
#thresh=3 表示一行中非NONE的数据少于3个则去除该行

df_miss_no_income =[c for c in df_miss.columns if c != 'income'])
| id|weight|height| age|gender|
|  1| 143.5|   5.6|  28|     M|
|  2| 167.2|   5.4|  45|     M|
|  3|  null|   5.2|null|  null|
|  4| 144.5|   5.9|  33|     M|
|  5| 133.2|   5.7|  54|     F|
|  6| 124.1|   5.2|null|     F|
|  7| 129.2|   5.3|  42|     M|

To drop the observations instead you can use the .dropna(...) method.

#thresh=3 表示一行中非NONE的数据少于3个则去除该行
| id|weight|height| age|gender|
|  1| 143.5|   5.6|  28|     M|
|  2| 167.2|   5.4|  45|     M|
|  4| 144.5|   5.9|  33|     M|
|  5| 133.2|   5.7|  54|     F|
|  6| 124.1|   5.2|null|     F|
|  7| 129.2|   5.3|  42|     M|

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