

1. 需求


2. 准备工作


3. 实现


<div id="btnSave" onclick="screenshot()" style="display: flex;background-color: #b6b8b6;
        position: fixed;right: 5%;bottom: 5%;width: 50px;height: 50px;
        cursor: pointer;border-radius: 50%;visibility: visible;box-shadow: 0 2px 2px 0 rgb(0 0 0 / 14%), 0 1px 5px 0 rgb(0 0 0 / 12%), 0 3px 1px -2px rgb(0 0 0 / 20%);">
    <img src="../images/camera.png" style="
        width: 26px;height: 26px;
        max-width: 100%; border-style: none;
        position: absolute;top: 50%;left: 50%;margin-top: -13px;margin-left: -13px;
    " />
<div id="images" style="display: none;"></div>


        var btnSave = document.getElementById("btnSave");
        // 进行canvas生成
        btnSave.onclick = function(){
           // $('.scoll_bottom_background').remove();
            html2canvas(document.querySelector('.container-fluid'),{useCORS: true}).then(canvas => {
                var value= canvas.getAttribute('id');
                var oCanvas = document.getElementById("thecanvas");
                // 获取图片资源
                var img_data1 = Canvas2Image.saveAsPNG(oCanvas, true).getAttribute('src');
               saveFile(img_data1, 'abc');

        // 保存文件函数
        var saveFile = function(data, filename){
            //var save_link = document.createElementNS('http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml', 'a');
            var save_link = document.createElement('a');
            save_link.href = data;
            save_link.download = filename;
            save_link.style.display = 'none';
            var event = document.createEvent('MouseEvents');
            event.initMouseEvent('click', true, false, window, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, false, false, 0, null);

注:该方法只适用于 手机端H5和PC浏览器,如果想在app中也适用,需要跟安卓大佬沟通怎么把图下载下来。


jQuery 自行下载吧

 * Canvas2Image v0.1
 * Copyright (c) 2008 Jacob Seidelin, jseidelin@nihilogic.dk
 * MIT License [http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php]

var Canvas2Image = (function() {

	// check if we have canvas support
	var bHasCanvas = false;
	var oCanvas = document.createElement("canvas");
	if (oCanvas.getContext("2d")) {
		bHasCanvas = true;

	// no canvas, bail out.
	if (!bHasCanvas) {
		return {
			saveAsBMP : function(){},
			saveAsPNG : function(){},
			saveAsJPEG : function(){}

	var bHasImageData = !!(oCanvas.getContext("2d").getImageData);
	var bHasDataURL = !!(oCanvas.toDataURL);
	var bHasBase64 = !!(window.btoa);

	var strDownloadMime = "image/octet-stream";

	// ok, we're good
	var readCanvasData = function(oCanvas) {
		var iWidth = parseInt(oCanvas.width);
		var iHeight = parseInt(oCanvas.height);
		return oCanvas.getContext("2d").getImageData(0,0,iWidth,iHeight);

	// base64 encodes either a string or an array of charcodes
	var encodeData = function(data) {
		var strData = "";
		if (typeof data == "string") {
			strData = data;
		} else {
			var aData = data;
			for (var i=0;i<aData.length;i++) {
				strData += String.fromCharCode(aData[i]);
		return btoa(strData);

	// creates a base64 encoded string containing BMP data
	// takes an imagedata object as argument
	var createBMP = function(oData) {
		var aHeader = [];
		var iWidth = oData.width;
		var iHeight = oData.height;

		aHeader.push(0x42); // magic 1
		var iFileSize = iWidth*iHeight*3 + 54; // total header size = 54 bytes
		aHeader.push(iFileSize % 256); iFileSize = Math.floor(iFileSize / 256);
		aHeader.push(iFileSize % 256); iFileSize = Math.floor(iFileSize / 256);
		aHeader.push(iFileSize % 256); iFileSize = Math.floor(iFileSize / 256);
		aHeader.push(iFileSize % 256);

