User subroutines
%expect N告诉Bison,解析器应该有N个shift/reduce冲突,如果不匹配,Bison将报告编译时错误。
%name-prefix “base_yy”意味着默认的yyxx()会变成base_yyxx().比如yyparse(),yylex(),yyerror(),yylval,yychar和
比如%parse-param {core_yyscan_t yyscanner},参数为core_yyscan_t yyscanner.
比如%lex-param {core_yyscan_t yyscanner},参数为core_yyscan_t yyscanner.
core_YYSTYPE core_yystype; /* these fields must match core_YYSTYPE: */
int ival;
char *str;
const char *keyword;
/* * The scanner returns extra data about scanned tokens in this union type. * Note that this is a subset of the fields used in YYSTYPE of the bison * parsers built atop the scanner. */
typedef union core_YYSTYPE{
int ival; /* for integer literals */
char *str; /* for identifiers and non- integer literals */
const char *keyword; /* canonical spelling of keywords */
} core_YYSTYPE;
%type <node> stmt schema_stmt AlterEventTrigStmt AlterCollationStmt ...
表示标识符/非终结符 的类型可以是stmt/schema_stmt/AlterEventTrigStmt/…
* The target production for the whole parse.
stmtblock: stmtmulti
pg_yyget_extra(yyscanner)->parsetree = $1;
stmt :
| AlterCollationStmt
| AlterDatabaseStmt
| AlterDatabaseSetStmt
| AlterDefaultPrivilegesStmt
| AlterDomainStmt
| AlterEnumStmt
| AlterExtensionStmt
| AlterExtensionContentsStmt
| AlterFdwStmt
| AlterForeignServerStmt
| AlterForeignTableStmt
| AlterFunctionStmt
| AlterGroupStmt
| AlterObjectDependsStmt
| AlterObjectSchemaStmt
| AlterOwnerStmt
| AlterOperatorStmt
| AlterPolicyStmt
| AlterSeqStmt
| AlterSystemStmt
| AlterTableStmt
| AlterTblSpcStmt
| AlterCompositeTypeStmt
| AlterPublicationStmt
| AlterRoleSetStmt
| AlterRoleStmt
| AlterSubscriptionStmt
| AlterTSConfigurationStmt
| AlterTSDictionaryStmt
| AlterUserMappingStmt
| AnalyzeStmt
| CallStmt
| CheckPointStmt
| ClosePortalStmt
| ClusterStmt
| CommentStmt
| ConstraintsSetStmt
| CopyStmt
| CreateAmStmt
| CreateAsStmt
| CreateAssertionStmt
| CreateCastStmt
| CreateConversionStmt
| CreateDomainStmt
| CreateExtensionStmt
| CreateFdwStmt
| CreateForeignServerStmt
| CreateForeignTableStmt
| CreateFunctionStmt
| CreateGroupStmt
| CreateMatViewStmt
| CreateOpClassStmt
| CreateOpFamilyStmt
| CreatePublicationStmt
| AlterOpFamilyStmt
| CreatePolicyStmt
| CreatePLangStmt
| CreateSchemaStmt
| CreateSeqStmt
| CreateStmt
| CreateSubscriptionStmt
| CreateStatsStmt
| CreateTableSpaceStmt
| CreateTransformStmt
| CreateTrigStmt
| CreateEventTrigStmt
| CreateRoleStmt
| CreateUserStmt
| CreateUserMappingStmt
| CreatedbStmt
| DeallocateStmt
| DeclareCursorStmt
| DefineStmt
| DeleteStmt
| DiscardStmt
| DoStmt
| DropCastStmt
| DropOpClassStmt
| DropOpFamilyStmt
| DropOwnedStmt
| DropPLangStmt
| DropStmt
| DropSubscriptionStmt
| DropTableSpaceStmt
| DropTransformStmt
| DropRoleStmt
| DropUserMappingStmt
| DropdbStmt
| ExecuteStmt
| ExplainStmt
| FetchStmt
| GrantStmt
| GrantRoleStmt
| ImportForeignSchemaStmt
| IndexStmt
| InsertStmt
| ListenStmt
| RefreshMatViewStmt
| LoadStmt
| LockStmt
| NotifyStmt
| PrepareStmt
| ReassignOwnedStmt
| ReindexStmt
| RemoveAggrStmt
| RemoveFuncStmt
| RemoveOperStmt
| RenameStmt
| RevokeStmt
| RevokeRoleStmt
| RuleStmt
| SecLabelStmt
| SelectStmt
| TransactionStmt
| TruncateStmt
| UnlistenStmt
| UpdateStmt
| VacuumStmt
| VariableResetStmt
| VariableSetStmt
| VariableShowStmt
| ViewStmt
| /*EMPTY*/
{ $$ = NULL; }
* General expressions
* This is the heart of the expression syntax.
