- 该索引字段存储数据太大,灭个叶子节点最大存储16k,超过这个范围会新增加叶子节点和分页节点
- 解决:前缀索引(截取前5个长度)
- char(定长) varchar(变长) 从开辟空间的速度来看,char快;从数据结构上看,varchar更为合理
- (1) 避免使用select ,不确定表大小的时候,使用count()查一下数据
- (2) 尽量使用数据类型较小的字段做索引
- (3) 重复值少的,区分度高的字段做索引,性别这样的字段不要做索引
- (4) 在夺标查询时 使用join,尽量少的使用子查询
- char(定长) varchar(变长) 从开辟空间的速度来看,char快;从数据结构上看,varchar更为合理
desc select * from s1; mysql> desc select * from ceshi_table; +----+-------------+-------------+------------+------+---------------+------+---------+------+------+----------+-------+ | id | select_type | table | partitions | type | possible_keys | key | key_len | ref | rows | filtered | Extra | +----+-------------+-------------+------------+------+---------------+------+---------+------+------+----------+-------+ | 1 | SIMPLE | ceshi_table | NULL | ALL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | 6 | 100.00 | NULL | +----+-------------+-------------+------------+------+---------------+------+---------+------+------+----------+-------+ 1 row in set, 1 warning (0.00 sec) mysql> explain select * from ceshi_table; +----+-------------+-------------+------------+------+---------------+------+---------+------+------+----------+-------+ | id | select_type | table | partitions | type | possible_keys | key | key_len | ref | rows | filtered | Extra | +----+-------------+-------------+------------+------+---------------+------+---------+------+------+----------+-------+ | 1 | SIMPLE | ceshi_table | NULL | ALL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | 6 | 100.00 | NULL | +----+-------------+-------------+------------+------+---------------+------+---------+------+------+----------+-------+ 1 row in set, 1 warning (0.00 sec)
- simple 代表的是简单查询(单边查询,不包括子查询,union)
- primary sql嵌套中的主查询(最外层)
- subquery sql嵌套中的子查询(最里面)
- derived 衍生查询(把子查询结果作为一张临时表)
- 在多表或者子查询时候,通过table分析出问题的表是谁
all < index < range < ref < eq_ref < const < system
all 全表扫描(不走索引)
- 在大范围内查询 > < >= <= != between and in like ..
- where条件中有计算,有函数
- 数据类型不匹配
- 拼接条件使用or
index 全索引扫描
desc select count(*) from s1;
range 索引范围扫描(注意点:范围太大,不能命中索引),慢查询
desc select * from s1 where id < 10; #type=range desc select * from s1 where id < 1000000; #type=all desc select * from s1 where id between 1 and 10;#type=range desc select * from s1 where id between 1 and 100000; #type=all desc select * from s1 where email like "%w%"; #type=all desc select * from s1 where email like "w%"; #type=range ‘‘‘如果范围过大,不能命中索引,如果范围适当,可以命中索引‘‘‘ desc select * from s1 where id in (1,2,3) #对in或者or这样的语句进行优化 ‘‘‘优化:union all比union速度快,union在合并数据之后,多一步去重操作‘‘‘ desc select * from s1 where id=1 union all select * from s1 where id = 1; desc select * from s1 where id=1 union select * from s1 where id = 1; #优化or条件 desc select * from s1 where id = 10 or name =‘aaaa‘; desc select * from s1 where id = 10 union all select * from s1 where name = ‘aaaa‘;
ref 普通索引查询(非唯一)
desc select * from s1 where email = ‘xboyww10@oldboy‘; desc select * from s1 where id = 10;
eq_ref 唯一性索引(联表)
alter table s1 drop index index_id; alter table s1 add primary key(id); desc select * from s1 where id = 10;
create database db0624; use db0624; #创建一张表 create table class1(id int,classname varchar(255)); create table student1( id int primary key auto_increment, name varchar(255) not null, age int not null, class_id int ); #插入数据 insert into student1 values(null,;"wangbaoqiang",82,2); insert into student1 values(null,;"wanglihong",7,1); insert into student1 values(null,;"wangwen",7,2); insert into class1 values(1,"python30"); insert into class1 values(2,"python31");
‘‘‘要求:应用在多联表中,被关联的字段需要主键或者唯一,表之间的关系为一对一并且数据条数相同‘‘‘ desc select student1.age from student1,class1 where student1.class_id = class1.id;#ALL alter table class1 add primary key(id); desc select student1.age from student1,class1 where student1.class_id = class1.id;#INDEX delete from student1 where id = 3; desc select student1.age from student1,class1 where student1.class_id = class1.id;#EQ_REF
