Excel vba call Python script on Mac

How can I launch an external python process from Excel 365 VBA on OSX?

It took me a while, but I figured out how to do it.

Excel 2016 has replaced MacScript() with AppleScriptTask(). This needs to be given an AppleScript file and function to call, and can't, as far as I am aware, be given raw AppleScript commands.

I created an AppleScript file called PythonCommand.scpt which contained something like:

on PythonCommand(pythonScript)

do shell script "/usr/local/bin/python " & pythonScript

end PythonCommand

This AppleScript file needs to be then placed in ~/Library/Application Scripts/com.microsoft.Excel/ (create this folder if it doesn't exist)

Once this is here, the function can be called using:

Dim result As String

result = AppleScriptTask("PythonCommand.scpt", "PythonCommand", pythonScript)

(it insists on returning something - it won't work without this)

A security proviso:

Any Excel macro can call this AppleScript. Macros can do nasty things anyway, but it would be worth putting some protection into it anyway to avoid additional code being executed.


mkdir -p ~/Library/Application\ Scripts/com.microsoft.Excel
vim PythonCommand.scpt


on PythonCommand(pythonScript)
do shell script "python -c '" & pythonScript & "'"
end PythonCommand


然后在 Excel 新建一个 vba 模块

Sub CallPython()
s = AppleScriptTask("PythonCommand.scpt", "PythonCommand", "print(42)")
MsgBox (s)
End Sub


have fun!

