1116. 打印零与奇偶数
class ZeroEvenOdd {
public ZeroEvenOdd(int n) { ... } // 构造函数
public void zero(printNumber) { ... } // 仅打印出 0
public void even(printNumber) { ... } // 仅打印出 偶数
public void odd(printNumber) { ... } // 仅打印出 奇数
相同的一个 ZeroEvenOdd 类实例将会传递给三个不同的线程:
线程 A 将调用 zero(),它只输出 0 。
线程 B 将调用 even(),它只输出偶数。
线程 C 将调用 odd(),它只输出奇数。
每个线程都有一个 printNumber 方法来输出一个整数。请修改给出的代码以输出整数序列 010203040506... ,其中序列的长度必须为 2n。
示例 1:
输入:n = 2
说明:三条线程异步执行,其中一个调用 zero(),另一个线程调用 even(),最后一个线程调用odd()。正确的输出为 "0102"。
示例 2:
输入:n = 5
三锁版,lock1, lock2, lock3. 线程a 激活线程b或者c, 线程b, c 激活线程a
#define CHECK_VARIABLE(l,r) do{if(0 != r){fprintf(stderr,"[%s], err:[%d]\n",l,r);break;}}while(0); #define L pthread_mutex_t #define LOCK(t) pthread_mutex_lock(&t) #define UNLOCK(t) pthread_mutex_unlock(&t) #if 0 pthread_once_t tOnce = PTHREAD_ONCE_INIT; #endif int g_iOnce = 0; L tL0 = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER; /* zero odd even */ L tL1; L tL2; L tL3; void P(L* t) { while (pthread_mutex_lock(t) != 0) {} return; } void V(L* t) { if (pthread_mutex_unlock(t) == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "[%s].\n", "pthread_mutex_unlock error."); } return; } typedef struct { int n; } ZeroEvenOdd; ZeroEvenOdd* zeroEvenOddCreate(int n) { ZeroEvenOdd* obj = (ZeroEvenOdd*) malloc(sizeof(ZeroEvenOdd)); obj->n = n; return obj; } void threadOnceInit(){ int iRet = -1; iRet = pthread_mutex_init(&tL1, NULL); CHECK_VARIABLE("tL1 init error.", iRet); iRet = pthread_mutex_init(&tL2, NULL); CHECK_VARIABLE("tL1 init error.", iRet); iRet = pthread_mutex_init(&tL3, NULL); CHECK_VARIABLE("tL1 init error.", iRet); P(&tL2); P(&tL3); return; } void zero(ZeroEvenOdd* obj) { int iRet = 0; int i = 0; P(&tL0); if (!g_iOnce) { threadOnceInit(); g_iOnce++; } V(&tL0); #if 0 iRet = pthread_once(&tOnce, threadOnceInit); CHECK_VARIABLE("pthread_once error. \n", iRet); #endif for (; i < obj->n; i++) { P(&tL1); printNumber(0); if (i % 2) { V(&tL3); } else { V(&tL2); } } pthread_exit(NULL); } void odd(ZeroEvenOdd* obj) { int iRet = 0; int i = 1; P(&tL0); if (!g_iOnce) { threadOnceInit(); g_iOnce++; } V(&tL0); #if 0 iRet = pthread_once(&tOnce, threadOnceInit); CHECK_VARIABLE("pthread_once error. \n", iRet); #endif for (; i <= obj->n; i += 2) { P(&tL2); printNumber(i); V(&tL1); } pthread_exit(NULL); } void even(ZeroEvenOdd* obj) { int iRet = 0; int i = 2; P(&tL0); if (!g_iOnce) { threadOnceInit(); g_iOnce++; } V(&tL0); #if 0 iRet = pthread_once(&tOnce, threadOnceInit); CHECK_VARIABLE("pthread_once error. \n", iRet); #endif for (; i <= obj->n; i += 2) { P(&tL3); printNumber(i); V(&tL1); } pthread_exit(NULL); } void zeroEvenOddFree(ZeroEvenOdd* obj) { if (obj) { free(obj); obj = NULL; } return; }
