
进入查看: 2022-2023年英语周报七年级第17期答案汇总


For Jennifer, the word ceramics usually reminded her about pottery. Today as she listened to Dr. Kramer, the word took on a new sense. “Your aunt has broken the bone in her hip, Jennifer. Age has taken its tax on her bone structure, so we need to replace her hip with a new one made out of ceramics and metal. I’ve described the program to your aunt, and now she must decide if she wants to undergo surgery.” Jennifer was unsettled by Dr. Kramer’s advice. However, her mind was set at ease when she heard her aunt say, “A ceramic hip is no big deal, Jennifer! Why, there are people who’ve lost arms and legs and now have artificial limbs that work nearly as well as the natural ones. There are artificial hearts for people whose hearts have failed to work properly. All these advances offer new life for folks like me.” “Aunt Nancy, you sound like a medical advertisement,”

Jennifer interrupted. “From now on, I’ll call you my robot aunt!” “I like that!” Aunt Nancy said, “Never doubt that your robot aunt would prefer having a natural hip, but if it’s a choice between a useless hip and a useful one, then I’ll take the artificial one.”

Jennifer describes Aunt Nancy as sounding “like a medical advertisement” because Aunt Nancy

A. knew much about the replacement of body parts

B. sold medical products

C. praised the hospital doctor

D. wrote an article about replacement surgery

