*&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Report ZBAPI_PO_CREATE2 *& *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& *& *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* "场景:因需求,采购部门将各业务部门的采购需求汇总,单独创建采购订单。 "根据 REPORT zbapi_po_create2. DATA:gw_head TYPE bapimepoheader, gw_headx TYPE bapimepoheaderx, gt_item TYPE TABLE OF bapimepoitem, gw_item LIKE LINE OF gt_item, gt_itemx TYPE TABLE OF bapimepoitemx, gw_itemx LIKE LINE OF gt_itemx, gt_return TYPE TABLE OF bapiret2, gw_return LIKE LINE OF gt_return, gt_sch TYPE TABLE OF bapimeposchedule, gw_sch LIKE LINE OF gt_sch, gt_schx TYPE TABLE OF bapimeposchedulx, gw_schx LIKE LINE OF gt_schx, gt_comp TYPE TABLE OF bapimepocomponent, gw_comp LIKE LINE OF gt_comp, gt_compx TYPE TABLE OF bapimepocomponentx, gw_compx LIKE LINE OF gt_compx, gv_po TYPE ebeln. "header gw_head-comp_code = '6375'. *gw_head-comp_code = '8380'. gw_head-doc_type = 'NB'. gw_head-status = 'B'. gw_head-creat_date = sy-datum. gw_head-doc_date = sy-datum. gw_head-purch_org = '6375'. *gw_head-purch_org = '8380'. gw_head-pur_group = 'D01'. *gw_head-pur_group = '137'. gw_head-vendor = '0000401210'. *gw_head-vendor = '0000100031'. gw_head-langu = 'E'. gw_head-ref_1 = 'E'."Your Reference gw_headx-comp_code = 'X'. gw_headx-doc_type = 'X'. gw_headx-status = 'X'. gw_headx-creat_date = 'X'. gw_headx-doc_date = 'X'. gw_headx-purch_org = 'X'. gw_headx-pur_group = 'X'. gw_headx-vendor = 'X'. gw_headx-langu = 'X'. gw_headx-ref_1 = 'X'. "PO行项目 gw_item-po_item = 10. gw_item-material = 'K300000'. gw_item-item_cat = 'L'. *gw_item-material = 'T60602475'. gw_item-plant = '6375'. *gw_item-plant = '8380'. *gw_item-STGE_LOC = '8380'. gw_item-quantity = 2. gw_item-net_price = 100. gw_item-price_unit = 1. gw_item-preq_no = '0010001627'. gw_item-preq_item = 10. *gw_item-batch = 'HS'. APPEND gw_item TO gt_item.CLEAR:gw_item. gw_itemx-po_item = 10. gw_itemx-material = 'X'. gw_itemx-item_cat = 'X'. gw_itemx-plant = 'X'. *gw_item-STGE_LOC = '8380'. gw_itemx-quantity = 'X'. gw_itemx-net_price = 'X'. gw_itemx-price_unit = 'X'. gw_itemx-preq_no = 'X'. gw_itemx-preq_item = 'X'. *gw_itemx-batch = 'X'. APPEND gw_itemx TO gt_itemx.CLEAR:gw_itemx. "PO计划行 gw_sch-po_item = 10. gw_sch-sched_line = 1. gw_sch-delivery_date = '20210605'. gw_sch-com_date = sy-datum + 1. gw_sch-po_date = sy-datum. gw_sch-quantity = 2. gw_sch-preq_no = '0010001627'. gw_sch-preq_item = 10. gw_sch-com_qty = 2. APPEND gw_sch TO gt_sch. gw_schx-po_item = 10. gw_schx-sched_line = 1. gw_schx-delivery_date = 'X'. gw_schx-com_date = 'X'. gw_schx-po_date = 'X'. gw_schx-quantity = 'X'. gw_schx-preq_no = 'X'. gw_schx-preq_item = 'X'. gw_schx-com_qty = 'X'. APPEND gw_schx TO gt_schx. *gw_comp-po_item = 10. *gw_comp-sched_line = 1. *gw_comp-item_no = 10. *gw_comp-material = 'K100000'. *gw_comp-entry_quantity = 1. *gw_comp-plant = '6375'. *gw_comp-change_id = 'I'. **gw_comp-plant = '8380'. *APPEND gw_comp TO gt_comp. * *gw_compx-po_item = 10. *gw_compx-sched_line = 1. *gw_compx-item_no = 10. *gw_compx-material = 'X'. *gw_compx-entry_quantity = 'X'. *gw_compx-plant = 'X'. *gw_compx-change_id = 'X'. *APPEND gw_compx TO gt_compx. CALL FUNCTION 'BAPI_PO_CREATE1' EXPORTING poheader = gw_head poheaderx = gw_headx IMPORTING exppurchaseorder = gv_po TABLES return = gt_return poitem = gt_item poitemx = gt_itemx poschedule = gt_sch poschedulex = gt_schx pocomponents = gt_comp pocomponentsx = gt_compx. READ TABLE gt_return INTO gw_return WITH KEY type = 'E'. IF sy-subrc = 0. CALL FUNCTION 'BAPI_TRANSACTION_ROLLBACK'. ELSE. CALL FUNCTION 'BAPI_TRANSACTION_COMMIT' EXPORTING wait = 'X'. WRITE gv_po. ENDIF.