
Hyperventilation syndrome (HVS) is a respiratory disorder, psychologically or physiologically based, involving breathing too deeply or too rapidly. HVS may present with chest pain and a tingling sensation in the fingertips and around the mouth (paresthesia) and may accompany a panic attack. 过度换气综合征(HVS)是一种基于心理或生理的呼吸障碍,涉及呼吸过深或过快。HVS可能会出现胸痛和指尖及口腔周围的刺痛感(感觉异常),并可能伴随恐慌发作。

Panic attacks are sudden periods of intense fear that may include palpitations, sweating, shaking, shortness of breath, numbness, or a feeling of impending doom. 恐慌症发作是一种突然的强烈恐惧,可能包括心悸、出汗、颤抖、呼吸短促、麻木或厄运即将来临的感觉。

People with HVS may feel that they cannot get enough air. In reality, they have about the same oxygenation in the arterial blood (normal values are about 98% for hemoglobin saturation) and too little carbon dioxide (hypocapnia) in their blood and other tissues. 患有HVS的人可能会觉得无法获得足够的空气。实际上,他们的动脉血液中的氧合量大致相同(血红蛋白饱和度的正常值约为98%),血液和其他组织中的二氧化碳(低碳酸血症)太少。

A study, found that 77% of patients with empty nose syndrome have hyperventilation syndrome. Empty nose syndrome can appear in people having done nose surgery like cauterization, turbinectomy, turbinoplasty, etc. 一项研究发现,77%的空鼻综合征患者有过度换气综合征。空鼻综合征可出现在做过烧灼、鼻甲切除、鼻甲成形术等鼻外科手术的人身上。

Episode 1, Season 1, FRIENDS:
(Cut to same set. Rachel is breathing into a paper bag)
Monica: Just breathe, breathe.. that's it [used to tell sb that they are doing sth correctly]. Just try to think of nice calm things...
Phoebe: (Sings) Raindrops on roses and rabbits and kittens, (Rachel and Monica turn to look at her).. Bluebells and sleighbells and- something with mittens... la la la la...
Rachel: I'm all better now. [我现在好多了。]
Phoebe: (Grins and walks to kitchen. To Chandler and Joey) I helped!

六级/考研单词: syndrome, psychology, rapid, sensation, panic, gradual, intensive, sweat, numb, doom, norm, saturate, carbon, dioxide, tissue, episode, grin

