(一)条件概率 定义 设A,B是两个事件,且P(A)>0,称:P(B|A) = P(AB) / P(A); 为在事件A发生的条件下事件B发生的条件概率。
(二)乘法定理设P(A) > 0 , 则有P(AB) = P(B|A) * P(A); 此式成为乘法公式;
定理 设试验E的样本空间为S,A为E的事件,B1,B2,...Bn为S的一个划分,且P(Bi)>0(i=1,2,...n),则:
P(A) = P(A|B1)*P(B1) + P(A|B2)*P(B2)+...+P(A|Bn)*P(Bn). 此式成为全概率公式。
定理 设试验E的样本空间为S,A为E的事件,B1,B2,...,Bn为S的一个划分,且P(A)>0,P(Bi)>0 (i=1,2,...,n),则
·如果p1(x,y) > p2(x,y) ,那么类别为1。
·如果p1(x,y) < p2(x,y) ,那么类别为2。
4.1 准备数据:从文本中构建词向量
/* * code list 4-1 : transfer func from docs list to vocabulary list * */ #include<iostream> #include<map> #include<set> #include<vector> #include<algorithm> #include<numeric> #include<cstring> #include<stdio.h> #include<cstdlib> using namespace std; string posting_list[6][10]={ {"my","dog","has","flea","problems","help","please","null"}, {"maybe","not","take","him","to","dog","park","stupid","null"}, {"my","dalmation","is","so","cute","I","love","him","null"}, {"stop","posting","stupid","worthless","garbage","null"}, {"mr","licks","ate","my","steak","how","to","stop","him","null"}, {"quit","buying","worthless","dog","food","stupid","null"} }; int class_vec[6] = {0,1,0,1,0,1}; //1 is abusive ,0 not class NaiveBayes { private: vector< vector<string> > list_of_posts; //词条向量 vector<int> list_classes; map<string,int> my_vocab_list; //单词列表 int *return_vec; public: NaiveBayes() { //posting_list --> list_of_posts vector<string> vec; for(int i=0;i<6;i++) { vec.clear(); for(int j=0;posting_list[i][j]!="null";j++) { vec.push_back( posting_list[i][j] ); } list_of_posts.push_back( vec ); } //class_vec --> list_classes for(int i=0;i<sizeof(class_vec)/sizeof(class_vec[0]);i++) { list_classes.push_back( class_vec[i] ); } } void create_vocab_list() { vector< vector<string> > :: iterator it = list_of_posts.begin(); int index = 1; while( it!=list_of_posts.end() ) { vector<string> vec = *it; vector<string> :: iterator tmp_it = vec.begin(); while( tmp_it!=vec.end() ) { if( my_vocab_list[*tmp_it] == 0 ) { my_vocab_list[*tmp_it] = index++; //index is the location of the vocabulary } tmp_it++; } it++; } map<string,int>::const_iterator itt = my_vocab_list.begin(); while( itt!=my_vocab_list.end() ) { cout<<itt->first<<" "<<itt->second<<" "; itt++; } }//create_vocab_list //set some one doc to vec with 0 and 1. void set_of_words_to_vec(int idx) { cout<<"set of words to vec begin the document id is : "<<idx<<endl; int len = my_vocab_list.size()+1; return_vec = new int[ len ](); //pay attention to the difference between "new int[len]". initalize all the element to zero. fill(return_vec,return_vec+len,0); for(int i=0;i<len;i++) cout<<return_vec[i]<<" "; for( int i=0;posting_list[idx][i]!="null";i++ ) { int pos = my_vocab_list[ posting_list[idx][i] ]; if( pos != 0 ) { return_vec[pos] = 1; } } cout<<endl; }//set_of_words_to_vec void print() { cout<<"print the return_vec begin :"<<endl; int len = my_vocab_list.size()+1; cout<<"len = "<<len<<endl; for(int i=0;i<len;i++) { cout<<return_vec[i]<<" "; } cout<<endl; delete [] return_vec; }//print() }; int main() { NaiveBayes nb; nb.create_vocab_list(); nb.set_of_words_to_vec(5); nb.print(); system("pause") ; return 0; }
