Check common information about Linux system

In this post, I summarize a bunch of common command line tools for checking common information about your Linux system, including hardware architecture, CPU, Linux distribution, peripherals such PCI, USB and block devices, etc.

  • arch: print machine hardware name. e.g. x86_64

  • uname: print system information, which includes

    • kernel name e.g. Linux

    • kernel release e.g. 4.19.0-18-amd64

    • machine hardware name e.g. x86_64

    • operating system e.g. GNU/Linux

    • network node hostname

    • processor type

    • hardware platform

  • hostname: display the hostname

  • lscpu: display CPU information

  • lsmem: list the ranges of available memory with their online status

  • xrandr: print the information of connected screens and their supported modes

  • lspci: list all PCI devices

  • lsusb: list USB devices

  • lsb_release: print LSB (Linux Standard Base) and distribution-specific information

    • version of LSB

    • distributor ID e.g. Debian

    • release number e.g. 10

    • code name e.g. buster

  • lsmod: print the loaded kernel modules

  • lsblk: list block devices


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