public void test4() {
String param1 = String.format("hi,%s, your age is %s", "john", "26");
System.out.println("-------------------param1=" + param1);
Object[] object = new Object[]{"john", Longs.tryParse("24")};
MessageFormat messageFormat = new MessageFormat("{0} now is at the age of {1}");
String param2 = messageFormat.format(object);
System.out.println("-------------------param2=" + param2); Map<String, String> replaceValue = Maps.newHashMap();
replaceValue.put("name", "john");
replaceValue.put("age", "27");
StrSubstitutor strSubstitutor = new StrSubstitutor(replaceValue);
String template1 = "${name} is at the age of${age}";
String param3 = strSubstitutor.replace(template1);
System.out.println("-------------------param3=" + param3);
-------------------param1=hi,john, your age is 26
-------------------param2=john now is at the age of 24
-------------------param3=john is at the age of27