·create_vocab_list():创建一个包含在所有文档中出现的不重复词的列表。定义私有成员变量map<string,int> my_vocab_list; key是代表单词,value则代表单词在my_vocab_list中的位置(下标)。
·set_of_words_to_vec(int idx):该函数的输入参数为某个文档的下标值idx,得到了return_vec,即下标为idx的文档向量,向量的每个元素为1或者0,分别表示词汇表中的单词在输入文档中是否出现。首先根据词表长度获得文档向量长度,并用STL中的fill将其元素都设为0;遍历下标为idx的文档中所有单词,得到在词汇表my_vocab_list中的位置pos,然后根据pos将return_vec中对应的值设置为1。该函数使用词汇表或者想要检查的所有单词作为输入,一旦给定一篇文档(斑点犬网站上的一条留言),该文档就会被转换为词向量。
p(Ci | W) = p( W | Ci ) / p( W ); W:就是需要分类的词向量;
计算每个类别中的文档数目: 对每篇训练文档: 对每个类别: 如果词条出现文档中-->增加该词条的计数值 增加所有词条的计数值 对每个类别: 对每个词条: 将该词条的数目除以总词条数目得到条件概率 返回每个类别的条件概率
/* * code list 4-1 : transfer func from docs list to vocabulary list * add code list 4-2 : training func on Naive Bayes Classifier * */ #include<iostream> #include<map> #include<set> #include<vector> #include<algorithm> #include<numeric> #include<cstring> #include<stdio.h> #include<cstdlib> using namespace std; string posting_list[6][10]={ {"my","dog","has","flea","problems","help","please","null"}, {"maybe","not","take","him","to","dog","park","stupid","null"}, {"my","dalmation","is","so","cute","I","love","him","null"}, {"stop","posting","stupid","worthless","garbage","null"}, {"mr","licks","ate","my","steak","how","to","stop","him","null"}, {"quit","buying","worthless","dog","food","stupid","null"} }; int class_vec[6] = {0,1,0,1,0,1}; //1 is abusive ,0 not class NaiveBayes { private: vector< vector<string> > list_of_posts; vector<int> list_classes; map<string,int> my_vocab_list; int *return_vec; vector< vector<int> > train_mat; public: NaiveBayes() { vector<string> vec; for(int i=0;i<6;i++) { vec.clear(); for(int j=0;posting_list[i][j]!="null";j++) { vec.push_back( posting_list[i][j] ); } list_of_posts.push_back( vec ); } for(int i=0;i<sizeof(class_vec)/sizeof(class_vec[0]);i++) { list_classes.push_back( class_vec[i] ); } } void create_vocab_list() { vector< vector<string> > :: iterator it = list_of_posts.begin(); int index = 1; while( it!=list_of_posts.end() ) { //vector<string> vec( *it.begin(),*it.end() ); vector<string> vec = *it; vector<string> :: iterator tmp_it = vec.begin(); while( tmp_it!=vec.end() ) { //cout<<*tmp_it<<" "; if( my_vocab_list[*tmp_it] == 0 ) { my_vocab_list[*tmp_it] = index++; //index is the location of the vovabulary } tmp_it++; } it++; } }//create_vocab_list //set some one word to vec with 0 and 1. void set_of_words_to_vec(int idx) { cout<<"set of words to vec begin the document id is : "<<idx<<endl; int len = my_vocab_list.size()+1; return_vec = new int[ len ](); //pay attention to the difference between "new int[len]". initalize all the element to zero. fill(return_vec,return_vec+len,0); for(int i=0;i<len;i++) cout<<return_vec[i]<<" "; for( int i=0;posting_list[idx][i]!