C# 匿名方法 委托 Action委托 Delegate委托


匿名函数是一个“内联”语句或表达式,可在需要委托类型的任何地方使用。 可以使用匿名函数来初始化命名委托,或传递命名委托(而不是命名委托类型)作为方法参数。

C# 2.0 引入了匿名方法,而在 C# 3.0 及更高版本中,Lambda 表达式取代了匿名方法,作为编写内联代码的首选方式。


 using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace ConsoleTest
internal class Program
private static void Main(string[] args)
var dd = new Action<string>((item) =>
var s = string.Concat("aa", item);
}); dd("bb"); Console.ReadKey();
} }
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace ConsoleTest
internal class Program
private delegate bool DelegateAge(int age);
private static void Main(string[] args)
//lambda 表达式写法
DelegateAge delegateAge1 = (age) => age > ; DelegateAge delegateAge2 = (age) =>
return age > ;
}; Console.WriteLine(delegateAge1());
Console.WriteLine(delegateAge2()); Console.ReadKey();
} }
using System;

namespace ConsoleTest
internal class Program
private delegate void Del();
private static void Main(string[] args)
{ int n = ;
Del d = () =>
System.Console.WriteLine("Copy #:{0}", ++n);
d(); Console.ReadKey();
using System;
using System.IO; namespace ConsoleTest
internal class Program
private delegate void Del(int a,int b);
private static void Main(string[] args)
Del d = (a,b) =>
Del d2 = delegate(int a, int b)
System.Console.WriteLine("a+b=" + (a + b).ToString());
d(, );
d2(, );


using System;
using System.Threading; public class Work
public static void Main()
// To start a thread using a shared thread procedure, use
// the class name and method name when you create the
// ParameterizedThreadStart delegate. C# infers the
// appropriate delegate creation syntax:
// new ParameterizedThreadStart(Work.DoWork)
Thread newThread = new Thread(Work.DoWork); // Use the overload of the Start method that has a
// parameter of type Object. You can create an object that
// contains several pieces of data, or you can pass any
// reference type or value type. The following code passes
// the integer value 42.
newThread.Start(); // To start a thread using an instance method for the thread
// procedure, use the instance variable and method name when
// you create the ParameterizedThreadStart delegate. C# infers
// the appropriate delegate creation syntax:
// new ParameterizedThreadStart(w.DoMoreWork)
Work w = new Work();
//newThread = new Thread(delegate(object data)
// Console.WriteLine("Instance thread procedure. Data='{0}'",
// data);
//}); //也可以这样写 调用的这个接口public Thread(ParameterizedThreadStart start);
newThread = new Thread((data)=>
Console.WriteLine("Instance thread procedure. Data='{0}'",
}); // Pass an object containing data for the thread.
newThread.Start("The answer."); Console.ReadLine();
} public static void DoWork(object data)
Console.WriteLine("Static thread procedure. Data='{0}'",
} public void DoMoreWork(object data)
Console.WriteLine("Instance thread procedure. Data='{0}'",
上一篇:PHP 页面编码声明方法(header或meta)

下一篇:Manacher's Algorithm(马拉车算法)