# 题目
2. Add Two Numbers
You are given two linked lists representing two non-negative numbers. The digits are stored in reverse order and each of their nodes contain a single digit. Add the two numbers and return it as a linked list.
Input: (2 -> 4 -> 3) + (5 -> 6 -> 4)
Output: 7 -> 0 -> 8
# 思路
不知道各位能不能看懂题目,简单解释一下,就是把整数每一位颠倒进行加法。题目中给出的例子,最初对应342 + 465 = 807,然后颠倒变成243 + 564 = 708,在转换为链表。
// Definition for singly-linked list. public class ListNode { public int val; public ListNode next; public ListNode(int x) { val = x; } }
- 对于一段长于另外一段的链表部分,单独处理。
- 进位。
- 结果之和长于两个链表的情况,如1 + 999 = 1000。
// normal traversal: time O(n) space O(n) result: 204ms public void calculateSum(ListNode tresult, ref int carry, int sum) { ) { carry = ; tresult.next = ); } else { carry = ; tresult.next = new ListNode(sum); } } public ListNode AddTwoNumbers(ListNode l1, ListNode l2) { ListNode tl1 = l1, tl2 = l2; ListNode result = ); ListNode tresult = result; ; // both ListNode 1 and ListNode 2 have values while (tl1 != null && tl2 != null) { calculateSum(tresult, ref carry, tl1.val + tl2.val + carry); tl1 = tl1.next; tl2 = tl2.next; tresult = tresult.next; } // Debug.Assert(!(tl1 != null && tl2 != null), "tl1 and tl2 aren't null"); // either ListNode 1 or ListNode 2 has values (maybe) and don't forget carry. while (tl1 != null) { calculateSum(tresult, ref carry, tl1.val + carry); tl1 = tl1.next; tresult = tresult.next; } while (tl2 != null) { calculateSum(tresult,ref carry, tl2.val + carry); tl2 = tl2.next; tresult = tresult.next; } // at this time, ListNode 1 and ListNode 2 should be null, however, carry could be null or not // Debug.Assert(tl1 == null && tl2 == null, "calculation doesn't finish"); ) tresult.next = ); // neither ListNode 1 nor ListNode 2 have values return result.next; } */
// use ListNode 1 to restore result // space (and time, I think, but result doesn't prove) optimized traversal: time O(n) space O(1) result: 208ms public ListNode AddTwoNumbers(ListNode l1, ListNode l2) { if (l1 == null) return l2; if (l2 == null) return l1; , sum = ; ListNode pre = null, result = l1; ) { // calculate sum and carry sum = ; if (l1 != null) sum += l1.val; if (l2 != null) { sum += l2.val; l2 = l2.next; // ListNode1 will be used below, ListNode2 not, so if ListNode 2 next exists, ListNode 2 move to next } sum += carry; ) { carry = ; sum -= ; } else { carry = ; } // find a place for sum in ListNode 1, l1 is in use if (l1 != null) { pre = l1; ) sum -= ; l1.val = sum; l1 = l1.next; } else { ) sum -= ; pre.next = new ListNode(sum); pre = pre.next; } } return result; } */
# 解决(递归)
// recursive tranversal: time O(n) space:O(n) time: 196ms (why it is faster than normal loop) public ListNode AddTwoNumbers(ListNode l1, ListNode l2) { ); } public ListNode AddTwoNumbers(ListNode l1, ListNode l2, int carry) { ) return null; // calculate sum ; if (l1 != null) sum += l1.val; if (l2 != null) sum += l2.val; sum += carry; ) { carry = ; sum -= ; } else { carry = ; } // set node's next and val and return ListNode node = new ListNode(sum); node.next = AddTwoNumbers(l1 != null ? l1.next : null, l2 != null ? l2.next : null, carry); return node; }
# 题外话
# 测试用例
static void Main(string[] args) { _2AddTwoNumbers solution = new _2AddTwoNumbers(); ListNode l1 = ); ListNode l2 = ); ListNode result = ); // ListNode doesn't have a null constructor, so we can igonore this case Debug.Assert(Test.match(solution.AddTwoNumbers(l1, l2), result), "wrong 1"); // ListNode 1 length is larger than ListNode 2 length l1 = ); l1.next = ); l1.next.next = ); l2 = ); result.next = ); result.next.next = ); Debug.Assert(Test.match(solution.AddTwoNumbers(l1, l2), result), "wrong 2"); // ListNode 2 length is larger than ListNode 1 length and has carries l1 = ); l1.next = ); l2 = ); l2.next = ); l2.next.next = ); result = ); result.next = ); result.next.next = ); result.next.next.next = ); Debug.Assert(Test.match(solution.AddTwoNumbers(l1, l2), result), "wrong 3"); }
class Test { public static bool match(_2AddTwoNumbers.ListNode l1, _2AddTwoNumbers.ListNode l2) { _2AddTwoNumbers.ListNode tl1 = l1, tl2 = l2; while(tl1 != null && tl2 != null) { if (tl1.val != tl2.val) return false; tl1 = tl1.next; tl2 = tl2.next; } if (tl1 == null && tl2 == null) return true; else return false; } }
# 地址
Q: https://leetcode.com/problems/add-two-numbers/
A: https://github.com/mofadeyunduo/LeetCode/tree/master/2AddTwoNumbers