1.拦截器 frida-trace oc方法hook:
frida-trace -U -m "类方法+/实例方法-[类名 方法名:]" 应用名 -m hook某方法 -M 排除某方法
var objcData = new ObjC.Object(args[2]) //转oc对象然后打印
2.hook c函数:
Interceptor.attach(Module.findExportByName(null, "方法"), { onEnter: function(args) { console.log("方法"); }, onLeave: function(retval) { console.log("after之后操作"); }, })
3.hook oc方法//采用API查找器和拦截器组合使用
var resolver = new ApiResolver(‘objc‘); //objc为要过滤的类 resolver.enumerateMatches(‘*[objc *]‘, { onMatch: function(match) { var method = match[‘name‘]; var implementation = match[‘address‘]; // 过滤需要拦截的方法objc_method if ((method.indexOf("objc_method") != -1)) { console.log(match[‘name‘] + ":" + match[‘address‘]); try { Interceptor.attach(implementation, { onEnter: function(args) { //参数打印 var className = ObjC.Object(args[0]); var methodName = args[1]; var arg_info = ObjC.Object(args[2]); console.log("className: " + className.toString()); console.log("methodName: " + methodName.readUtf8String()); console.log("arg_info: " + arg_info.toString()); }, onLeave: function(retval) { } }); } catch (err) { console.log("[!] Exception: " + err.message); } } }, onComplete: function() { } });
4.hook oc 方法2:implementation
//hook +[NSURL URLWithString:] var method = ObjC.classes.NSURL[‘+ URLWithString:‘]; var origImp = method.implementation; method.implementation = ObjC.implement(method, function (self, sel, url){ console.log("+ [NSURL URLWithString:]"); var urlString = ObjC.Object(url); console.log("url: " + urlString.toString()); return origImp(self, sel, url); //调用原方法,如果不调用则原方法得不到执行 //替换参数,将 URL 替换成 //var newUrl = ObjC.classes.NSString.stringWithString_(""); //return origImp(self, sel, newUrl); });
1.CaptainHook:使用CaptainHook提供的头文件进行OC 函数的Hook以及属性的获取。
CHDeclareClass(objC); CHClassMethod2(id, objC, objc_method, id, arg1, andKeys, id, arg2){ NSLog(@"参数1:%@",arg1); NSLog(@"参数2:%@",arg2); id result = CHSuper2(objC, objc_method, arg1, andKeys, arg2); NSLog(@"jieguo:%@",result); return result; } CHConstructor{ CHLoadLateClass(objC); CHClassHook2(objC, objc_method, andKeys); }
2.Logos hook:官网文档
%hook SBApplicationController
-(void)uninstallApplication:(SBApplication *)application {
NSLog(@"Hey, we‘re hooking uninstallApplication:!");
%orig; // Call the original implementation of this method