Solaris 中系统服务的管理


bash-3.00# svcs -a | less 
STATE          STIME    FMRI 
legacy_run     15:00:58 lrc:/etc/rc3_d/S52imq 
legacy_run     15:00:58 lrc:/etc/rc3_d/S80mipagent 
legacy_run     15:00:58 lrc:/etc/rc3_d/S84appserv 
disabled       15:00:21 svc:/system/metainit:default 
disabled       15:00:21 svc:/system/device/mpxio-upgrade:default 
disabled       15:00:22 svc:/network/ipsec/ike:default

    关于服务状态,从man smf中了解到,Solaris系统中的服务有以下状态: 
     UNINITIALIZED    This is the initial state for  all  service 
                      instances.  Instances  are moved to mainte- 
                      nance, offline, or a  disabled  state  upon 
                      evaluation   by   svc.startd(1M)   or   the 
                      appropriate restarter.

     OFFLINE          The instance is enabled, but not  yet  run- 
                      ning or available to run. If restarter exe- 
                      cution of the service start method  or  the 
                      equivalent   method   is   successful,  the 
                      instance  moves  to   the   online   state. 
                      Failures   might  lead  to  a  degraded  or 
                      maintenance  state.  Administrative  action 
                      can lead to the uninitialized state.

     ONLINE           The instance is enabled and running  or  is 
                      available  to  run.  The specific nature of 
                      the  online  state   is   application-model 
                      specific  and  is  defined by the restarter 
                      responsible  for  the   service   instance. 
                      Online  is the expected operating state for 
                      a  properly  configured  service  with  all 
                      dependencies  satisfied.  Failures  of  the 
                      instance can lead to a degraded or  mainte- 
                      nance  state. Failures of services on which 
                      the instance depends can lead to offline or 
                      degraded states.

     DEGRADED         The instance  is  enabled  and  running  or 
                      available to run. The instance, however, is 
                      functioning at a limited capacity  in  com- 
                      parison  to  normal  operation. Failures of 
                      the instance can lead  to  the  maintenance 
                      state.  Failures  of  services on which the 
                      instance depends can  lead  to  offline  or 
                      degraded  states.  Restoration  of capacity 
                      should result in a transition to the online 

     MAINTENANCE      The instance is enabled, but  not  able  to 
                      run.  Administrative  action is required to 
                      restore the instance to offline and  subse- 
                      quent  states.  The maintenance state might 
                      be a temporarily reached state if an admin- 
                      istrative operation is underway.

     DISABLED         The instance is disabled. Enabling the ser- 
                      vice results in a transition to the offline 
                      state and eventually to  the  online  state 
                      with all dependencies satisfied.

     LEGACY-RUN       This state  represents  a  legacy  instance 
                      that  is not managed by the service manage- 
                      ment facility. Instances in this state have 
                      been  started  at  some point, but might or 
                      might not be running. Instances can only be 
                      observed  using  the  facility  and are not 
                      transferred into other states.

用法:svcadm [-v] [命令 [参数 ...]]

        svcadm enable [-rst] <服务> ... - 启用服务并使服务联机 
        svcadm disable [-st] <服务> ... - 禁用服务并使服务脱机 
        svcadm restart <服务> ...               - 重新启动指定的服务 
        svcadm refresh <服务> ...               - 重新读取服务配置 
        svcadm mark [-It] <状态> <服务> ...     - 设置维护状态 
        svcadm clear <服务> ...         - 清除维护状态 
        svcadm milestone [-d] <里程碑>  - 进入服务里程碑 