="null";i++ ) { //cout<<posting_list[idx][i]<<" "; int pos = my_vocab_list[ posting_list[idx][i] ]; if( pos != 0 ) { return_vec[pos] = 1; } } cout<<endl; }//set_of_words_to_vec void get_train_matrix() { cout<<"get train matrix begin : "<<endl; train_mat.clear(); for(int i=0;i<6;i++) { set_of_words_to_vec(i); vector<int> vec( return_vec , return_vec + my_vocab_list.size()+1 ); train_mat.push_back(vec); delete []return_vec; } }//get train matrix void print() { cout<<"print the train matrix begin : "<<endl; vector< vector<int> > :: iterator it = train_mat.begin(); while(it!=train_mat.end()) { vector<int> vec = *it; vector<int> :: iterator itt = vec.begin(); while( itt!=vec.end()) { cout<<*itt<<" "; itt++; } cout<<endl; it++; } }//print() void train_NB0() { int num_train_docs = train_mat.size();//sizeof(posting_lists)/sizeof(posting_lists[0]); cout<<"num_train_docs = "<<num_train_docs<<endl; int num_words = train_mat[0].size() - 1 ; /* calculatr the sum of the abusive classes */ int sum = accumulate(list_classes.begin(),list_classes.end(),0); //C++ STL accumulate() cout<<"sum = "<<sum<<endl; float p_abusive = (float)sum/(float)num_train_docs; cout<<"p_abusive = "<<p_abusive<<endl; vector<float> p0vect(train_mat[0].size(),0); //the frequency of each word in non-absusive docs vector<float> p1vect(train_mat[0].size(),0); //the frequency of each word in abusive docs printf("p0num.size() = %d , p1num.size() = %d\n",p0vect.size(),p1vect.size()); float p0Denom = 0.0; //the total number of words in non-abusive docs float p1Denom = 0.0; //the total number of words in abusive docs /* calculate the p0num,p1num,p0Denom,p1Denom */ for(int i=0;i<list_classes.size();i++) { if(list_classes[i] == 1) //abusive doc { for(int j=0;j<p1vect.size();j++) { p1vect[j] += train_mat[i][j]; if(train_mat[i][j]==1) p1Denom++; } } else //non-abusive doc { for(int j=0;j<p0vect.size();j++) { p0vect[j] += train_mat[i][j]; if(train_mat[i][j]==1) p0Denom++; } } } for(int i=0;i<p1vect.size();i++) { p0vect[i] = p0vect[i]/p0Denom; p1vect[i] = p1vect[i]/p1Denom; } cout<<"print the p0vect values : "; for(int i=0;i<p0vect.size();i++) cout<<p0vect[i]<<" "; cout<<"\nprint the p1vect values : "; for(int i=0;i<p1vect.size();i++) cout<<p1vect[i]<<" "; cout<<endl; } }; int main() { NaiveBayes nb; nb.create_vocab_list(); nb.get_train_matrix(); nb.print(); nb.train_NB0(); system("pause") ; return 0; }
计算P(Wi | C0)和P(Wi | C1),需要初始化程序中的分子变量p0vect/p1vect和分母变量p0Denom/p1Denom。在for循环中,要遍历训练集train_mat中的所有文档。每次某个词语(侮辱性或非侮辱性)在某一文档中出现,则该词在向量p0vect或p1vect对应的位置数值加一,而且在所有的文档中,该文档的总次数p0Denom或p1Denom也相应加1。对于两个类别都需要进行同样的计算处理。最后,对每个元素除以该类别中的总次数。
p0vect.resize(train_mat[0].size(),1);//the frequency of each word in non-absusive docs p1vect.resize(train_mat[0].size(),1);//the frequency of each word in abusive docs float p0Denom = 2.0; //the total number of words in non-abusive docs float p1Denom = 2.0; //the total number of words in abusive docs
问题二:下溢出。这是由于太多很小的数相乘造成的。当计算乘积p(W0|Ci)p(W1|Ci)p(W2|Ci)....p(Wn|Ci)时,由于大部分因子都非常小,所以程序会下溢出或者得到不正确答案。在代数中有ln(a*b) = ln(a) + ln(b),于是通过对数可以避免下溢出或者浮点数舍入导致的错误。同时,采用自然对数进行处理不会有任何损失。自然ln不会影响函数的单调性。
