微信小程序TypeError: Cannot read property 'elem' of undefined


TypeError: Cannot read property ‘elem‘ of undefined
    at M (VM4401 WAService.js:2)
    at VM4401 WAService.js:2
    at VM4401 WAService.js:2
    at n (VM4399 asdebug.js:1)
    at e.exports.<anonymous> (VM4399 asdebug.js:1)
    at VM4399 asdebug.js:1
    at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
    at WebSocket._ws.onmessage (VM4399 asdebug.js:1)

当前的基础库版本是2.10.1 ,只需要将基础库版本改为2.10.0即可

微信小程序TypeError: Cannot read property 'elem' of undefined


微信小程序TypeError: Cannot read property 'elem' of undefined


下一篇:用c#开发微信(1)服务号的服务器配置和企业号的回调模式 - url接入 (源码下载)