* We have two expression types: a_expr is the unrestricted kind, and
* b_expr is a subset that must be used in some places to avoid shift/reduce
* conflicts. For example, we can't do BETWEEN as "BETWEEN a_expr AND a_expr"
* because that use of AND conflicts with AND as a boolean operator. So,
* b_expr is used in BETWEEN and we remove boolean keywords from b_expr.
* Note that '(' a_expr ')' is a b_expr, so an unrestricted expression can
* always be used by surrounding it with parens.
* c_expr is all the productions that are common to a_expr and b_expr;
* it's factored out just to eliminate redundant coding.
* Be careful of productions involving more than one terminal token.
* By default, bison will assign such productions the precedence of their
* last terminal, but in nearly all cases you want it to be the precedence
* of the first terminal instead; otherwise you will not get the behavior
* you expect! So we use %prec annotations freely to set precedences.
a_expr: c_expr { $$ = $1; }
| a_expr TYPECAST Typename
{ $$ = makeTypeCast($1, $3, @2); }
| a_expr COLLATE any_name
CollateClause *n = makeNode(CollateClause);
n->arg = $1;
n->collname = $3;
n->location = @2;
$$ = (Node *) n;
| a_expr AT TIME ZONE a_expr %prec AT
$$ = (Node *) makeFuncCall(SystemFuncName("timezone"),
list_make2($5, $1),
* These operators must be called out explicitly in order to make use
* of bison's automatic operator-precedence handling. All other
* operator names are handled by the generic productions using "Op",
* below; and all those operators will have the same precedence.
* If you add more explicitly-known operators, be sure to add them
* also to b_expr and to the MathOp list below.
| '+' a_expr %prec UMINUS
{ $$ = (Node *) makeSimpleA_Expr(AEXPR_OP, "+", NULL, $2, @1); }
| '-' a_expr %prec UMINUS
{ $$ = doNegate($2, @1); }
| a_expr '+' a_expr
{ $$ = (Node *) makeSimpleA_Expr(AEXPR_OP, "+", $1, $3, @2); }
| a_expr '-' a_expr
{ $$ = (Node *) makeSimpleA_Expr(AEXPR_OP, "-", $1, $3, @2); }
| a_expr '*' a_expr
{ $$ = (Node *) makeSimpleA_Expr(AEXPR_OP, "*", $1, $3, @2); }
| a_expr '/' a_expr
{ $$ = (Node *) makeSimpleA_Expr(AEXPR_OP, "/", $1, $3, @2); }
| a_expr '%' a_expr
{ $$ = (Node *) makeSimpleA_Expr(AEXPR_OP, "%", $1, $3, @2); }
| a_expr '^' a_expr
{ $$ = (Node *) makeSimpleA_Expr(AEXPR_OP, "^", $1, $3, @2); }
| a_expr '<' a_expr
{ $$ = (Node *) makeSimpleA_Expr(AEXPR_OP, "<", $1, $3, @2); }
| a_expr '>' a_expr
{ $$ = (Node *) makeSimpleA_Expr(AEXPR_OP, ">", $1, $3, @2); }
| a_expr '=' a_expr
{ $$ = (Node *) makeSimpleA_Expr(AEXPR_OP, "=", $1, $3, @2); }
| a_expr LESS_EQUALS a_expr
{ $$ = (Node *) makeSimpleA_Expr(AEXPR_OP, "<=", $1, $3, @2); }
| a_expr GREATER_EQUALS a_expr