p0vect[i] = log(p0vect[i]/p0Denom); p1vect[i] = log(p1vect[i]/p1Denom);万事俱备,已经可以开始构建完整的分类器了。
/* * code list 4-1 : transfer func from docs list to vocabulary list * code list 4-2 : training func on Naive Bayes Classifier * add code list 4-3 : naive bayes classify function * */ #include<iostream> #include<map> #include<set> #include<cmath> #include<vector> #include<algorithm> #include<numeric> #include<cstring> #include<stdio.h> #include<cstdlib> using namespace std; string posting_list[6][10]={ {"my","dog","has","flea","problems","help","please","null"}, {"maybe","not","take","him","to","dog","park","stupid","null"}, {"my","dalmation","is","so","cute","I","love","him","null"}, {"stop","posting","stupid","worthless","garbage","null"}, {"mr","licks","ate","my","steak","how","to","stop","him","null"}, {"quit","buying","worthless","dog","food","stupid","null"} }; int class_vec[6] = {0,1,0,1,0,1}; //1 is abusive ,0 not class NaiveBayes { private: vector< vector<string> > list_of_posts; vector<int> list_classes; map<string,int> my_vocab_list; int *return_vec; vector< vector<int> > train_mat; vector<float> p0vect; vector<float> p1vect; float p_abusive; public: NaiveBayes() { vector<string> vec; for(int i=0;i<6;i++) { vec.clear(); for(int j=0;posting_list[i][j]!="null";j++) { vec.push_back( posting_list[i][j] ); } list_of_posts.push_back( vec ); } for(int i=0;i<sizeof(class_vec)/sizeof(class_vec[0]);i++) { list_classes.push_back( class_vec[i] ); } } void create_vocab_list() { vector< vector<string> > :: iterator it = list_of_posts.begin(); int index = 1; while( it!=list_of_posts.end() ) { //vector<string> vec( *it.begin(),*it.end() ); vector<string> vec = *it; vector<string> :: iterator tmp_it = vec.begin(); while( tmp_it!=vec.end() ) { //cout<<*tmp_it<<" "; if( my_vocab_list[*tmp_it] == 0 ) { my_vocab_list[*tmp_it] = index++; //index is the location of the vovabulary } tmp_it++; } it++; } }//create_vocab_list //set some one word to vec with 0 and 1. void set_of_words_to_vec(int idx) { cout<<"set of words to vec begin the document id is : "<<idx<<endl; int len = my_vocab_list.size()+1; return_vec = new int[ len ](); //pay attention to the difference between "new int[len]". initalize all the element to zero. fill(return_vec,return_vec+len,0); for(int i=0;i<len;i++) cout<<return_vec[i]<<" "; for( int i=0;posting_list[idx][i]!="null";i++ ) { //cout<<posting_list[idx][i]<<" "; int pos = my_vocab_list[ posting_list[idx][i] ]; if( pos != 0 ) { return_vec[pos] = 1; } } cout<<endl; }//set_of_words_to_vec void get_train_matrix() { cout<<"get train matrix begin : "<<endl; train_mat.clear(); for(int i=0;i<6;i++) { set_of_words_to_vec(i); vector<int> vec( return_vec , return_vec + my_vocab_list.size()+1 ); train_mat.push_back(vec); delete []return_vec; } }//get train matrix void print() { cout<<"print the train matrix begin : "<<endl; vector< vector<int> > :: iterator it = train_mat.begin(); while(it!