

Kong提供的CLI(Command Line Interface)允许您启动、停止和管理Kong实例。CLI管理您的本地节点(如当前机器上的本地节点)。

If you haven’t yet, we recommend you read the configuration reference.

Global flags

All commands take a set of special, optional flags as arguments:

  • --help: print the command’s help message
  • --v: enable verbose mode
  • --vv: enable debug mode (noisy)

Available commands

kong check

Usage: kong check <conf>

Check the validity of a given Kong configuration file.

<conf> (default /etc/kong/kong.conf) configuration file

kong health

Usage: kong health [OPTIONS]

Check if the necessary services are running for this node.

-p,--prefix (optional string) prefix at which Kong should be running

kong migrations

Usage: kong migrations COMMAND [OPTIONS]


The available commands are:
bootstrap Bootstrap the database and run all
migrations. up Run any new migrations. finish Finish running any pending migrations after
'up'. list List executed migrations. reset Reset the database. Options:
-y,--yes Assume "yes" to prompts and run
non-interactively. -q,--quiet Suppress all output. -f,--force Run migrations even if database reports
as already executed. --db-timeout (default 60) Timeout, in seconds, for all database
operations (including schema consensus for
Cassandra). --lock-timeout (default 60) Timeout, in seconds, for nodes waiting on
the leader node to finish running
migrations. -c,--conf (optional string) Configuration file.

kong prepare

This command prepares the Kong prefix folder, with its sub-folders and files.

Usage: kong prepare [OPTIONS]

Prepare the Kong prefix in the configured prefix directory. This command can
be used to start Kong from the nginx binary without using the 'kong start'
command. Example usage:
kong migrations up
kong prepare -p /usr/local/kong -c kong.conf
nginx -p /usr/local/kong -c /usr/local/kong/nginx.conf Options:
-c,--conf (optional string) configuration file
-p,--prefix (optional string) override prefix directory
--nginx-conf (optional string) custom Nginx configuration template

kong quit

Usage: kong quit [OPTIONS]

Gracefully quit a running Kong node (Nginx and other
configured services) in given prefix directory. This command sends a SIGQUIT signal to Nginx, meaning all
requests will finish processing before shutting down.
If the timeout delay is reached, the node will be forcefully
stopped (SIGTERM). Options:
-p,--prefix (optional string) prefix Kong is running at
-t,--timeout (default 10) timeout before forced shutdown

kong reload

Usage: kong reload [OPTIONS]

Reload a Kong node (and start other configured services
if necessary) in given prefix directory. This command sends a HUP signal to Nginx, which will spawn
new workers (taking configuration changes into account),
and stop the old ones when they have finished processing
current requests. Options:
-c,--conf (optional string) configuration file
-p,--prefix (optional string) prefix Kong is running at
--nginx-conf (optional string) custom Nginx configuration template

kong restart

Usage: kong restart [OPTIONS]

Restart a Kong node (and other configured services like Serf)
in the given prefix directory. This command is equivalent to doing both 'kong stop' and
'kong start'. Options:
-c,--conf (optional string) configuration file
-p,--prefix (optional string) prefix at which Kong should be running
--nginx-conf (optional string) custom Nginx configuration template
--run-migrations (optional boolean) optionally run migrations on the DB
--db-timeout (default 60)
--lock-timeout (default 60)

kong start

Usage: kong start [OPTIONS]

Start Kong (Nginx and other configured services) in the configured
prefix directory. Options:
-c,--conf (optional string) Configuration file. -p,--prefix (optional string) Override prefix directory. --nginx-conf (optional string) Custom Nginx configuration template. --run-migrations (optional boolean) Run migrations before starting. --db-timeout (default 60) Timeout, in seconds, for all database
operations (including schema consensus for
Cassandra). --lock-timeout (default 60) When --run-migrations is enabled, timeout,
in seconds, for nodes waiting on the
leader node to finish running migrations.

kong stop

Usage: kong stop [OPTIONS]

Stop a running Kong node (Nginx and other configured services) in given
prefix directory. This command sends a SIGTERM signal to Nginx. Options:
-p,--prefix (optional string) prefix Kong is running at

kong version

Usage: kong version [OPTIONS]

Print Kong's version. With the -a option, will print
the version of all underlying dependencies. Options:
-a,--all get version of all dependencies

下一篇:如何在 Windows Azure 的虚拟机 ubuntu 上面安装和配置 openVPN(二)