有关MySQL Enterprise Monitor的安装请参考:
安装MySQL Enterprise Monitor
1、检查当前MySQL Enterprise Monitor 的配置信息
# ps -ef|grep mysqld|grep monitor
# cd /dbdata/mysql/enterprise/monitor
# more configuration_report.txt
MySQL Enterprise Monitor (Version :
Here are the settings you specified:
Application hostname and port:
Tomcat Ports: 18080 - 18443 (SSL)
MySQL Port : 13306
Use the following command to login to the MySQL Enterprise Monitor database:
mysql -u**** -p**** -P13306 -hlocalhost
# ls
apache-tomcat configuration_report.txt images licenses mysqlmonitorctl.sh README_ja.txt uninstall version.txt
bin etc java mysql README_en.txt support-files uninstall.dat
2、卸载Enterprise Monitor agent
###停止agent客户端进程# /etc/init.d/mysql-monitor-agent stop
Shutting down MySQL Enterprise Agent service...[ OK ]
# cd /opt/mysql/enterprise/agent
# ls
bin configuration_report.txt doc etc java lib licenses logs spool uninstall uninstall.dat
# ./uninstall
Do you want to uninstall MySQL Enterprise Monitor Agent and all of its modules? [Y/n]: y
Uninstall Status
Uninstalling MySQL Enterprise Monitor Agent
0% ______________ 50% ______________ 100%
Info: Uninstallation completed
3、卸载Enterprise Monitor
###停止Enterprise Monitor进程# /etc/init.d/mysql-monitor-server stop
# pwd
# ./uninstall
Do you want to uninstall MySQL Enterprise Monitor and all of its modules? [Y/n]: y
Uninstall Status
Do you also want to remove all data, logs and other files in the MySQL and Tomcat instances under
Caution, this will remove all user created files, even if they were present before installing MySQL Enterprise Monitor, including the data files of the bundled MySQL server. You will *not* be able to undo this action. Do not remove files if you plan to install an update.
Do you really want to remove ALL data and log files inside those directories?
[y/N]: y
Uninstalling MySQL Enterprise Monitor
0% ______________ 50% ______________ 100%
Info: Uninstallation completed
Press [Enter] to continue :
# ps -ef|grep mysql-monitor
root 14572 6544 0 14:25 pts/4 00:00:00 grep mysql-monitor