Gets the size of the button that best fits its text and image, if an image list is present. You can send this message explicitly or use the Button_GetIdealSize macro
Gets the BUTTON_IMAGELIST structure that describes the image list assigned to a button control. You can send this message explicitly or use the Button_GetImageList macro
Gets the text of the note associated with a command link button. You can send this message explicitly or use the Button_GetNote macro
Gets the length of the note text that may be displayed in the description for a command link button. Send this message explicitly or by using the Button_GetNoteLength macro
Gets information for a split button control. Send this message explicitly or by using the Button_GetSplitInfo macro
Gets the margins used to draw text in a button control. You can send this message explicitly or use the Button_GetTextMargin macro
Sets the drop down state for a button with style TBSTYLE_DROPDOWN. Send this message explicitly or by using the Button_SetDropDownState macro
Assigns an image list to a button control. You can send this message explicitly or use the Button_SetImageList macro
Sets the text of the note associated with a command link button. You can send this message explicitly or use the Button_SetNote macro
Sets the elevation required state for a specified button or command link to display an elevated icon. Send this message explicitly or by using the Button_SetElevationRequiredState macro
Sets information for a split button control. Send this message explicitly or by using the Button_SetSplitInfo macro
The BCM_SETTEXTMARGIN message sets the margins for drawing text in a button control
Simulates the user clicking a button. This message causes the button to receive the WM_LBUTTONDOWN and WM_LBUTTONUP messages, and the button‘s parent window to receive a BN_CLICKED notification code
Gets the check state of a radio button or check box. You can send this message explicitly or use the Button_GetCheck macro
Retrieves a handle to the image (icon or bitmap) associated with the button
Retrieves the state of a button or check box. You can send this message explicitly or use the Button_GetState macro
Sets the check state of a radio button or check box. You can send this message explicitly or by using the Button_SetCheck macro
Sets a flag on a radio button that controls the generation of BN_CLICKED messages when the button receives focus
Associates a new image (icon or bitmap) with the button
Sets the highlight state of a button. The highlight state indicates whether the button is highlighted as if the user had pushed it. You can send this message explicitly or use the Button_SetState macro
Sets the style of a button. You can send this message explicitly or use the Button_SetStyle macro