argument of type "DWORD (__stdcall A::*)()" incompatible with parameter of type "LPTH


struct A
    DWORD  WINAPI MyThreadFunction() {}
    void Run()
        HANDLE hThread = CreateThread(
            NULL,                   // default security attributes
            0,                      // use default stack size  
            MyThreadFunction,       // thread function name
            0,                      // argument to thread function 
            0,                      // use default creation flags 
            NULL);   // returns the thread identifier 

visual studio 报了如下错误:
E0167 argument of type "DWORD (__stdcall A::*)()" is incompatible with parameter of type "LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE"

问题解决办法参考文档[ThreadProc callback function][1]

上一篇:TypeError: Layout of the output array image is incompatible 问题解决

下一篇:PSPNet: Pyramid Scene Parsing Network论文解读