		aHeader.push(0); // reserved
		aHeader.push(0); // reserved

		aHeader.push(54); // dataoffset

		var aInfoHeader = [];
		aInfoHeader.push(40); // info header size

		var iImageWidth = iWidth;
		aInfoHeader.push(iImageWidth % 256); iImageWidth = Math.floor(iImageWidth / 256);
		aInfoHeader.push(iImageWidth % 256); iImageWidth = Math.floor(iImageWidth / 256);
		aInfoHeader.push(iImageWidth % 256); iImageWidth = Math.floor(iImageWidth / 256);
		aInfoHeader.push(iImageWidth % 256);
		var iImageHeight = iHeight;
		aInfoHeader.push(iImageHeight % 256); iImageHeight = Math.floor(iImageHeight / 256);
		aInfoHeader.push(iImageHeight % 256); iImageHeight = Math.floor(iImageHeight / 256);
		aInfoHeader.push(iImageHeight % 256); iImageHeight = Math.floor(iImageHeight / 256);
		aInfoHeader.push(iImageHeight % 256);
		aInfoHeader.push(1); // num of planes
		aInfoHeader.push(24); // num of bits per pixel
		aInfoHeader.push(0); // compression = none
		var iDataSize = iWidth*iHeight*3; 
		aInfoHeader.push(iDataSize % 256); iDataSize = Math.floor(iDataSize / 256);
		aInfoHeader.push(iDataSize % 256); iDataSize = Math.floor(iDataSize / 256);
		aInfoHeader.push(iDataSize % 256); iDataSize = Math.floor(iDataSize / 256);
		aInfoHeader.push(iDataSize % 256); 
		for (var i=0;i<16;i++) {
			aInfoHeader.push(0);	// these bytes not used
		var iPadding = (4 - ((iWidth * 3) % 4)) % 4;

		var aImgData = oData.data;

		var strPixelData = "";
		var y = iHeight;
		do {
			var iOffsetY = iWidth*(y-1)*4;
			var strPixelRow = "";
			for (var x=0;x<iWidth;x++) {
				var iOffsetX = 4*x;

				strPixelRow += String.fromCharCode(aImgData[iOffsetY+iOffsetX+2]);
				strPixelRow += String.fromCharCode(aImgData[iOffsetY+iOffsetX+1]);
				strPixelRow += String.fromCharCode(aImgData[iOffsetY+iOffsetX]);
			for (var c=0;c<iPadding;c++) {
				strPixelRow += String.fromCharCode(0);
			strPixelData += strPixelRow;
		} while (--y);

		var strEncoded = encodeData(aHeader.concat(aInfoHeader)) + encodeData(strPixelData);

		return strEncoded;

	// sends the generated file to the client
	var saveFile = function(strData) {
		document.location.href = strData;

	var makeDataURI = function(strData, strMime) {
		return "data:" + strMime + ";base64," + strData;

	// generates a <img> object containing the imagedata
	var makeImageObject = function(strSource) {
		var oImgElement = document.createElement("img");
		oImgElement.src = strSource;
		return oImgElement;

	var scaleCanvas = function(oCanvas, iWidth, iHeight) {
		if (iWidth && iHeight) {
			var oSaveCanvas = document.createElement("canvas");
			oSaveCanvas.width = iWidth;
			oSaveCanvas.height = iHeight;
			oSaveCanvas.style.width = iWidth+"px";
			oSaveCanvas.style.height = iHeight+"px";

			var oSaveCtx = oSaveCanvas.getContext("2d");

			oSaveCtx.drawImage(oCanvas, 0, 0, oCanvas.width, oCanvas.height, 0, 0, iWidth, iHeight);
			return oSaveCanvas;
		return oCanvas;

	return {

		saveAsPNG : function(oCanvas, bReturnImg, iWidth, iHeight) {
			if (!bHasDataURL) {
				return false;
			var oScaledCanvas = scaleCanvas(oCanvas, iWidth, iHeight);
			var strData = oScaledCanvas.toDataURL("image/png");
			if (bReturnImg) {
				return makeImageObject(strData);
			} else {
				saveFile(strData.replace("image/png", strDownloadMime));
			return true;

		saveAsJPEG : function(oCanvas, bReturnImg, iWidth, iHeight) {
			if (!bHasDataURL) {
				return false;

			var oScaledCanvas = scaleCanvas(oCanvas, iWidth, iHeight);
			var strMime = "image/jpeg";
			var strData = oScaledCanvas.toDataURL(strMime);
			// check if browser actually supports jpeg by looking for the mime type in the data uri.
			// if not, return false
			if (strData.indexOf(strMime) != 5) {
				return false;

			if (bReturnImg) {
				return makeImageObject(strData);
			} else {
				saveFile(strData.replace(strMime, strDownloadMime));
			return true;

		saveAsBMP : function(oCanvas, bReturnImg, iWidth, iHeight) {
			if (!(bHasImageData && bHasBase64)) {
				return false;

			var oScaledCanvas = scaleCanvas(oCanvas, iWidth, iHeight);

			var oData = readCanvasData(oScaledCanvas);
			var strImgData = createBMP(oData);
			if (bReturnImg) {
				return makeImageObject(makeDataURI(strImgData, "image/bmp"));
			} else {
				saveFile(makeDataURI(strImgData, strDownloadMime));
			return true;

  1. 图片(透明背景 白色照相机 不知道你们能不能看出来!!!)
