5+ (desktop)
Chrome 5+ (desktop)
Mozilla Firefox 4+
iOS 4+
Android 2.2+ Browser
Other WebKit-based browsers/runtimes
1.4.5+ Browser
BlackBerry Tablet OS 1.0.7+ Browser
Amazon Silk
Opera 10+
~~~~ $函数基本和jQuery一致 $(selector, context)
$(‘p>span‘).html(‘yoho‘).css({color: ‘red‘});
$(‘span‘, $(‘p‘)) // -> find all <span> elements in <p> elements
$(‘p‘).bind(‘click‘, function(){
$(‘span‘, this).css({color: ‘red‘}); //
affects "span" children/grandchildren
$(‘span‘, $(‘p‘)) // same
$(‘p‘).find(‘span‘) // same
>> 访问dom
get() // return array of all elements found
get(0) //
return first element found
size() // the number of elements in collection
each(callback) // iterate over collection, calling callback for every element
?? index(selector) index(dom) index(zepto)
index(‘selector‘) // the
position of element matching ‘selector‘ in the current collection
add() // merges collections of elements
first() // new collection containing only the first matched element
// new collection containing only the last matched element
eq(n) // reduce
the set of matched elements to the one at the specified index
find(‘selector‘) // find all children/grandchildren that match the given selector
closest(‘selector‘) // find the first matching element by going upwards starting from the current element
parents([‘selector‘]) // get all ancestors of elements in collection, optionally filtered by a selector
parent() // immediate parent node of each element in collection
children(‘selector‘) // immediate children of each element in collection, optionally filtered by a selector
siblings(‘selector‘) // elements that share the same immediate parent
(siblings) of each element in collection, optionally
filtered by a
next() // next siblings
prev() // previous siblings
filter(‘selector‘) // reduce the current set of elements to match the given selector
is(‘selector‘) // returns true/false if first element matches the selector
not(‘selector‘) // remove elements matching ‘selector‘ from the current
not(function(index){return true / false;}) // remove elements from
current collection if the callback method returns `true`
>> dom修改
remove() // remove element
html(‘new html‘) // set the contents of the
html(function(index, oldhtml){ return ...; }) // set the contents
of the element(s) from a method
html() // get first element‘s .innerHTML
text() // get first element‘s .textContent
text(‘new text‘) // set the
text contents of the element(s)
append(), prepend() // like html(), but add html (or a DOM Element or a Zepto object) to element contents
before(), after() // add html (or a DOM Element or a Zepto object) before/after the element
appendTo(), prependTo() // reverse appending/prepending
show() // forces elements to be displayed (only works correctly for block
elements right now)
hide() // removes a elements from layout
>> 位置大小
offset() // get object with top: left: width: height:
properties (in px)
height() // get first elements height in px, including padding and border
(equivalent to jQuery.outerHeight(false))
width() // get first elements width
in px, including padding and border (equivalent to jQuery.outerWidth(false))
>> 读写元素属性
attr(‘attribute‘) // get element
attr(‘attribute‘, ‘value‘) // set element
attr(‘attribute‘, function(index, oldAttr){ return ...; }) // set
the value of ‘attribute‘ from a method, for each element in
removeAttr(‘attribute‘) // removes an attribute
>> 数据缓存
data(‘name‘) // gets the value of the "data-name"
data(‘name‘, ‘value‘) // sets the value of the "data-name"
>> 读写样式
css(‘css property‘, ‘value‘) // set a CSS property
property1: value1, property2: value2 }) // set multiple CSS
css(‘css property‘) // get this CSS property of the first element,
looks at both .style object properties and the computed style
>> class属性操作
addClass(‘classname‘) // adds a CSS class
addClass(function(index, existingClasses){ return ...; }) // adds a CSS
class name from a method
removeClass(‘classname‘) // removes a CSS class
removeClass(function(index, existingClasses){ return ...; }) // removes
a CSS class name from a method
hasClass(‘classname‘) // returns true of first
element has a classname set
toggleClass(‘classname‘[, switch]) //
adds/removes class, or adds/removes it when switch ==
toggleClass(function(index, existingClasses){ return ...; }) //
adds/removes class from a method
>> 事件
on(type, [selector,] function) // add event listener to
off(type, [selector,] function) // remove event listener from
bind(type, function) // add an event listener (see
one(type, function) // add an event listener that only fires
unbind([type [, function]]) // remove event
delegate(selector, type, function) // add an event listener w/
event delegation (see below)
undelegate(selector [, type[, function]]) //
remove event listeners w/ event delegation
live(type, function) // add an
event listener that listens to the selector for current and future
die([, type[, function]]) // remove live listener
// triggers an event
>> 表单
submit() // trigger form submit event
val() // returns the
value of the form element
val(‘value‘) // sets the value of the form
>> css动画
animate(transforms, duration, easing,
animate(transforms, { duration: milliseconds, easing: ‘...‘,
complete: callback })
// use CSS transform/opacity to do an animation,
optionally supply a callback method to be executed after the animation is
// return property for each element
// e.g.
pluck(‘innerHTML‘) returns an array of all innerHTML properties of all elements
Utility functions:
$(document).ready(function(){ ... }); // call function after DOM is ready to
use (before load event fires)
$.isFunction(function), $.isObject(object),
$.isArray(array); // returns true if given parameter is a function; an object;
or an array, respectively
$.extend(target, object1 [,objectN]) // extends
(merge) the target object with additional objects. Modifies and returns
Event handlers
Adding an event listener:
$(‘some selector‘).bind(‘click‘, function(event){ ... });
Adding an event listener on multiple events:
$(‘some selector‘).bind(‘touchstart touchmove touchend‘, function(event){ ... });
Adding one event listener that uses event delegation to be only active on a range of children/grandchildren (as given with the subselector):
$(‘some selector‘).delegate(‘some subselector‘, ‘touchstart‘, function(event){ alert("I‘m touched!") });
Adding a "live" event listener, that fires on all elements that match the selector now and in the future:
$(‘p.yay‘).live(‘click‘, function(){ alert("Clicked a p.yay element!") });
Removing an event listener:
$(‘some selector‘).unbind(‘click‘, listener);
Removing all event listeners for a particular event:
$(‘some selector‘).unbind(‘click‘);
Removing all event listeners:
$(‘some selector‘).unbind();
Touch events
Zepto has several extensions over the jQuery API to make it easy to react to touch events.
$(‘some selector‘).tap(function(){ ... });
$(‘some selector‘).doubleTap(function(){ ... });
Swiping (e.g. "delete" button when swiping over a list entry):