1 起始函数
if __name__ == ‘__main__‘:
2 判空
if x: if not x:
3 迭代判断
Contains: if x in items: Iteration: for x in items:
4 交换值,不使用中间变量
a, b = b, a
5 追加字符串 可list列表
6 异常处理,注意需要捕获的多项异常
try: v. if ...: except: raise TypeError(‘bad operand type‘)
7 枚举
for i, item in enumerate(items):
8 表达式判断 类lambda
[i * 3 for i in data if i > 10]
9 包装变量使之成为dictory
d = dict(zip(keys, values))
10 判断输入变量是否想要的类型
isinstance(x,(int,float)) isinstance(‘abc‘, Iterable)
11 默认参数
def power(x,n=2)
def add_end(L=None): if L is None: L = [] L.append(‘END‘) return L
def add_end(*L)
def add_end(**L)
12 脚本传参
from sys import argv -> argv[0]
13 类型转换
int(123) int(‘123’) str(123) unicode(123) float(’12.3’)
14 P3上基本数据类型
Boolean Numbers Strings, Bytes , Bytes Array , Lists , Tuples ,Sets , Dicts
Modual Function Class Method File Complied Code
15 string模板
from string import Template s = Template(‘$z , this is template , is so good , $z‘) print s.substitute(z=‘abc‘)
16 格式化输出 %d %x %f %i %s %r
print(’name:%s,age:%d’ % (‘king’,123))
17 p3接受用户输入
s = input(‘enter you option’)
s = raw_input(‘enter you option‘)
18 列表产生 range xrange(高效)
19 迭代dict
for value in d.itervalues() #value for k, v in d.iteritems() #key,value for i, value in enumerate([‘A‘, ‘B‘, ‘C‘]): #index,value
20 列表式(完全生成)
[x * x for x in range(1, 11) if x % 2 == 0] [m + n for m in ‘ABC‘ for n in ‘XYZ’]
(x * x for x in range(10)) #需要next()调用 #控制逻辑 yield
21 lambda(函数编程)
lambda x: x * x, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
22 装饰器(函数包装,非函数思想中的AOP)
def log(func): def wrapper(*args, **kw): print ‘call %s():‘ % func.__name__ print args[0] return func(*args, **kw) return wrapper @log def now(mystr=""): print(‘2013-12-25‘) now(‘aa’)
23 . 偏函数(对复杂函数功能的新定义)
import sys class TailRecurseException: def __init__(self, args, kwargs): self.args = args self.kwargs = kwargs def tail_call_optimized(g): """ This function decorates a function with tail call optimization. It does this by throwing an exception if it is it‘s own grandparent, and catching such exceptions to fake the tail call optimization. This function fails if the decorated function recurses in a non-tail context. “"" def func(*args, **kwargs): f = sys._getframe() if f.f_back and f.f_back.f_back and f.f_back.f_back.f_code == f.f_code: raise TailRecurseException(args, kwargs) else: while 1: try: return g(*args, **kwargs) except TailRecurseException, e: args = e.args kwargs = e.kwargs func.__doc__ = g.__doc__ return func @tail_call_optimized def factorial(n, acc=1): "calculate a factorial" if n == 0: return acc return factorial(n-1, n*acc) print factorial(10000) @tail_call_optimized def fib(i, current = 0, next = 1): if i == 0: return current else: return fib(i - 1, next, current + next) print fib(10000)
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