C++ notes for beginners(2)

作者:马 岩Furzoom) (http://www.cnblogs.com/furzoom/

Primitive Built-in Types

Type Implication Minimum  storage space
bool boolean NA
char character 8 bits
wchar_t wide character 16 bits
short short integer 16 bits
int integer 16 bits
long long integer 32 bits
float single-precision floating-point 6 significant digits
double double-precision floating-point 10 significant digits
long double extended-precision floating-point 10 significant digits

Integral types (except the boolean type) may be either signed or unsigned

Unlike other integral types, there are three distict types for char:

plain char equals to char

signed char

unsigned char

上一篇:微服务框架surging学习之路——序列化 (转载https://www.cnblogs.com/alangur/p/10407727.html)