=train_mat.end()) { vector<int> vec = *it; vector<int> :: iterator itt = vec.begin(); while( itt!=vec.end()) { cout<<*itt<<" "; itt++; } cout<<endl; it++; } }//print() void train_NB0() { int num_train_docs = train_mat.size();//sizeof(posting_lists)/sizeof(posting_lists[0]); cout<<"num_train_docs = "<<num_train_docs<<endl; int num_words = train_mat[0].size() - 1 ; /* calculatr the sum of the abusive classes */ int sum = accumulate(list_classes.begin(),list_classes.end(),0); cout<<"sum = "<<sum<<endl; //float p_abusive = (float)sum/(float)num_train_docs; p_abusive = (float)sum/(float)num_train_docs; cout<<"p_abusive = "<<p_abusive<<endl; //vector<float> p0vect(train_mat[0].size(),1); //the frequency of each word in non-absusive docs p0vect.resize(train_mat[0].size(),1); //vector<float> p1vect(train_mat[0].size(),1); //the frequency of each word in abusive docs p1vect.resize(train_mat[0].size(),1); printf("p0num.size() = %d , p1num.size() = %d\n",p0vect.size(),p1vect.size()); float p0Denom = 2.0; //the total number of words in non-abusive docs float p1Denom = 2.0; //the total number of words in abusive docs /* calculate the p0num,p1num,p0Denom,p1Denom */ for(int i=0;i<list_classes.size();i++) { if(list_classes[i] == 1) //abusive doc { for(int j=0;j<p1vect.size();j++) { p1vect[j] += train_mat[i][j]; if(train_mat[i][j]==1) p1Denom++; } } else //non-abusive doc { for(int j=0;j<p0vect.size();j++) { p0vect[j] += train_mat[i][j]; if(train_mat[i][j]==1) p0Denom++; } } } for(int i=0;i<p1vect.size();i++) { p0vect[i] = log(p0vect[i]/p0Denom); p1vect[i] = log(p1vect[i]/p1Denom); } cout<<"print the p0vect values : "<<endl; for(int i=0;i<p0vect.size();i++) cout<<p0vect[i]<<" "; cout<<"\nprint the p1vect values : "<<endl; for(int i=0;i<p1vect.size();i++) cout<<p1vect[i]<<" "; cout<<endl; } int classify_NB( string *doc_to_classify ) { return_vec = new int[ my_vocab_list.size()+1 ](); for(int i=0;doc_to_classify[i]!="null";i++) { int pos = my_vocab_list[ doc_to_classify[i] ]; if( pos!=0 ) { return_vec[ pos ] = 1; } }//for for(int i=0;i<my_vocab_list.size()+1;i++) cout<<return_vec[i]<<" "; cout<<endl; float p1 = inner_product( p1vect.begin()+1,p1vect.end(),return_vec+1,0 ) + log(p_abusive); float p0 = inner_product( p0vect.begin()+1,p0vect.end(),return_vec+1,0 ) + log(1-p_abusive); cout<<"p1 = "<<p1<<endl; cout<<"p0 = "<<p0<<endl; if( p1>p0 ) { return 1; } else { return 0; } } }; int main() { NaiveBayes nb; nb.create_vocab_list(); //nb.set_of_words_to_vec(5); nb.get_train_matrix(); nb.print(); nb.train_NB0(); string doc1_to_classify[] = {"love","my","dalmation","null"}; string doc2_to_classify[] = {"stupid","garbage","null"}; cout<<"doc1 classified as : "<<nb.classify_NB( doc1_to_classify )<<endl; cout<<"doc2 classified as : "<<nb.classify_NB( doc2_to_classify )<<endl; return 0; }
可以看到doc1:{"love","my","dalmation","null"};被分为0类(not abusive); doc2:{"stupid","garbage","null"}被分为1类(abusive)。分类正确!
