Unit1 Talking about music you like

General English:7


Unit1 Talking about music you like



Felton:You know,lan says I know nothing about music but,you know,I tend to disagree,
because I listen to almost any style of music.

I mean,I don't listen to hip-hop or techno.

I mean...I like music,I listen to it almost every day.

You know,i often listen to...Beethoven....If I'm sad or moody...If I feel like I need to relax,
I'll put on some soft pop music,like Celine Dion.

I mean,I agree,it's,it's,It's nothing special or ....or terribly original,but you have to admit she has a great voice.

She....She sing beautifully.


Now let's learn how to describe how your musical tastes have changed.


She used to listen to techno music.

i didn't use to like rock.

Didn't you use to like pop music.

I still love listening to jazz.

I used to hate that kind of music.

Verbal fillers

It's common to use verbal fillers when speaking informally about subjects such as music.
These words don't usually attach any additional meaning to what's being said.They create extra time for us to put our sentences

together.Listen:can you identify the verbal fillers?

I used to,you know,like pop music.

I didn't use to like punk.I mean,I didn't hate it.

I,erm,really,umm,like pop music.

Like,I didn't uses to like techno.

Without the verbal fillers these statements could just be as follows.Did you identify the verbal fillers correctly?

I used to like pop music.

I didn't use to like punk.I didn't hate it.

I really like pop music.

I didn't use to like techno.
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