spring 整合 mybatis02| 学习笔记

开发者学堂课程【Java Web 开发系列课程:Spring 框架入门spring 整合mybatis02】学习笔记,与课程紧密联系,让用户快速学习知识。


spring 整合 mybatis02



一、SqISessionDaoSupport 介绍

二、继承 SqlSessionDaoSupport

三、Dao 的实现


一、SqISessionDaoSupport 介绍

SqlSessionDaosupport is an abstract support class that provides you with a sqlsession. Calling getsqlsession() you will get a SqlsessionTerplate which can then be used to execute SOL methods, like the following:

public class UserDaoImpl extends SqlsessionDaoSupport implements UserDao{

public User getUser(String userId){

return(User)getSqlSession().selectOne("ong.mybatis.spring,sample,mapper,UserMapper,getUser", userId);



Usually MappezFactorybean is preferred to this class, since it requires no extra code. But,this class is useful if you need to do other non-MyBatis work in your DAO and concrete classes are required

SqlSesaionDaosupport requires either an sgisescionfactory or an agiseasiontemplate property to be set. lf both properties are set, the sg15essionEactory is ignored.

Assuming a class UserDaoImpl that subclasses sqlsessionDaoSupport , it can be configured in Spring like the following


使用 mybatis-spring-1.2.3整合;在 spring 配置文件中不需要管理sqlSessionTemplate 在 Dao 的实现中,需要继承 SqlSessionDaoSupport。




三、Dao 的实现

public class UserDaoImpl extends SqlsessionDaosupport implements UserDao


public List selectUser(){


this.getSqlsession().selectList("cn.sxt.vo.user.mapper.selec tAll");




下一篇:html表单和request 表单数据获得 中文乱码问题