#include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <assert.h> #include <stdint.h> #include <math.h> #include <pthread.h> #include "leetcode.h" /* * leetcode 114: * Level : mid * 1116. Print Zero Even Odd * realize by state var and semaphore */ #define CHECK_VARIABLE(l,r) do{if(0 != r){fprintf(stderr,"[%s], err:[%d]\n",l,r);break;}}while(0); #define SET_BIT(x, y) (x |= (1<<y)) #define NEG_BIT(x, y) (x ^= (1<<y)) #define GET_BIT(x, y) ((x)>>y & 0x1) #define L pthread_mutex_t #define LOCK(t) pthread_mutex_lock(&t) #define UNLOCK(t) pthread_mutex_unlock(&t) pthread_once_t tOnce = PTHREAD_ONCE_INIT; /* zero odd even */ L tL1; L tL2; L tL3; void P(L* t) { while (pthread_mutex_trylock(t) != 0) {} return; } void V(L* t) { if (pthread_mutex_unlock(t) == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "[%s].\n", "pthread_mutex_unlock error."); } return; } void printNumber(int x) { printf("%d", x); return; } typedef struct { int n; } ZeroEvenOdd; ZeroEvenOdd* zeroEvenOddCreate(int n) { ZeroEvenOdd* obj = (ZeroEvenOdd*) malloc(sizeof(ZeroEvenOdd)); obj->n = n; return obj; } void threadOnceInit(){ int iRet = -1; iRet = pthread_mutex_init(&tL1, NULL); CHECK_VARIABLE("tL1 init error.", iRet); iRet = pthread_mutex_init(&tL2, NULL); CHECK_VARIABLE("tL1 init error.", iRet); iRet = pthread_mutex_init(&tL3, NULL); CHECK_VARIABLE("tL1 init error.", iRet); P(&tL2); P(&tL3); return; } void zero(ZeroEvenOdd* obj) { int iRet = 0; int i = 0; iRet = pthread_once(&tOnce, threadOnceInit); CHECK_VARIABLE("pthread_once error. \n", iRet); for (; i < obj->n; i++) { P(&tL1); printNumber(0); if (i % 2) { V(&tL3); } else { V(&tL2); } } pthread_exit(NULL); } void odd(ZeroEvenOdd* obj) { int iRet = 0; int i = 1; iRet = pthread_once(&tOnce, threadOnceInit); CHECK_VARIABLE("pthread_once error. \n", iRet); for (; i <= obj->n; i += 2) { P(&tL2); printNumber(i); V(&tL1); } pthread_exit(NULL); } void even(ZeroEvenOdd* obj) { int iRet = 0; int i = 2; iRet = pthread_once(&tOnce, threadOnceInit); CHECK_VARIABLE("pthread_once error. \n", iRet); for (; i <= obj->n; i += 2) { P(&tL3); printNumber(i); V(&tL1); } pthread_exit(NULL); } void zeroEvenOddFree(ZeroEvenOdd* obj) { if (obj) { free(obj); obj = NULL; } return; } #define RETURN_IF_ERR(ret) \ if (0 != ret) {printf("Get errorcode = [%d] line = [%d].\n", ret, __LINE__); return ret;} int main() { int iRet = 0; int* pvRet = NULL; pthread_t tTid1 = 0; pthread_t tTid2 = 0; pthread_t tTid3 = 0; ZeroEvenOdd* obj = NULL; #if 1 obj = zeroEvenOddCreate(10); RETURN_IF_ERR(obj == NULL); iRet = pthread_create(&tTid1, NULL, zero, obj); if (iRet) return iRet; iRet = pthread_create(&tTid2, NULL, odd, obj); if (iRet) return iRet; iRet = pthread_create(&tTid3, NULL, even, obj); if (iRet) return iRet; iRet = pthread_join(tTid1, NULL); RETURN_IF_ERR(iRet); iRet = pthread_join(tTid2, NULL); RETURN_IF_ERR(iRet); iRet = pthread_join(tTid3, NULL); RETURN_IF_ERR(iRet); zeroEvenOddFree(obj); pthread_mutex_destroy(&tL1); pthread_mutex_destroy(&tL2); pthread_mutex_destroy(&tL3); #endif return iRet; }
VERSION 2: 单锁 t + 状态 guide 线程 a,b,c 竞争 t, 根据 guide 来看当前是不是自己的执行区间,不是则释放。 使用 pthread_mutex_t:
