
A balcony is a platform projecting from the wall of a building, supported by columns or console brackets, and enclosed with a balustrade [栏杆], usually above the ground floor. console bracket: (搁板的)支架。它的词源是意大利语里的scaffold(脚手架)和德语里的beam(梁), 可能和波斯语里的某个术语同源。

A 'Juliet balcony' does not protrude out of the building. It is usually part of an upper floor, with a balustrade only at the front. Juliet balconies are named after Shakespeare's Juliet, who, in traditional stagings of the play Romeo and Juliet, is courted by Romeo while she is on her balcony - though the play itself, as written, makes no mention of a balcony, but only of a window at which Juliet appears.


The balcony of Juliet at Villa Capuleti in Verona; Members of the British Royal Family on the East Front Balcony at Buckingham Palace, 2013

balcony  balcony


In theatres, the balcony was formerly a stage-box, but the name is now usually confined to the part of the auditorium above the dress circle and below the gallery. 在剧院里,阳台以前是一个舞台包厢,但现在它的名字通常只限于观众席中dress circle的上方和顶层楼座下方的部分。The dress circle is the first level of seats above the ground floor in a theater.

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