首先我们将写一个python程序textParse.py来对所有的email文件进行解析,正常的邮件放在/email/ham/下,垃圾邮件放在/email/spam/下,将ham下每个文件解析完成后放在/email/hamParse/下,将spam下每个文件解析完成后放在/email/spamParse/下,email共享文件链接:http://yunpan.cn/Q4fXnTtGudGA9 。
#!/usr/bin/env python def textParse(bigString): import re listOfTokens = re.split(r‘\W*‘,bigString) return [tok.lower() for tok in listOfTokens if len(tok) > 2 ] def spamTest(): for i in range(1,26): wordList = textParse( open(‘./email/ham/%d.txt‘ % i).read() ) fp = open( ‘./email/hamParse/%d.dat‘ % i , ‘w‘) for item in wordList: fp.write(item+‘ ‘) wordList = textParse( open(‘./email/spam/%d.txt‘ % i).read() ) fp = open( ‘./email/spamParse/%d.dat‘ % i , ‘w‘) for item in wordList: fp.write(item+‘ ‘) spamTest()
/* * code list 4-1 : transfer func from docs list to vocabulary list * code list 4-2 : training func on Naive Bayes Classifier * code list 4-3 : naive bayes classify function * add code list 4-4 : naive bayes bag-of-word model * add code list 4-5 : text parse : textParse.py and spam email test function : get_error_rate() * */ #include<iostream> #include<map> #include<set> #include<cmath> #include<vector> #include<algorithm> #include<numeric> #include<cstring> #include<stdio.h> #include<cstdlib> #include<fstream> #include<stdlib.h> #include<unistd.h> #include<string.h> using namespace std; class NaiveBayes { private: vector< vector<string> > list_of_docs; vector<int> list_classes; map<string,int> my_vocab_list; int *return_vec; vector< vector<int> > train_mat; vector<float> p0vect; vector<float> p1vect; float p_abusive; ifstream fin; ofstream fout; int test_data_num; public: NaiveBayes() { cout<<"please input the num of test data which should be less than 24 : "<<endl; cin>>test_data_num; vector<string> vec; string word; string filename; char buf[3]; string buf_str; for(int i=test_data_num+1;i<=25;i++) { sprintf(buf,"%d",i); //convert digit to string vec.clear(); buf_str = buf; filename = "./email/hamParse/"+buf_str+".dat"; //cout<<"filename : "<<filename<<endl; fin.open( filename.c_str() ); if(!fin) { cerr<<"open the file "<<filename<<" error"<<endl; exit(1); } while(fin>>word) { vec.push_back(word); } list_of_docs.push_back( vec ); list_classes.push_back(0); filename.clear(); fin.close(); } for(int i=test_data_num+1;i<=25;i++) { sprintf(buf,"%d",i); vec.clear(); buf_str = buf; filename = "./email/spamParse/"+buf_str+".dat"; //cout<<"filename : "<<filename<<endl; fin.open( filename.c_str() ); if(!fin) { cerr<<"open the file "<<filename<<" error"<<endl; } while(fin>>word) { vec.push_back(word); } list_of_docs.push_back( vec ); list_classes.push_back(1); filename.clear(); fin.close(); } } ~NaiveBayes() { fin.close(); fout.close(); list_of_docs.clear(); list_classes.clear(); my_vocab_list.clear(); train_mat.clear(); //delete [] return_vec; p0vect.clear(); p1vect.clear(); } void create_vocab_list() { vector< vector<string> > :: iterator it = list_of_docs.begin(); int index = 1; while( it!=list_of_docs.end() ) { //vector<string> vec( *it.begin(),*it.end() ); vector<string> vec = *it; vector<string> :: iterator tmp_it = vec.begin(); while( tmp_it!=vec.end() ) { //cout<<*tmp_it<<" "; if( my_vocab_list[*tmp_it] == 0 ) { my_vocab_list[*tmp_it] = index++; //index is the location of the vovabulary } tmp_it++; } it++; } }//create_vocab_list //set some one word to vec with 0 and 1. void beg_of_words_to_vec(int idx) { //cout<<"set of words to vec begin the document id is : "<<idx<<endl; int len = my_vocab_list.size()+1; return_vec = new int[ len ](); //pay attention to the difference between "new int[len]". initalize all the element to zero. fill(return_vec,return_vec+len,0); vector< vector<string> >:: iterator it = list_of_docs.begin() + idx - 1 ; vector<string> vec = *it; vector<string> :: iterator itt = vec.begin(); int pos = 0 ; while( itt!