How to make local changes on your ui5 library file in Eclipse

Created by Jerry Wang on Mar 20, 2015

You meet with issues when you send odata request to backend:

How to make local changes on your ui5 library file in Eclipse

You observe in the local version js file, line 1655, the sUrl population logic is wrong:

the check against length is missing.

How to make local changes on your ui5 library file in Eclipse

In another version of the same file, the expected check logic is there.  How to make local changes on your ui5 library file in Eclipse

You would like to make changes on the local js file.

Step1: find out the jar file name which contains the js file you want to change and also the local path of the jar file in Network tab:

jar file:

How to make local changes on your ui5 library file in Eclipse

Step2: extract the .jar file, make local changes there:

How to make local changes on your ui5 library file in Eclipse

Step3: re-pack the whole extracted folder via jar command below: How to make local changes on your ui5 library file in Eclipse

Step4: replace the old jar file with the jar file generated in step3:


How to make local changes on your ui5 library file in Eclipse

上一篇:How to find documentation of given API

下一篇:cache buster issue application index and duplicate .library file