点数:新Qt Quick编译器的性能优势

The Numbers: Performance benefits of the new Qt Quick Compiler

点数:新Qt Quick编译器的性能优势

Tuesday January 18, 2022 by Ulf Hermann | Comments

​2022年1月18日星期二,Ulf Hermann | 评论

In my previous post, the history and general architecture of the new Qt Quick Compiler technology was explained. As promised there, the performance numbers are presented in this post.

​在我之前的文章中,解释了新的Qt Quick编译器技术的历史和总体架构。正如在那里承诺的那样,性能数据在这篇文章中给出。

Along with qmlsc we've created a number of benchmarks to measure its impact. Note that classical JavaScript benchmarks like v8bench won't get us very far because those mainly exercise the aspects of JavaScript qmlsc does not intend to optimize.


The following results are produced with three modes of operation. All of the measurements were done on the current dev branch at the time of writing, which should be close enough to what we will release as Qt 6.3. There can be differences, though.


  1. In plain mode, a QML file is loaded from the host file system, circumventing any caching or pre-compilation. It has to be compiled at run time and only byte code is available. This byte code is then run through the JIT compiler.
  2. In qmlcachegen mode, qmlcachegen is utilized to compile the file ahead of time. qmlcachegen in Qt 6.3 will be able to compile to C++, in indirect mode. It cannot directly access your C++ classes, but has to utilize the lookup infrastructure in QtQml to access values.
  3. In qmlsc mode, qmlsc is utilized to compile the file ahead of time, with the --static and --direct options. Code generated by qmlsc in --direct mode does access your C++ classes directly, expecting to be able to #include their headers. --static means that it expects no properties to be shadowed. This is a slight deviation from the usual QML semantics, but allows for more bindings to be compiled.


2.在qmlcachegen模式下,qmlcachegen用于提前编译文件。Qt 6.3中的qmlcachegen能编译成C++,在间接模式下编译。它不能直接访问C++类,但必须利用QtQml中的查找基础结构来访问值。


As mentioned in the previous postqmlcachegen is available with all versions of Qt starting from Qt 5.8. Starting with Qt 6.3 alpha, it also provides the new compiler functionality and generates C++ code. qmlsc will implement "Qt Quick Compiler Extensions" as mentioned here. It is now available for commercial customers of "Qt for Device Creation" and "Qt for Device Creation Enterprise". The first Technology Preview release of qmlsc was already in Qt 6.2.1 in "Qt for Device Creation". "Qt Quick Compiler Extensions" (containing qmlsc) will also be available for general application development starting latest with the Qt 6.3.0 release. Further details around this will be announced some time soon.

​如前一篇文章所述,qmlcachegen可用于从qt5.8开始的所有Qt版本。从Qt 6.3 alpha开始,它还提供新的编译器功能并生成C++代码。qmlsc将实现这里提到的“Qt快速编译器扩展”。它现在可供“Qt for Device Creation”和“Qt for Device Creation Enterprise”的商业客户使用。qmlsc的第一个技术预览版本已经出现在Qt6.2.1的“Qt for Device Creation”中。“Qt Quick编译器扩展”(包含qmlsc)也可用于一般应用程序开发,最新版本为Qt 6.3.0。有关这方面的进一步细节将在不久的将来公布。

Real-world bindings


First, let's look at some examples of somewhat realistic bindings that exercise a number of value access patterns and arithmetics, adapted from the QmlBench project.


