Qt6 QML Book/Qt Creator IDE/使用编辑器

Using the Editor


When you open a project or you just created a new project Qt Creator will switch to the edit mode. You should see on the left of your project files and in the center area the code editor. Selecting files on the left will open them in the editor.

当打开或创建一个项目时,Qt Creator将切换到编辑模式。在左侧看到项目文件,中心区域看到代码编辑器。选择左边的文件将在编辑器中打开。

The editor provides syntax highlighting, code-completion, and quick-fixes. Also, it supports several commands for code refactoring. When working with the editor you will have the feeling that everything reacts immediately. This is thanks to the developers of Qt Creator which made the tool feel really snappy.

编辑器提供语法高亮显示、代码补全和快速修复。此外,它还支持几个用于代码重构的命令。使用编辑器时,会有一种飞的感觉。感谢Qt Creator的开发者,让这个工具如此顺手。

Qt6 QML Book/Qt Creator IDE/使用编辑器

 Qt6 QML Book/Qt Creator IDE/使用编辑器


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