Kafka utilizes Zoookeeper for storing metadata information about the brokers, topics, and partititions.
Sending a Message to Kafka
Sending a Message Asynchronously
Configuring Producers
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Chapter 4
Kafka Consumers: Reading Data from Kafka
Kafka consumers are typically part of a consumer group.
Creating a Kafka Consumer
The Poll Loop
Thread Safety
One consumer per thread is the rule.
It is useful to wrap the consumer logic in its own object and then use Java’s ExecutorService to start multiple threads each with its own consumer.
Configuring Consumers
Commits and Offsets
Consumer: How Do We Exit
Chapter 5:Kafka Internals
Cluster Membership
Every broker has a unique identifier that is either set in the broker configuration file or automatically generated. Every time a broker process starts, it registers itself with its ID in Zookeeper by creating an ephemeral node.