

In the heterogeneous world of enterprise computing, interoperability is no longer a luxury but a necessity. The multiple tier architecture of modern enterprises coupled with multiple development tools can lead to multiple headaches for developers. So what's a poor developer to do? Fortunately (some would say unfortunately), there are many ways to tackle this problem.
The resources I've assembled below should provide you with a broad overview of some of the techniques being used to bridge the worlds of .NET and Java technology. We'd love to hear about the interoperability issues you've encountered and how you went about solving them.
In the heterogeneous world of enterprise computing, interoperability is no longer a luxury but a necessity. The multiple tier architecture of modern enterprises coupled with multiple development tools can lead to multiple headaches for developers. So what's a poor developer to do? Fortunately (some would say unfortunately), there are many ways to tackle this problem.
The resources I've assembled below should provide you with a broad overview of some of the techniques being used to bridge the worlds of .NET and Java technology. We'd love to hear about the interoperability issues you've encountered and how you went about solving them.

Interoperability between Java EE technology and .NET applications
Dr. Dobb's "Interoperability and Integration" poster (PDF)
Webcast: Application interoperability with Microsoft .NET and J2EE
Practical .NET-to-Java interop solutions


Advanced message queue protocol to commoditize messaging
Simple JAVA and .NET SOA interoperability

Web Services

Web Services Interoperability Technology (WSIT)
WebSphere and .Net interoperability using Web services
Web services programming (with passion!)
Real interoperability between J2EE and .NET Web services: Practical advice for developers

Distributed Objects

Business Process Integration

本文转自 张善友 51CTO博客,原文链接:http://blog.51cto.com/shanyou/74948,如需转载请自行联系原作者
