Proj FuzzViz Paper Reading: Visualizing Feature Evolution of Large-Scale Software based on Problem a


背景:Hidden dependencies of structurally unrelated but over time logically coupled files exhibit a high potential to illustrate feature evolution and possible architectural deterioration
任务:从CVS和Bugzilla等系统获取modification reports和problem reports中提取功能相关的描述
方法:Multidimensional Scaling (MDS)
将这些报告的相关性以1. feature-connected files 2. project directory structure的两种视图来展示
作为案例研究,我们使用 Mozilla 及其 CVS 和 Bugzilla 数据来展示我们方法的适用性和有效性。


下一篇:日志报错 log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logge