V-FOR useage method & Question of V-MODEL

V-FOR useage method

0. Origin

The work content needs to recurse the Object to build the dialog about options of this object. And I dont know how to do, feel so sad.
But, after I told my group leader about this question, he decided to make me out and do other more simple things, I had another insprion about its solution.
Use V-FOR Method.

1. About V-for

It is the special method of the Vue.js frame, and very useful for the beginner. It can be used on [Object] and [Array], these two data structures.
For example:

    <!-- Object(3 arguments) v-for (value,keyName,indexNum) -->
    <div v-for="(value, keyName, indexNum) in person" :key="keyName">
      <p>keyName:{{ keyName }}, value:{{ value }}, indexNum:{{ indexNum }}</p>
    <el-divider />
    <!-- Array(two arguments) v-for (value, indexNum) -->
    <div v-for="(value, index, key) in arr" :key="key">
      <p>index:{{ index }}, value:{{ value }}, key:{{ key }}</p>

export default {
  data() {
    return {
      person: {
        name: "leslie",
        aka: "荣光无限",
      arr: [0, "what"],

V-FOR useage method & Question of V-MODEL

Reference article

2. One More Question About v-model

If use item directly when option is Object, the control table will warn this message
V-FOR useage method & Question of V-MODEL
Alias cannot edit this value of content. We can solve this by other way.
Use Object.keys() to build this array which can use v-for, then its item can be ___ option[item] ___ to get this children of the object.

    <!-- Dont use this item directly  -->
      v-for="(item, indexNum) in Object.keys(option)"
      {{ item }}

        v-if="typeof option[item] === 'string'"
        v-else-if="typeof option[item] === 'number'"
      <!-- Inner Object (One floor) -->
      <el-form v-else-if="typeof option[item] === 'object'">
          v-for="(itemIn, indexNumIn) in Object.keys(option[item])"
          {{ itemIn }}
            v-if="typeof option[item][itemIn] === 'number'"
          <!-- Inner Object (Two floor) -->
          <el-form v-else-if="typeof option[item][itemIn] === 'object'">
              v-for="(itemInner, indexNumInner) in Object.keys(
              {{ itemInner }}
                v-if="typeof option[item][itemIn][itemInner] === 'number'"
                v-else-if="typeof option[item][itemIn][itemInner] === 'string'"

export default {
  data() {
    return {
      option: {
        radius: 11,
        left: "10%",
        legend: {
          show: 11,
          textStyle: {
            fontSize: 18,
            font: "sss",
  methods: {


V-FOR useage method & Question of V-MODEL


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