点数:新Qt Quick编译器的性能优势

We repeated trigger re-evaluation of a binding by manipulating one of its dependencies from C++ and then measure the time it takes to re-evaluate using QBENCHMARK. The bindings are as follows:



Item {
    id: root
    property int dynamicWidth: 10
    Rectangle { height: root.dynamicWidth + (5 * 3) - 8 + (root.dynamicWidth / 10) }


Item {
    id: root
    property int dynamicWidth: 100
    property int dynamicHeight: rect1.height + rect2.height

    Rectangle {
        id: rect1
        width: root.dynamicWidth + 20
        height: width + (5 * 3) - 8 + (width / 9)

    Rectangle {
        id: rect2
        width: rect1.width - 50
        height: width + (5 * 4) - 6 + (width / 3)


Item {
    id: root
    property int dynamicWidth: 10
    property int widthSignaledProperty: 20

    Rectangle { height: root.dynamicWidth + (5 * 3) - 8 + (root.dynamicWidth / 10) }
    onDynamicWidthChanged: widthSignaledProperty = dynamicWidth + (20 / 4) + 7 - 1


Item {
    id: root
    property int dynamicWidth: 100
    property int dynamicHeight: rect1.height + rect2.height
    property int widthSignaledProperty: 10
    property int heightSignaledProperty: 10

    Rectangle {
        id: rect1
        width: root.dynamicWidth + 20
        height: width + (5 * 3) - 8 + (width / 9)

    Rectangle {
        id: rect2
        width: rect1.width - 50
        height: width + (5 * 4) - 6 + (width / 3)

    onDynamicWidthChanged: widthSignaledProperty = widthSignaledProperty + (6 * 5) - 2
    onDynamicHeightChanged: heightSignaledProperty = widthSignaledProperty + heightSignaledProperty + (5 * 3) - 7

We can see that all of those bindings exhibit a substantial speedup when compiled to C++, and another boost when compiled in direct mode with qmlsc.


Micro benchmarks


As noted above, those bindings are composed of a number of different operations. In the next step we examine some common operations in isolation in order to see where the AOT-compiled code saves most time. Let's first look at different kinds of value access.


点数:新Qt Quick编译器的性能优势

Each of these just profiles one binding a: b where the binding expression just reads one value. Here, we compare three types of access:


  1. QProperty bindings are bindings on members of type QProperty, where the bindings expression accesses another QProperty. These are particularly easy to optimize for qmlsc because it only has to read the QProperty. The QProperty dependency mechanism takes care of the house keeping. For other bindings, we have to capture the property being read so that the dependency is registered.
  2. QML bindings are bindings where we cannot apply the QProperty optimization because one side of the binding is not a QProperty. Here we use the classical QML approach of capturing.
  3. Value type bindings are bindings to and from members of value types. These require some specialized lookups. The test here exercises two bindings, one that reads the x property of a member of type rect, and one that writes it.




Again, we can see a consistent performance increase when using qmlcachegen, and another one when using qmlsc.




Another area of interest is access to enumeration values. As enumeration values have to be qualified in QML, the QML engine has to do a lookup on the surrounding type of the enumeration in order to figure out which enumeration is meant. If we compile ahead of time, we can determine this statically. This is what you can see in the following result.


点数:新Qt Quick编译器的性能优势

Here, we repeatedly call a JavaScript function which returns an enumeration value. We do this once with an enumeration defined in C++ and once with an enumeration defined in QML. We see that the compiled code is a lot faster than the JIT.


Storing values


Finally, we might also write values procedurally in QML. While you should avoid this where possible, we often see cases where it is not easily avoided. qmlcachegen and qmlsc can generate C++ code for such access. Here we exercise two different ways of storing a value:


  1. referencing the target object by id: onXChanged: root.y = x
  2. storing into the current scope: onInputChanged: output = input

1.按id引用目标对象:onXChanged: root.y = x

2.存储到当前作用域中:onInputChanged: output = input

点数:新Qt Quick编译器的性能优势

Again, we observe that the compiled code is faster than the JIT.




These numbers are to be taken with a grain of salt. The code they are produced from is not finalized, yet. However, we can already see that the compilation of QML script code to C++ promises great performance benefits. We are always happy to hear about your experience with Qt. As these compilers are fairly new, there probably still are some bugs in them. Please do report those at our bug tracker when you find them. Further improvements to qmlsc and qmltc are planned for the upcoming Qt releases. Stay tuned.


上一篇:关于Qt Quick中将Canvas保存为QImage类型
