<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <!DOCTYPE mapper PUBLIC "-//mybatis.org//DTD Mapper 3.0//EN" "http://mybatis.org/dtd/mybatis-3-mapper.dtd" > <mapper namespace="com.imooc.mapper.ItemsMapperCustom" > <select id="queryItemComments" parameterType="Map" resultType="com.imooc.pojo.vo.ItemCommentVO"> SELECT ic.comment_level as commentLevel, ic.content as content, ic.sepc_name as specName, ic.created_time as createdTime, u.face as userFace, u.nickname as nickname FROM items_comments ic LEFT JOIN users u ON ic.user_id = u.id WHERE ic.item_id = #{paramsMap.itemId} <if test=" paramsMap.level != null and paramsMap.level != '' "> AND ic.comment_level = #{paramsMap.level} </if> </select> <select id="searchItems" parameterType="Map" resultType="com.imooc.pojo.vo.SearchItemsVO"> SELECT i.id as itemId, i.item_name as itemName, i.sell_counts as sellCounts, ii.url as imgUrl, tempSpec.price_discount as price FROM items i LEFT JOIN items_img ii on i.id = ii.item_id LEFT JOIN (SELECT item_id,MIN(price_discount) as price_discount from items_spec GROUP BY item_id) tempSpec on i.id = tempSpec.item_id WHERE ii.is_main = 1 <if test=" paramsMap.keywords != null and paramsMap.keywords != '' "> AND i.item_name like '%${paramsMap.keywords}%' </if> order by <choose> <when test=" paramsMap.sort == "c" "> i.sell_counts desc </when> <when test=" paramsMap.sort == "p" "> tempSpec.price_discount asc </when> <otherwise> i.item_name asc </otherwise> </choose> </select> <!-- k: 默认,代表默认排序,根据name--> <!-- c: 根据销量排序--> <!-- p: 根据价格排序--> <select id="searchItemsByThirdCat" parameterType="Map" resultType="com.imooc.pojo.vo.SearchItemsVO"> SELECT i.id as itemId, i.item_name as itemName, i.sell_counts as sellCounts, ii.url as imgUrl, tempSpec.price_discount as price FROM items i LEFT JOIN items_img ii on i.id = ii.item_id LEFT JOIN (SELECT item_id,MIN(price_discount) as price_discount from items_spec GROUP BY item_id) tempSpec on i.id = tempSpec.item_id WHERE ii.is_main = 1 and i.cat_id = #{paramsMap.catId} order by <choose> <when test=" paramsMap.sort == "c" "> i.sell_counts desc </when> <when test=" paramsMap.sort == "p" "> tempSpec.price_discount asc </when> <otherwise> i.item_name asc </otherwise> </choose> </select> <select id="queryItemsBySpecIds" parameterType="List" resultType="com.imooc.pojo.vo.ShopcartVO"> SELECT t_items.id as itemId, t_items.item_name as itemName, t_items_img.url as itemImgUrl, t_items_spec.id as specId, t_items_spec.`name` as specName, t_items_spec.price_discount as priceDiscount, t_items_spec.price_normal as priceNormal FROM items_spec t_items_spec LEFT JOIN items t_items ON t_items.id = t_items_spec.item_id LEFT JOIN items_img t_items_img on t_items_img.item_id = t_items.id WHERE t_items_img.is_main = 1 AND t_items_spec.id IN <foreach collection="paramsList" index="index" item="specId" open="(" separator="," close=")"> #{specId} </foreach> </select> <update id="decreaseItemSpecStock"> update items_spec set stock = stock - #{pendingCounts} where id = #{specId} and stock >= #{pendingCounts} </update> </mapper>View Code
package com.imooc.pojo.vo; import java.util.Date; /** * 用于展示商品搜索列表结果的VO */ public class SearchItemsVO { private String itemId; private String itemName; private int sellCounts; private String imgUrl; private int price; public String getItemId() { return itemId; } public void setItemId(String itemId) { this.itemId = itemId; } public String getItemName() { return itemName; } public void setItemName(String itemName) { this.itemName = itemName; } public int getSellCounts() { return sellCounts; } public void setSellCounts(int sellCounts) { this.sellCounts = sellCounts; } public String getImgUrl() { return imgUrl; } public void setImgUrl(String imgUrl) { this.imgUrl = imgUrl; } public int getPrice() { return price; } public void setPrice(int price) { this.price = price; } }View Code