{ $$ = (Node *) makeSimpleA_Expr(AEXPR_OP, ">=", $1, $3, @2); }
| a_expr NOT_EQUALS a_expr
{ $$ = (Node *) makeSimpleA_Expr(AEXPR_OP, "<>", $1, $3, @2); }
| a_expr qual_Op a_expr %prec Op
{ $$ = (Node *) makeA_Expr(AEXPR_OP, $2, $1, $3, @2); }
| qual_Op a_expr %prec Op
{ $$ = (Node *) makeA_Expr(AEXPR_OP, $1, NULL, $2, @1); }
| a_expr qual_Op %prec POSTFIXOP
{ $$ = (Node *) makeA_Expr(AEXPR_OP, $2, $1, NULL, @2); }
| a_expr AND a_expr
{ $$ = makeAndExpr($1, $3, @2); }
| a_expr OR a_expr
{ $$ = makeOrExpr($1, $3, @2); }
| NOT a_expr
{ $$ = makeNotExpr($2, @1); }
| NOT_LA a_expr %prec NOT
{ $$ = makeNotExpr($2, @1); }
| a_expr LIKE a_expr
$$ = (Node *) makeSimpleA_Expr(AEXPR_LIKE, "~~",
$1, $3, @2);
| a_expr LIKE a_expr ESCAPE a_expr %prec LIKE
FuncCall *n = makeFuncCall(SystemFuncName("like_escape"),
list_make2($3, $5),
$$ = (Node *) makeSimpleA_Expr(AEXPR_LIKE, "~~",
$1, (Node *) n, @2);
| a_expr NOT_LA LIKE a_expr %prec NOT_LA
$$ = (Node *) makeSimpleA_Expr(AEXPR_LIKE, "!~~",
$1, $4, @2);
| a_expr NOT_LA LIKE a_expr ESCAPE a_expr %prec NOT_LA
FuncCall *n = makeFuncCall(SystemFuncName("like_escape"),
list_make2($4, $6),
$$ = (Node *) makeSimpleA_Expr(AEXPR_LIKE, "!~~",
$1, (Node *) n, @2);
| a_expr ILIKE a_expr
$$ = (Node *) makeSimpleA_Expr(AEXPR_ILIKE, "~~*",
$1, $3, @2);
| a_expr ILIKE a_expr ESCAPE a_expr %prec ILIKE
FuncCall *n = makeFuncCall(SystemFuncName("like_escape"),
list_make2($3, $5),
$$ = (Node *) makeSimpleA_Expr(AEXPR_ILIKE, "~~*",
$1, (Node *) n, @2);
| a_expr NOT_LA ILIKE a_expr %prec NOT_LA
$$ = (Node *) makeSimpleA_Expr(AEXPR_ILIKE, "!~~*",
$1, $4, @2);
| a_expr NOT_LA ILIKE a_expr ESCAPE a_expr %prec NOT_LA
FuncCall *n = makeFuncCall(SystemFuncName("like_escape"),
list_make2($4, $6),
$$ = (Node *) makeSimpleA_Expr(AEXPR_ILIKE, "!~~*",
$1, (Node *) n, @2);
| a_expr SIMILAR TO a_expr %prec SIMILAR
FuncCall *n = makeFuncCall(SystemFuncName("similar_escape"),
list_make2($4, makeNullAConst(-1)),
$$ = (Node *) makeSimpleA_Expr(AEXPR_SIMILAR, "~",
$1, (Node *) n, @2);
| a_expr SIMILAR TO a_expr ESCAPE a_expr %prec SIMILAR
FuncCall *n = makeFuncCall(SystemFuncName("similar_escape"),
list_make2($4, $6),
$$ = (Node *) makeSimpleA_Expr(AEXPR_SIMILAR, "~",
$1, (Node *) n, @2);
| a_expr NOT_LA SIMILAR TO a_expr %prec NOT_LA
FuncCall *n = makeFuncCall(SystemFuncName("similar_escape"),
list_make2($5, makeNullAConst(-1)),
$$ = (Node *) makeSimpleA_Expr(AEXPR_SIMILAR, "!~",
$1, (Node *) n, @2);
| a_expr NOT_LA SIMILAR TO a_expr ESCAPE a_expr %prec NOT_LA
FuncCall *n = makeFuncCall(SystemFuncName("similar_escape"),
list_make2($5, $7),
$$ = (Node *) makeSimpleA_Expr(AEXPR_SIMILAR, "!~",
$1, (Node *) n, @2);
/* NullTest clause
* Define SQL-style Null test clause.