‘‘‘针对于primary key 和unique索引等值查询‘‘‘ desc select * from class1 where id=1; #const desc select * from class1 where id>1; #range
- 只有一条数据的系统表
show index from s1;展现表s1所有的索引
key_len :判断联合索引覆盖的长度(通过字节数可以判定出到底触发了那些)
#在没有not null约束的时候,默认预留一个字节,标记是空或者非空 #utf8 通常情况下,中文1个字符占用3个字节,字母占用1个字节,极个别的生僻字占4个字节 #varchar每次存储数据的时候,系统底层默认会额外预留2个字节 有not null(不为空) 没有not null(可为空) tinyint 1 1+1 int 4 4+1 char(5) 5*3 5*3+1 varchar(5) 5*3 + 2 5*3+2+1
create table t100( n1 int, n2 int not null, n3 char(5), n4 char(5) not null, n5 varchar(5), n6 varchar(5) not null, index index_n1(n1,n2,n3), index index_n4(n4,n5,n6) ); insert into t100 values(1,2,"a","b","aa","bb"); insert into t100 values(1,2,"a","b","aa","bb"); insert into t100 values(1,2,"a","b","aa","bb"); insert into t100 values(1,2,"a","b","cc","dd"); #把数据表中的数据导入 mysql> desc t100; +-------+------------+------+-----+---------+-------+ | Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra | +-------+------------+------+-----+---------+-------+ | n1 | int(11) | YES | MUL | NULL | | | n2 | int(11) | NO | | NULL | | | n3 | char(5) | YES | | NULL | | | n4 | char(5) | NO | MUL | NULL | | | n5 | varchar(5) | YES | | NULL | | | n6 | varchar(5) | NO | | NULL | | +-------+------------+------+-----+---------+-------+ 6 rows in set (0.00 sec) mysql> select * from t100; +------+----+------+----+------+----+ | n1 | n2 | n3 | n4 | n5 | n6 | +------+----+------+----+------+----+ | 1 | 2 | a | b | aa | bb | | 1 | 2 | a | b | aa | bb | | 1 | 2 | a | b | aa | bb | | 1 | 2 | a | b | cc | dd | +------+----+------+----+------+----+ 4 rows in set (0.00 sec) n1->5B n2->4B n3->16B 5+4+16=25 desc select * from t100 where n1 = 2 and n2 = 2 and n3 ="a";#命中n1 n2 n3 desc select * from t100 where n1 = 1 and n2 = 2 and n3 ="a";#如果有重复数据,不会触发联合索引 desc select * from t100 where n1 = 1 and n2 = 2;#如果有重复数据,不会触发联合索引 desc select * from t100 where n1 = 2 and n2 = 2;# n1 -> 5B n2->4B 命中n1,n2 desc select * from t100 where n1 = 2;#n1->5B 命中n1 desc select * from t100 where n1 = 2 and n3 = "a"; #n1-5B 命中n1,没有命中n3 #index(a,b,c)-> a,ab,abc 创建了三组索引,符合最前缀原则,第一个字段必须存在才能触发
事务处理的四项特征 ACID
- 同一个事务中执行多条sql语句,要么全部成功,要么直接回滚,作为一个完整的整体,不能再继续分隔的最小个体
- a,i,d 都是为了保证数据的一致性才提出来的,比如约束,键在插入数据时,必须按照要求插入,保证规则上的一致性;
- 上升到事务中,如果出现意外导致数据不一致,例如脏读,幻读,不可重读,最终要保证数据是一致的
- 上升到主从数据库,主数据库增删改,从数据也要进行同步改变,保证数据的一致性
- lock + isolation锁,来处理事务的隔离级别
- 一个事务和另外一个事务工作过程中彼此独立隔离
- 把数据写到磁盘上,保证数据持久化存储不丢失
+ 脏读:没提交的数据被读出来了 + 不可重读:前后多次读书,结果数据内容不一样(同一个会话里,在不修改的情况下,永远只看到同样的一份数据) + 幻读:前后多次读取,结果数据的总量不一样
- RU(READ-UNCOMMITTED):读未提交:脏读,不可重读,幻读
- RC (READ-COMMITTED):读已提交:防止脏读,会出现不可重读和幻读
- RR(REPEATABLE-READ):可重复读:防止脏读,不可重读,可能会出现幻读
- SR (SERIALIZABLE):可串行化:防止一切(但是会把异步并发的程序变成同步程序,不能并发,性能差)
- 查询当前mysql的隔离级别(默认是RR)
select @@ tx_isolation;
select @@ autocommit;
D:\MYSQL5.7\mysql-5.7.25-winx64\my.ini #系统默认的隔离级别(REPEATABLE-READ) transaction_isolation = READ-UNCOMMITTED #防止系统自动提交数据 autocommit = 0 #重启mysql net stop mysql net start mysql
- 先去调整设置,重启mysql;尝试在一个窗口里通过事务,更改一条数据,开启另外一条窗口尝试读取,会出现问题
#窗口1 begin; update t1 set k1=‘abc‘ where id=1 select * from t1; commit; #窗口2 select * from t1;数据也跟着改了是不可重读
#窗口1 begin; insert into t1 values(4,‘c‘,50); select * from t1; commit; #窗口2 select * from t1;数量也跟着增加是幻读
- RR级别下,解决不可重读,使用mvcc技术,生成最新的mysql的系统备份(快照),然后读取快照
- RR级别下,解决幻读,gap 间隙锁 next-lock 下一键锁
添加、删除 约束 not null
#alter table 表名 modify 字段名 类型 alter table t1 modify id int not null alter table t1 nodify id int
添加、删除 unique唯一索引
#alter table 表名 add unique(id) alter table t1 add unique(id) alter table t1 drop index id
添加、删除 primary key
#alter table 表名 add primary key(id) alter table t1 add primary key(id) alter table t1 drop primary key
添加、删除 foreign key 外键(先通过desc表 找到外键的名字,然后再删)
alter table student1 drop foreign key student1_ibkf_1#删除 alter table student1 add foreign key(classid) references class(id)#添加