=vec.end() ) { // cout<<*itt<<" "; pos = my_vocab_list[ *itt ]; if(pos!=0) { return_vec[pos] += 1; } itt++; } }//beg_of_words_to_vec void get_train_matrix() { cout<<"get train matrix begin : "<<endl; train_mat.clear(); for(int i=1;i<=list_of_docs.size();i++) { beg_of_words_to_vec(i); vector<int> vec( return_vec , return_vec + my_vocab_list.size()+1 ); train_mat.push_back(vec); delete []return_vec; } }//get train matrix void print() { cout<<"print the train matrix begin : "<<endl; vector< vector<int> > :: iterator it = train_mat.begin(); while(it!=train_mat.end()) { vector<int> vec = *it; vector<int> :: iterator itt = vec.begin(); while( itt!=vec.end()) { cout<<*itt<<" "; itt++; } cout<<endl; it++; } }//print() void train_NB0() { int num_train_docs = train_mat.size();//sizeof(docs_lists)/sizeof(docs_lists[0]); cout<<"num_train_docs = "<<num_train_docs<<endl; int num_words = train_mat[0].size() - 1 ; /* calculatr the sum of the abusive classes */ int sum = accumulate(list_classes.begin(),list_classes.end(),0); cout<<"sum = "<<sum<<endl; //float p_abusive = (float)sum/(float)num_train_docs; p_abusive = (float)sum/(float)num_train_docs; cout<<"p_abusive = "<<p_abusive<<endl; //vector<float> p0vect(train_mat[0].size(),1); //the frequency of each word in non-absusive docs p0vect.resize(train_mat[0].size(),1); //vector<float> p1vect(train_mat[0].size(),1); //the frequency of each word in abusive docs p1vect.resize(train_mat[0].size(),1); printf("p0num.size() = %d , p1num.size() = %d\n",p0vect.size(),p1vect.size()); float p0Denom = 2.0; //the total number of words in non-abusive docs float p1Denom = 2.0; //the total number of words in abusive docs /* calculate the p0num,p1num,p0Denom,p1Denom */ for(int i=0;i<list_classes.size();i++) { if(list_classes[i] == 1) //abusive doc { for(int j=0;j<p1vect.size();j++) { p1vect[j] += train_mat[i][j]; if(train_mat[i][j]==1) p1Denom++; } } else //non-abusive doc { for(int j=0;j<p0vect.size();j++) { p0vect[j] += train_mat[i][j]; if(train_mat[i][j]==1) p0Denom++; } } } for(int i=0;i<p1vect.size();i++) { p0vect[i] = log(p0vect[i]/p0Denom); p1vect[i] = log(p1vect[i]/p1Denom); } cout<<endl; } int classify_NB(const char *filename ) { return_vec = new int[ my_vocab_list.size()+1 ](); fin.open(filename); if(!fin) { cerr<<"fail to open the file "<<filename<<endl; exit(1); } string word; while(fin>>word) { int pos = my_vocab_list[ word ]; if( pos!=0 ) { return_vec[ pos ] += 1; } } fin.close(); cout<<endl; float p1 = inner_product( p1vect.begin()+1,p1vect.end(),return_vec+1,0 ) + log(p_abusive); float p0 = inner_product( p0vect.begin()+1,p0vect.end(),return_vec+1,0 ) + log(1-p_abusive); cout<<"p1 = "<<p1<<" "<<"p0 = "<<p0<<endl; if( p1>p0 ) { return 1; } else { return 0; } } void get_error_rate() { string filename ; char buf[3]; string buf_str; int error_count = 0; for(int i=1;i<=test_data_num;i++) { sprintf(buf,"%d",i); buf_str = buf; filename = "./email/hamParse/"+buf_str+".dat"; if( classify_NB( filename.c_str() ) != 0 ) { error_count++; } filename = "./email/spamParse/"+buf_str+".dat"; if( classify_NB( filename.c_str() ) != 1 ) { error_count++; } } cout<<"the error rate is : "<<(float)error_count/(float)(2*test_data_num)<<endl; } }; int main() { NaiveBayes nb; nb.create_vocab_list(); //nb.beg_of_words_to_vec(5); //nb.beg_of_words_to_vec(30); nb.get_train_matrix(); //nb.print(); nb.train_NB0(); char doc1_to_classify[] = "./email/hamParse/1.dat"; char doc2_to_classify[] = "./email/spamParse/1.dat"; cout<<"doc1 classified as : "<<nb.classify_NB( doc1_to_classify )<<endl; cout<<"doc2 classified as : "<<nb.classify_NB( doc2_to_classify )<<endl; nb.get_error_rate(); return 0; }
target: ./textParse.py g++ NB3.cc ./a.out clean: rm ./email/spamParse/* ./email/hamParse/* a.out
下面展示一个在test_data_num = 7情况下的结果: