.NET手记-Autofac入门Getting Started



  • 在脑海中构造基于控制反转(IoC)的应用程序架构
  • 添加Autofac引用.
  • 在应用启动配置流程...
  • 创建一个 ContainerBuilder.
  • 注册组件(components).
  • build定义的ContainerBuilder生成Autofac容器,并存储它以供后续使用.
  • 在程序运行时...
  • 从Autofac容器(container)创建生命周期域(lifetime scope).
  • 使用生命周期域来解析出组件实例.

这篇指导将会使用一个控制台程序一步一步演示如何使用Autofac. 一旦你有了基础的了解,可以到以下wiki站点查看更高级的使用方法和技巧: integration information for WCF, ASP.NET, and other application types.


基于IoC的想法应该是对象在被创建的时候,由一个调控系统内所有对象的外界实体将其所依赖的对象的引用传递给它,而不是把所有类绑在一起,每次都要通过依赖new来传递实例.如果你想了解更多请看:Martin Fowler has an excellent article explaining dependency injection/inversion of control.


using System;

namespace DemoApp
// This interface helps decouple the concept of
// "writing output" from the Console class. We
// don't really "care" how the Write operation
// happens, just that we can write.
public interface IOutput
void Write(string content);
} // This implementation of the IOutput interface
// is actually how we write to the Console. Technically
// we could also implement IOutput to write to Debug
// or Trace... or anywhere else.
public class ConsoleOutput : IOutput
public void Write(string content)
} // This interface decouples the notion of writing
// a date from the actual mechanism that performs
// the writing. Like with IOutput, the process
// is abstracted behind an interface.
public interface IDateWriter
void WriteDate();
} // This TodayWriter is where it all comes together.
// Notice it takes a constructor parameter of type
// IOutput - that lets the writer write to anywhere
// based on the implementation. Further, it implements
// WriteDate such that today's date is written out;
// you could have one that writes in a different format
// or a different date.
public class TodayWriter : IDateWriter
private IOutput _output;
public TodayWriter(IOutput output)
this._output = output;
} public void WriteDate()


首先添加Autofac引用到你的项目,这个例子中我们仅添加Autofac Core引用,其他类型应用程序可能会用到不同的Autofac.Integration类库。


.NET手记-Autofac入门Getting Started

应用启动(Application Startup)


下一篇:常见排序算法整理(python实现 持续更新)