
这次专业英语的作业是想出 6 个问题,并最终根据这 6 个问题写一篇小论文作为课程考核作业。我的问题是关于元宇宙的,也期待在评论区给出你自己的看法。



A. 我正在研究元宇宙相关技术

B. 我关注元宇宙相关新闻

C. 我偶尔听过元宇宙

D. 不了解



A. 它会给我们带来更多的便利,我非常憧憬元宇宙的到来

B. 元宇宙在近10年内不可能实现

C. 它会毁了人类

D. 我不同意上面任何一种观点



A. 我非常愿意从事元宇宙相关的研究或职业

B. 还没决定好,但我对它抱有好感

C. 我不会从事元宇宙相关的研究或职业

D. 我对它不感兴趣



A. 紧密相关

B. 有一定的影响

C. 没有影响

D. 没有想过



A. 更好的社交体验

B. 更好的游戏体验

C. 更好的工作体验

D. 我有更想要的



A. 非常认可

B. 可能是对的

C. 不认可

D. 这只是其中一种观点


1. How much do you know about the Metaverse?

A. I'm studying in Metaverse technology.

B. I focus on the news about the Metaverse.

C. I've heard about the Metaverse.

D. Know little.


2. What do you think of the future of the Metaverse?

A. It will bring us more convenience. I’m look forward to the arrival of the Metaverse.

B. The Metaverse will not be realized in the next 10 years.

C. It will destroy mankind.

D. I don't agree with any of the above views.


3. Do you intend to engage in research or career related to the Metaverse in the future?

A. I am very willing to engage in research or career related to the Metaverse.

B. I haven't decided yet, but I'm interested in it.

C. I will not engage in research or career related to the Metaverse.

D. I'm not interested in it.


4. How much do you think the Metaverse will affect your life?

A. Closely related.

B. It will have some impact.

C. No effect.

D. Never thought about it.


5. What do you want the Metaverse to bring you?

A. Better social experience.

B. Better game experience.

C. Better work experience.

D. I have something better that I want.


6. " Metaverse is a scam ", how much do you agree with this sentence?

A. Very agree.

B. Probably right.

C. Disagree.

D. This is just a point of view.


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