#include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <assert.h> #include <stdint.h> #include <math.h> #include <pthread.h> #include "leetcode.h" #define CHECK_VARIABLE(l,r) do{if(0 != r){fprintf(stderr,"[%s], err:[%d]\n",l,r);break;}}while(0); #define SET_BIT(x, y) (x |= (1<<y)) #define NEG_BIT(x, y) (x ^= (1<<y)) #define GET_BIT(x, y) ((x)>>y & 0x1) /* * leetcode 114: * Level : mid * 1116. Print Zero Even Odd * realize by state var and semaphore */ #define L pthread_mutex_t #define LOCK(t) pthread_mutex_lock(&t) #define UNLOCK(t) pthread_mutex_unlock(&t) int g_iGuide = 0; L tMutex; pthread_once_t tOnce = PTHREAD_ONCE_INIT; void P(L* t) { while (pthread_mutex_trylock(t) != 0) {} return; } void V(L *t) { if (pthread_mutex_unlock(t) == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "[%s].\n", "pthread_mutex_unlock error."); } return; } void printNumber(int x) { printf("%d", x); return; } typedef struct { int n; } ZeroEvenOdd; ZeroEvenOdd* zeroEvenOddCreate(int n) { ZeroEvenOdd* obj = (ZeroEvenOdd*) malloc(sizeof(ZeroEvenOdd)); obj->n = n; return obj; } void threadOnceInit(){ int iRet = -1; iRet = pthread_mutex_init(&tMutex, NULL); if (iRet) printf("pthread_mutex_init error.\n"); return; } /* do like this 0x000, 0x010, 0x100 */ void zero(ZeroEvenOdd* obj) { int iRet = 0; int i = 0; iRet = pthread_once(&tOnce, threadOnceInit); CHECK_VARIABLE("pthread_once error. \n", iRet); while (1) { P(&tMutex); if (GET_BIT(g_iGuide, 0)) { V(&tMutex); continue; } if (i < obj->n){ printNumber(0); } if (!GET_BIT(g_iGuide, 1)){ /* 000 -> 011 */ SET_BIT(g_iGuide, 1); } else if (!GET_BIT(g_iGuide, 2)){ /* 010 -> 111 */ SET_BIT(g_iGuide, 2); } else { sprintf(stderr, "[%s]\n", "zero error."); return; } SET_BIT(g_iGuide, 0); V(&tMutex); i = i + 1; if (i > obj->n) break; } pthread_exit(NULL); } void odd(ZeroEvenOdd* obj) { int iRet = 0; int i = 1; iRet = pthread_once(&tOnce, threadOnceInit); CHECK_VARIABLE("pthread_once error. \n", iRet); while (1) { P(&tMutex); if (!GET_BIT(g_iGuide, 0) || GET_BIT(g_iGuide, 2)) { V(&tMutex); continue; } if (i <= obj->n * 2) { printNumber((i + 1) / 2); } NEG_BIT(g_iGuide, 0); /* TODO: 010 -> 111 */ V(&tMutex); i = i + 4; if (i > obj->n * 2) break; } pthread_exit(NULL); } void even(ZeroEvenOdd* obj) { int iRet = 0; int i = 2; iRet = pthread_once(&tOnce, threadOnceInit); CHECK_VARIABLE("pthread_once error. \n", iRet); while (1) { P(&tMutex); if (!GET_BIT(g_iGuide, 0) || !GET_BIT(g_iGuide, 2)) { V(&tMutex); continue; } if (i < obj->n * 2) { printNumber((i + 2) / 2); } g_iGuide = 0; V(&tMutex); i = i + 4; if (i >= obj->n * 2) break; } pthread_exit(NULL); } void zeroEvenOddFree(ZeroEvenOdd* obj) { if (obj) { free(obj); obj = NULL; } return; } #define RETURN_IF_ERR(ret) \ if (0 != ret) {printf("Get errorcode = [%d] line = [%d].