Angular 4.2.0 正式版发布,Web 前端框架

Angular 4.2.0 正式版发布了,更新如下:

Bug 修复

animations: ensure web-animations understands a numeric CSS perspective value (819514a), closes #14007

animations: evaluate substitutions on option param values (e9886d7)

forms: fix min and max validator behavior on non-numbers (a222c3e)

router: opening links in new window (4c32cb9)

upgrade: call setInterval outside the Angular zone (269bbe0)


compiler-cli: introduce synchronous codegen API (b00b80a)


animations: do not create a closure each time a node is removed (fe6b39d)

animations: only apply :leave flags if animations are set to run (b55adee)

文章转载自 开源中国社区 []

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