1.anydbm, shelve 都是对象持久化保存方法,将对象保存到文件里面,缺省的数据存储文件是二进制的。这两个模块允许我们将一个磁盘上的文件与一个”dict-like”对象(类字典对象)关联起来,操作这个“dict-like”对象,就像操作dict对象一项,最后可以将“dict-like”的数据持久化到文件。
1.shelve.open(filename, flag=’c’, protocol=None, writeback=False):创建或打开一个shelve对象。shelve默认打开方式支持同时读写操作。
可选参数flag,默认为‘c’,如果数据文件不存在,就创建,允许读写;可以是: ‘r’: 只读;’w’: 可读写; ‘n’: 每次调用open()都重新创建一个空的文件,可读写。
with shelve.open('spam') as db: db['eggs'] = 'eggs'六、writeback参数
# 七、代码示例 # 1.创建一个shelf对象,直接使用open函数即可 import shelve s = shelve.open('test_shelf.db') # try: s['kk'] = {'int': 10, 'float': 9.5, 'String': 'Sample data'} s['MM'] = [1, 2, 3] finally: s.close() # 2.如果想要再次访问这个shelf,只需要再次shelve.open()就可以了,然后我们可以像使用字典一样来使用这个shelf import shelve try: s = shelve.open('test_shelf.db') value = s['kk'] print(value) finally: s.close() # 3.对shelf对象,增、删、改操作 import shelve s = shelve.open('test_shelf.db', flag='w', writeback=True) try: # 增加 s['QQQ'] = 2333 # 删除 del s['MM'] # 修改 s['kk'] = {'String': 'day day up'} finally: s.close() # 注意:flag设置为‘r’-只读模式,当程序试图去修改一个以只读方式打开的DB时,将会抛一个访问错误的异常。异常的具体类型取决于anydbm这个模块在创建DB时所选用的DB。异常举例:anydbm.error: need ‘c’ or ‘n’ flag to open new db # 4.循环遍历shelf对象 import shelve s = shelve.open('test_shelf.db') try: # 方法一: for item in s.items(): print ('键[{}] = 值[{}]'.format(item[0], s[item[0]])) # 方法二: for key, value in s.items(): print(key, value) finally: s.close() # 5.备注一个错误: # open中的参数filename,起初认为需要手动新建一个.db,或者.dat的文件,目前电脑中无任何真正的数据库文件,所以采用了新建txt文件,修改后缀的方法创建.db,或者.dat的文件。 # 解释器报错,提示内容为:"anydbm.error: db type could not be determined", # 原因是是filename已经存在,并且格式与shelve不符,所以提示 “db type could not be determined”。 # 解决方法是,删除该文件。首次运行后会自动生成该filename文件。 # 6.稍微复杂些的案例,实现一个简单提问式的数据库 # encoding:utf-8 # 2018/3/8 # 简单的数据库 import sys,shelve def print_help(): '存储(增加)、查找、更新(修改)、循环打印、删除、退出、帮助' print('The available commons are: ') print('store : Stores information about a person') print('lookup : Looks up a person from ID numbers') print("update : Update a person's information from ID number") print('print_all: Print all informations') print("delete : Delete a person's information from ID number") print('quit : Save changes and exit') print('? : Print this message') def store_people(db): pid = input('Please enter a unique ID number: ') person = {} person['name'] = input('Please enter the name: ') person['age'] = input('Please enter the age: ') person['phone'] = input('Please enter the phone: ') db[pid] = person print("Store information: pid is %s, information is %s" % (pid, person)) def lookup_people(db): pid = input('Please enter the number: ') field = input('What would you like to know? (name, age, phone) ') if pid in db.keys(): value = db[pid][field] print("Pid %s's %s is %s" % (pid, field, value)) else: print('Not found this number') def update_people(db): pid = input('Please enter the number: ') field = input('What would you like to update? (name, age, phone) ') newvalue = input('Enter the new information: ') if pid in db.keys(): value = db[pid] value[field] = newvalue print("Pid %s's %s update information is %s" % (pid, field, newvalue)) else: print("Not found this number, can't update") def delete_people(db): pid = input('Please enter the number: ') if pid in db.keys(): del db[pid] print("pid %s's information delete done" % pid) else: print( "Not found this number, can't delete") def print_all_people(db): print( 'All information are: ') for key, value in db.items(): print(key, value) def enter_cmd(): cmd = input('Please enter the cmd(? for help): ') cmd = cmd.strip().lower() return cmd def main(): database = shelve.open('database201803.dat', writeback=True) try: while True: cmd = enter_cmd() if cmd == 'store': store_people(database) elif cmd == 'lookup': lookup_people(database) elif cmd == 'update': update_people(database) elif cmd == 'print_all': print_all_people(database) elif cmd == 'delete': delete_people(database) elif cmd == '?': print_help() elif cmd == 'quit': return finally: database.close() if __name__ == '__main__': main() 复制代码 复制代码 # shelve模块比pickle模块简单,只有一个open函数,返回类似字典的对象,可读可写; # key必须为字符串,而值可以是python所支持的数据类型 # shelve模块(**)------可以当做数据库用,以后基本不会用,(可以很方面的往文件中写数据类型和读) import shelve #存取很方便(可以做一个简单的数据存储方案) f=shelve.open(r'sheve.txt') f['stu1_info']={'name':'egon','age':18,'hobby':['piao','smoking','drinking']} #存 f['stu2_info']={'name':'gangdan','age':53} f['school_info']={'website':'http://www.pypy.org','city':'beijing'} print(f['stu1_info']['hobby']) f.close() import shelve d=shelve.open(r'a.txt') #生成三个文件分别是:a.txt.bak\a.txt.dat\a.txt.dir d['tom']={'age':18,'sex':'male'} #存的时候会生成三个文件,不用管,是python的一种处理机制 print(d['tom']['sex']) #可以取出字典中的key对应的value print(d['tom']) #取出tom对应的字典 d.close() import shelve d=shelve.open(r'a.txt',writeback=True) #writeback=True,对子字典修改完后要写回,否则不会看到修改后的结果 d['egon']={'age':18,'sex':'male'} #存的时候会生成三个文件,不用管,是python的一种处理机制 d['egon']['age']=20 #将年龄修改为20 print(d['egon']['age']) #此时拿到的是修改后的年龄 print(d['egon']['sex']) d.close()