\n", ret, __LINE__); return ret;} int main() { int iRet = 0; int* pvRet = NULL; pthread_t tTid1 = 0; pthread_t tTid2 = 0; pthread_t tTid3 = 0; ZeroEvenOdd* obj = NULL; #if 1 obj = zeroEvenOddCreate(10); RETURN_IF_ERR(obj == NULL); iRet = pthread_create(&tTid3, NULL, odd, obj); if (iRet) return iRet; iRet = pthread_create(&tTid2, NULL, even, obj); if (iRet) return iRet; iRet = pthread_create(&tTid1, NULL, zero, obj); if (iRet) return iRet; iRet = pthread_join(tTid3, NULL); RETURN_IF_ERR(iRet); iRet = pthread_join(tTid1, NULL); RETURN_IF_ERR(iRet); iRet = pthread_join(tTid2, NULL); RETURN_IF_ERR(iRet); zeroEvenOddFree(obj); pthread_mutex_destroy(&tMutex); #endif return iRet; }
使用 semaphore,不要问什么用这个,因为最早就是用semaphore,后发现测试机器不支持,才改用pthread_mutex_t
#include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <assert.h> #include <stdint.h> #include <math.h> #include <pthread.h> #include <semaphore.h> #include "leetcode.h" #define CHECK_VARIABLE(l,r) do{if(0 != r){fprintf(stderr,"[%s], err:[%d]\n",l,r);break;}}while(0); #define SET_BIT(x, y) (x |= (1<<y)) #define NEG_BIT(x, y) (x ^= (1<<y)) #define GET_BIT(x, y) ((x)>>y & 0x1) /* * leetcode 114: * Level : mid * 1116. Print Zero Even Odd * realize by state var and semaphore */ int g_iGuide = 0; sem_t tSem; pthread_once_t tOnce = PTHREAD_ONCE_INIT; void P(sem_t* sem) { while (sem_wait(sem) != 0) {} return; } void V(sem_t *sem) { if (sem_post(sem) == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "[%s].\n", "sem_post error."); } return; } void printNumber(int x) { printf("%d", x); return; } typedef struct { int n; } ZeroEvenOdd; ZeroEvenOdd* zeroEvenOddCreate(int n) { ZeroEvenOdd* obj = (ZeroEvenOdd*) malloc(sizeof(ZeroEvenOdd)); obj->n = n; return obj; } void threadOnceInit(){ int iRet = -1; iRet = sem_init(&tSem, 0, 1); if (iRet) printf("sem_init error.\n"); return; } /* do like this 0x000, 0x010, 0x100 */ void zero(ZeroEvenOdd* obj) { int iRet = 0; int i = 0; iRet = pthread_once(&tOnce, threadOnceInit); CHECK_VARIABLE("pthread_once error. \n", iRet); while (1) { P(&tSem); if (GET_BIT(g_iGuide, 0)) { V(&tSem); continue; } if (i < obj->n){ printNumber(0); } if (!GET_BIT(g_iGuide, 1)){ /* 000 -> 011 */ SET_BIT(g_iGuide, 1); } else if (!GET_BIT(g_iGuide, 2)){ /* 010 -> 111 */ SET_BIT(g_iGuide, 2); } else { sprintf(stderr, "[%s]\n", "zero error."); return; } SET_BIT(g_iGuide, 0); V(&tSem); i = i + 1; if (i > obj->n) break; } pthread_exit(NULL); } void odd(ZeroEvenOdd* obj) { int iRet = 0; int i = 1; iRet = pthread_once(&tOnce, threadOnceInit); CHECK_VARIABLE("pthread_once error. \n", iRet); while (1) { P(&tSem); if (!GET_BIT(g_iGuide, 0) || GET_BIT(g_iGuide, 2)) { V(&tSem); continue; } if (i <= obj->n * 2) { printNumber((i + 1) / 2); } NEG_BIT(g_iGuide, 0); /* TODO: 010 -> 111 */ V(&tSem); i = i + 4; if (i > obj->n * 2) break; } pthread_exit(NULL); } void even(ZeroEvenOdd* obj) { int iRet = 0; int i = 2; iRet = pthread_once(&tOnce, threadOnceInit); CHECK_VARIABLE("pthread_once error. \n", iRet); while (1) { P(&tSem); if (!GET_BIT(g_iGuide, 0) || !GET_BIT(g_iGuide, 2)) { V(&tSem); continue; } if (i < obj->n * 2) { printNumber((i + 2) / 2); } g_iGuide = 0; V(&tSem); i = i + 4; if (i >= obj->n * 2) break; } pthread_exit(NULL); } void zeroEvenOddFree(ZeroEvenOdd* obj) { if (obj) { free(obj); obj = NULL; } return; } #define RETURN_IF_ERR(ret) \ if (0 != ret) {printf("Get errorcode = [%d] line = [%d].