- 全局安装apidoc
npm install apidoc -g
- 配置apidoc.json
"name": "test",
"version": "0.1.0",
"description": "练习写接口文档",
"title": "学习编写api文档",
"url" : ""
- 使用
* @api {get} /user/:id Request User information
* @apiName GetUser
* @apiGroup User
* @apiParam {Number} id Users unique ID.
* @apiSuccess {String} firstname Firstname of the User.
* @apiSuccess {String} lastname Lastname of the User.
* @api {post} /user/reg 用户注册
* @apiName 用户注册
* @apiGroup User
* @apiParam {String} us 用户名
* @apiParam {String} ps 用户密码
* @apiParam {String} code 验证码
* @apiSuccess {String} firstname Firstname of the User.
* @apiSuccess {String} lastname Lastname of the User.
router.post(‘/reg‘, (req, res) => {
// 获取数据
let { us, ps, code } = req.body;
console.log(us, ps, code);
if (!us || !ps || !code) {
return res.send({
err: -1,
msg: ‘参数错误‘
// if (!us || ps) { return res.send({ err: -1, msg: ‘参数错误‘ }) };
if (us && ps && code) {
// 判断验证码是否ok
console.log(codes[us], code, codes);
if (codes[us] != code) {
return res.send({ err: -4, msg: ‘验证码错误‘ });
User.find({ us })
.then((data) => {
if (data.length === 0) {
// 用户名不存在,可以注册
return User.insertMany({ us: us, ps: ps });
} else {
err: -3,
msg: ‘用户名已存在 ‘
} else {
return res.send({ err: -2, msg: ‘参数错误‘ });