1.设置 参数
2.设置linux os 参数:
pam limits by default is not loaded in ubuntu. So run the following command in a terminal
sudo gedit /etc/pam.d/su
uncomment the following line
#session required pam_limits.so
session required pam_limits.so
save and close the editor.
Now run the following command in terminal
sudo gedit /etc/security/limits.conf
and add the following lines to the end of the file (before the line # End of file)
* soft nofile 4084
* hard nofile 4084
Now reboot the machine and run ulimit -a and see the open files limits are now updated. enjoy!!
added two new lines
* soft nofile 20000
* hard nofile 20000
in file /etc/security/limits.conf
1) SO_RCVBUF和SO_SNDBUF:通常建议值为128K或者256K;
2) SO_TCPNODELAY:NAGLE算法通过将缓冲区内的小封包自动相连,组成较大的封包,阻止大量小封包的发送阻塞网络,从而提高网络应用效率。但是对于时延敏感的应用场景需要关闭该优化算法;
3) 软中断:如果Linux内核版本支持RPS(2.6.35以上版本),开启RPS后可以实现软中断,提升网络吞吐量。RPS根据数据包的源地址,目的地址以及目的和源端口,计算出一个hash值,然后根据这个hash值来选择软中断运行的cpu,从上层来看,也就是说将每个连接和cpu绑定,并通过这个hash值,来均衡软中断在多个cpu上,提升网络并行处理性能。