\n", ret, __LINE__); return ret;} int main() { int iRet = 0; int* pvRet = NULL; pthread_t tTid1 = 0; pthread_t tTid2 = 0; pthread_t tTid3 = 0; ZeroEvenOdd* obj = NULL; #if 1 obj = zeroEvenOddCreate(10); RETURN_IF_ERR(obj == NULL); iRet = pthread_create(&tTid3, NULL, odd, obj); if (iRet) return iRet; iRet = pthread_create(&tTid2, NULL, even, obj); if (iRet) return iRet; iRet = pthread_create(&tTid1, NULL, zero, obj); if (iRet) return iRet; iRet = pthread_join(tTid3, NULL); RETURN_IF_ERR(iRet); iRet = pthread_join(tTid1, NULL); RETURN_IF_ERR(iRet); iRet = pthread_join(tTid2, NULL); RETURN_IF_ERR(iRet); zeroEvenOddFree(obj); #endif return iRet; }
cond + mutex 最早用的,线程abc执行当满足条件时,否则竞争测试条件满足否。
void printNumber(int x) { printf("%d", x); return; } typedef struct { int n; } ZeroEvenOdd; ZeroEvenOdd* zeroEvenOddCreate(int n) { ZeroEvenOdd* obj = (ZeroEvenOdd*) malloc(sizeof(ZeroEvenOdd)); obj->n = n; return obj; } int g_iCurIndex = -1; pthread_mutex_t g_tMutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER; pthread_cond_t g_tCond = PTHREAD_COND_INITIALIZER; void zero(ZeroEvenOdd* obj) { int iRet = 0; while (1) { iRet = pthread_mutex_lock(&g_tMutex); if (iRet) continue; while (g_iCurIndex % 2 != 0) { pthread_cond_wait(&g_tCond, &g_tMutex); } if (g_iCurIndex == obj->n * 2) { g_iCurIndex = 0; pthread_cond_broadcast(&g_tCond); pthread_mutex_unlock(&g_tMutex); /* free obj */ zeroEvenOddFree(obj); break; } printNumber(0); g_iCurIndex++; pthread_mutex_unlock(&g_tMutex); pthread_cond_broadcast(&g_tCond); } pthread_exit(NULL); } void odd(ZeroEvenOdd* obj) { int iRet = 0; while (1) { iRet = pthread_mutex_lock(&g_tMutex); if (iRet) continue; while ((g_iCurIndex % 2 == 0) || (g_iCurIndex % 4 != 1)) { pthread_cond_wait(&g_tCond, &g_tMutex); } iRet = g_iCurIndex; printNumber((iRet + 1) / 2); g_iCurIndex++; pthread_mutex_unlock(&g_tMutex); pthread_cond_broadcast(&g_tCond); if (iRet + 4 > obj->n * 2) break; } pthread_exit(NULL); } void even(ZeroEvenOdd* obj) { int iRet = 0; while (iRet = pthread_mutex_lock(&g_tMutex) != 0); g_iCurIndex = 0; pthread_mutex_unlock(&g_tMutex); while (1) { iRet = pthread_mutex_lock(&g_tMutex); if (iRet) continue; while ((g_iCurIndex % 2 == 0) || (g_iCurIndex % 4 != 3)) { pthread_cond_wait(&g_tCond, &g_tMutex); if (g_iCurIndex == 0) { pthread_exit(NULL); } } printNumber((g_iCurIndex + 1 ) / 2); iRet = g_iCurIndex; g_iCurIndex++; pthread_mutex_unlock(&g_tMutex); pthread_cond_broadcast(&g_tCond); if (iRet + 4 > obj->n * 2) break; } pthread_exit(NULL); } void zeroEvenOddFree(ZeroEvenOdd* obj) { if (obj) { free(obj); obj = NULL; } return; }