how is OData url select option implemented in the backend

Created by Jerry Wang, last modified on Sep 22, 2015

使用如下url 进行测试:

https://:4080/sap/opu/odata/sap/CRM_OPPORTUNITY/Opportunities?KaTeX parse error: Expected 'EOF', got '&' at position 22: …=Id,Description&̲top=1


how is OData url select option implemented in the backend

但是在backend返回给gateway的entity response里,包含了整个opp header的所有数据:

how is OData url select option implemented in the backendhow is OData url select option implemented in the backend



how is OData url select option implemented in the backendhow is OData url select option implemented in the backendhow is OData url select option implemented in the backendhow is OData url select option implemented in the backend



how is OData url select option implemented in the backend


how is OData url select option implemented in the backendhow is OData url select option implemented in the backend


在这里指定只将id和description这两个property写回http response里:

how is OData url select option implemented in the backend

上一篇:where does default 20 come from SAP UI5 growingThreshold
