ‘2‘ 1539 _wait = ‘ ‘ 1540 _collect = ‘ ‘ 1541 exceptions 1542 foreign_lock = 1 1543 system_failure = 2 1544 others = 3. 1545 1546 if sy-subrc <> 0. 1547 * Implement suitable error handling here 1548 message ‘对象已被锁定,请稍后执行‘ type ‘S‘ display like ‘E‘. 1549 stop. 1550 else. 1551 "锁定成功 1552 endif. 1553 endform. "frm_set_lock 1554 1555 *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* 1556 *& Form frm_set_unlock 1557 *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* 1558 * 解锁 1559 *----------------------------------------------------------------------* 1560 form frm_set_unlock. 1561 "解除程序的锁定 1562 call function ‘DEQUEUE_EZZSOPR0032‘ 1563 exporting 1564 mode_trdir = ‘E‘ 1565 name = ‘ZPPR0056‘ 1566 x_name = ‘ ‘ 1567 _scope = ‘3‘ 1568 _synchron = ‘ ‘ 1569 _collect = ‘ ‘. 1570 endform. "frm_set_unlock 1571 1572 *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* 1573 *& Module STATUS_0100 OUTPUT 1574 *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* 1575 * text 1576 *----------------------------------------------------------------------* 1577 module status_0100 output. 1578 set pf-status ‘ZSTA1‘. 1579 * SET TITLEBAR ‘xxx‘. 1580 create object g_alv. 1581 g_alv->main( ). 1582 endmodule. " STATUS_0100 OUTPUT 1583 1584 *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* 1585 *& Module EXIT INPUT 1586 *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* 1587 * text 1588 *----------------------------------------------------------------------* 1589 module exit input. 1590 leave to screen 0. 1591 1592 endmodule. " EXIT INPUT
(备注:参考来源 http://blog.csdn.net/zhongguomao/article/details/8963815 )