* Allow two forms described in the standard:
* Allow two SQL extensions
| a_expr IS NULL_P %prec IS
NullTest *n = makeNode(NullTest);
n->arg = (Expr *) $1;
n->nulltesttype = IS_NULL;
n->location = @2;
$$ = (Node *)n;
| a_expr ISNULL
NullTest *n = makeNode(NullTest);
n->arg = (Expr *) $1;
n->nulltesttype = IS_NULL;
n->location = @2;
$$ = (Node *)n;
| a_expr IS NOT NULL_P %prec IS
NullTest *n = makeNode(NullTest);
n->arg = (Expr *) $1;
n->nulltesttype = IS_NOT_NULL;
n->location = @2;
$$ = (Node *)n;
| a_expr NOTNULL
NullTest *n = makeNode(NullTest);
n->arg = (Expr *) $1;
n->nulltesttype = IS_NOT_NULL;
n->location = @2;
$$ = (Node *)n;
| row OVERLAPS row
if (list_length($1) != 2)
errmsg("wrong number of parameters on left side of OVERLAPS expression"),
if (list_length($3) != 2)
errmsg("wrong number of parameters on right side of OVERLAPS expression"),
$$ = (Node *) makeFuncCall(SystemFuncName("overlaps"),
list_concat($1, $3),
| a_expr IS TRUE_P %prec IS
BooleanTest *b = makeNode(BooleanTest);
b->arg = (Expr *) $1;
b->booltesttype = IS_TRUE;
b->location = @2;
$$ = (Node *)b;
| a_expr IS NOT TRUE_P %prec IS
BooleanTest *b = makeNode(BooleanTest);
b->arg = (Expr *) $1;
b->booltesttype = IS_NOT_TRUE;
b->location = @2;
$$ = (Node *)b;
| a_expr IS FALSE_P %prec IS
BooleanTest *b = makeNode(BooleanTest);
b->arg = (Expr *) $1;
b->booltesttype = IS_FALSE;
b->location = @2;
$$ = (Node *)b;
| a_expr IS NOT FALSE_P %prec IS
BooleanTest *b = makeNode(BooleanTest);
b->arg = (Expr *) $1;
b->booltesttype = IS_NOT_FALSE;
b->location = @2;
$$ = (Node *)b;
| a_expr IS UNKNOWN %prec IS
BooleanTest *b = makeNode(BooleanTest);
b->arg = (Expr *) $1;
b->booltesttype = IS_UNKNOWN;
b->location = @2;
$$ = (Node *)b;
| a_expr IS NOT UNKNOWN %prec IS
BooleanTest *b = makeNode(BooleanTest);
b->arg = (Expr *) $1;
b->booltesttype = IS_NOT_UNKNOWN;
b->location = @2;
$$ = (Node *)b;
| a_expr IS DISTINCT FROM a_expr %prec IS
$$ = (Node *) makeSimpleA_Expr(AEXPR_DISTINCT, "=", $1, $5, @2);
| a_expr IS NOT DISTINCT FROM a_expr %prec IS
$$ = (Node *) makeSimpleA_Expr(AEXPR_NOT_DISTINCT, "=", $1, $6, @2);
| a_expr IS OF '(' type_list ')' %prec IS
$$ = (Node *) makeSimpleA_Expr(AEXPR_OF, "=", $1, (Node *) $5, @2);
| a_expr IS NOT OF '(' type_list ')' %prec IS
$$ = (Node *) makeSimpleA_Expr(AEXPR_OF, "<>", $1, (Node *) $6, @2);
| a_expr BETWEEN opt_asymmetric b_expr AND a_expr %prec BETWEEN
$$ = (Node *) makeSimpleA_Expr(AEXPR_BETWEEN,
(Node *) list_make2($4, $6),
| a_expr NOT_LA BETWEEN opt_asymmetric b_expr AND a_expr %prec NOT_LA
$$ = (Node *) makeSimpleA_Expr(AEXPR_NOT_BETWEEN,
(Node *) list_make2($5, $7),
| a_expr BETWEEN SYMMETRIC b_expr AND a_expr %prec BETWEEN
$$ = (Node *) makeSimpleA_Expr(AEXPR_BETWEEN_SYM,
(Node *) list_make2($4, $6),
| a_expr NOT_LA BETWEEN SYMMETRIC b_expr AND a_expr %prec NOT_LA
$$ = (Node *) makeSimpleA_Expr(AEXPR_NOT_BETWEEN_SYM,
(Node *) list_make2($5, $7),
| a_expr IN_P in_expr
/* in_expr returns a SubLink or a list of a_exprs */
if (IsA($3, SubLink))
/* generate foo = ANY (subquery) */
SubLink *n = (SubLink *) $3;
n->subLinkType = ANY_SUBLINK;
n->subLinkId = 0;
n->testexpr = $1;
n->operName = NIL; /* show it's IN not = ANY */
n->location = @2;
$$ = (Node *)n;
/* generate scalar IN expression */
$$ = (Node *) makeSimpleA_Expr(AEXPR_IN, "=", $1, $3, @2);
| a_expr NOT_LA IN_P in_expr %prec NOT_LA
/* in_expr returns a SubLink or a list of a_exprs */
if (IsA($4, SubLink))
/* generate NOT (foo = ANY (subquery)) */
/* Make an = ANY node */
SubLink *n = (SubLink *) $4;
n->subLinkType = ANY_SUBLINK;
n->subLinkId = 0;
n->testexpr = $1;
n->operName = NIL; /* show it's IN not = ANY */
n->location = @2;
