【Windows API】Button Control Messages


Gets the size of the button that best fits its text and image, if an image list is present. You can send this message explicitly or use the Button_GetIdealSize macro


Gets the BUTTON_IMAGELIST structure that describes the image list assigned to a button control. You can send this message explicitly or use the Button_GetImageList macro


Gets the text of the note associated with a command link button. You can send this message explicitly or use the Button_GetNote macro


Gets the length of the note text that may be displayed in the description for a command link button. Send this message explicitly or by using the Button_GetNoteLength macro


Gets information for a split button control. Send this message explicitly or by using the  Button_GetSplitInfo macro


Gets the margins used to draw text in a button control. You can send this message explicitly or use the Button_GetTextMargin macro


Sets the drop down state for a button with style TBSTYLE_DROPDOWN. Send this message explicitly or by using the Button_SetDropDownState macro


Assigns an image list to a button control. You can send this message explicitly or use the Button_SetImageList macro


Sets the text of the note associated with a command link button. You can send this message explicitly or use the Button_SetNote macro


Sets the elevation required state for a specified button or command link to display an elevated icon. Send this message explicitly or by using the Button_SetElevationRequiredState macro


Sets information for a split button control. Send this message explicitly or by using the  Button_SetSplitInfo macro


The BCM_SETTEXTMARGIN message sets the margins for drawing text in a button control


Simulates the user clicking a button. This message causes the button to receive the WM_LBUTTONDOWN and WM_LBUTTONUP messages, and the button‘s parent window to receive a BN_CLICKED notification code


Gets the check state of a radio button or check box. You can send this message explicitly or use the Button_GetCheck macro


Retrieves a handle to the image (icon or bitmap) associated with the button


Retrieves the state of a button or check box. You can send this message explicitly or use the Button_GetState macro


Sets the check state of a radio button or check box. You can send this message explicitly or by using the Button_SetCheck macro


Sets a flag on a radio button that controls the generation of BN_CLICKED messages when the button receives focus


Associates a new image (icon or bitmap) with the button


Sets the highlight state of a button. The highlight state indicates whether the button is highlighted as if the user had pushed it. You can send this message explicitly or use the Button_SetState macro


Sets the style of a button. You can send this message explicitly or use the Button_SetStyle macro

【Windows API】Button Control Messages,布布扣,bubuko.com

【Windows API】Button Control Messages


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