/* Stick a NOT on top; must have same parse location */
$$ = makeNotExpr((Node *) n, @2);
/* generate scalar NOT IN expression */
$$ = (Node *) makeSimpleA_Expr(AEXPR_IN, "<>", $1, $4, @2);
| a_expr subquery_Op sub_type select_with_parens %prec Op
SubLink *n = makeNode(SubLink);
n->subLinkType = $3;
n->subLinkId = 0;
n->testexpr = $1;
n->operName = $2;
n->subselect = $4;
n->location = @2;
$$ = (Node *)n;
| a_expr subquery_Op sub_type '(' a_expr ')' %prec Op
if ($3 == ANY_SUBLINK)
$$ = (Node *) makeA_Expr(AEXPR_OP_ANY, $2, $1, $5, @2);
$$ = (Node *) makeA_Expr(AEXPR_OP_ALL, $2, $1, $5, @2);
| UNIQUE select_with_parens
/* Not sure how to get rid of the parentheses
* but there are lots of shift/reduce errors without them.
* Should be able to implement this by plopping the entire
* select into a node, then transforming the target expressions
* from whatever they are into count(*), and testing the
* entire result equal to one.
* But, will probably implement a separate node in the executor.
errmsg("UNIQUE predicate is not yet implemented"),
| a_expr IS DOCUMENT_P %prec IS
$$ = makeXmlExpr(IS_DOCUMENT, NULL, NIL,
list_make1($1), @2);
| a_expr IS NOT DOCUMENT_P %prec IS
$$ = makeNotExpr(makeXmlExpr(IS_DOCUMENT, NULL, NIL,
list_make1($1), @2),
* The SQL spec only allows DEFAULT in "contextually typed
* expressions", but for us, it's easier to allow it in
* any a_expr and then throw error during parse analysis
* if it's in an inappropriate context. This way also
* lets us say something smarter than "syntax error".
SetToDefault *n = makeNode(SetToDefault);
/* parse analysis will fill in the rest */
n->location = @1;
$$ = (Node *)n;
* Do raw parsing (only).
* A list of parsetrees (RawStmt nodes) is returned, since there might be
* multiple commands in the given string.
* NOTE: for interactive queries, it is important to keep this routine
* separate from the analysis & rewrite stages. Analysis and rewriting
* cannot be done in an aborted transaction, since they require access to
* database tables. So, we rely on the raw parser to determine whether
* we've seen a COMMIT or ABORT command; when we are in abort state, other
* commands are not processed any further than the raw parse stage.
List *
pg_parse_query(const char *query_string)
List *raw_parsetree_list;
if (log_parser_stats)
raw_parsetree_list = raw_parser(query_string);
if (log_parser_stats)
/* Optional debugging check: pass raw parsetrees through copyObject() */
List *new_list = copyObject(raw_parsetree_list);
/* This checks both copyObject() and the equal() routines... */
if (!equal(new_list, raw_parsetree_list))
elog(WARNING, "copyObject() failed to produce an equal raw parse tree");
raw_parsetree_list = new_list;
* Currently, outfuncs/readfuncs support is missing for many raw parse
* tree nodes, so we don't try to implement WRITE_READ_PARSE_PLAN_TREES
* here.
return raw_parsetree_list;
* raw_parser
* Given a query in string form, do lexical and grammatical analysis.
* Returns a list of raw (un-analyzed) parse trees. The immediate elements
* of the list are always RawStmt nodes.
List *
raw_parser(const char *str)
core_yyscan_t yyscanner;
base_yy_extra_type yyextra;
int yyresult;
/* initialize the flex scanner */
yyscanner = scanner_init(str, &yyextra.core_yy_extra,
&ScanKeywords, ScanKeywordTokens);
/* base_yylex() only needs this much initialization */
yyextra.have_lookahead = false;
/* initialize the bison parser */
/* Parse! */
yyresult = base_yyparse(yyscanner);
/* Clean up (release memory) */
if (yyresult) /* error */
return NIL;
return yyextra.parsetree;
* The target production for the whole parse.
stmtblock: stmtmulti
pg_yyget_extra(yyscanner)->parsetree = $1;